
I Got Caught Lying To A Domineering CEO

After running away from home, Guan Ju accidentally picked up a drunk domineering CEO on the streets. She needed a place to stay for the night while he needed to vent his frustrations. It was a night of passion and they were unusually compatible, so they decided to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and got married. After their marriage, Guan Ju was considerate, sensible, and flirty. She never asked the domineering CEO about his work, and just stayed at home and be his decoration. The domineering CEO surprisingly doted on her, showering her with expensive gifts every day. But Luo Han always liked to pretend to be miserable in front of his wife. “I’m just a worker who helps his boss manage the company.” One day, Guan Ju was flipping through the financial news when she saw the domineering CEO’s photo. Luo Han returned home to a dark Guan Ju with the interview article placed beside her. “Care to explain?” Luo Han felt guilty. “He might be my twin brother who was cast out on the streets.” Then, Luo Han was schemed by bad guys, and his wife came to his rescue, displaying maximum combat ability. She could even remove bombs with her bare hands! Everyone was wailing, but Luo Han hugged his wife and explained on her behalf, “My wife is weak, so none of you can bully her!” Back at home, the domineering CEO pressed his wife down onto the bed and asked in a low voice, “How should I hold you accountable for lying to me?”

Cold Charm · General
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40 Chs

You Will Be The Main Character

Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Han quietly observed Guan Ju. She had a baby face, her smile was clear and tender, and her eyes were pure and clear. Such clean eyes were like those of an innocent deer in a pristine forest.

Luo Han reached out and pinched her cheek.

"You little girl, you really have great strength."

He felt her delicate and tender skin under his hand, and his mind wavered.

How old could she be?

She was a little girl who had just come of age, so how could she have experienced such darkness?

He had to have guessed wrongly.

Guan Ju pinched his cheek unhappily and moved his hand away. "Don't pull on it. It hurts."

"This hurts, huh?" Luo Han leaned in close to her ear. "I'll hurt you even more."

His voice was deep and magnetic, like the sound of a cello gently sweeping across her heartstrings. Guan Ju's face felt a little hot, and she stretched out a finger to poke his chest.

"Stop fooling around. I just spent 20 million, so my heart is aching."

"I'll make it up to you."

Luo Han smiled lightly and pulled her into his arms.

He looked at her lazily leaning against the window, like a cat basking in the sun, seemingly exuding a different kind of sensation.

He really could not hold it in anymore.

The distance between the two suddenly narrowed. Luo Han's thin lips were on Guan Ju's face and earlobe, gently tugging and nipping, igniting the flames of passion.

Guan Ju let out a stifled moan.

He tore open her dress, revealing her fair and supple breasts, which were like two lively white rabbits.

Luo Han buried his head between her breasts and took a deep breath. The fresh scent lingered in his nostrils. He stuck out his tongue and nibbled on her protruding nipples.

She could suddenly feel his teeth on her nipples, which brought her a slightly painful sense of pleasure.

"Ah, be gentle." Guan Ju tapped on his shoulder with a beet-red face.

The pain she felt on her private parts could not be compared to the intense pain felt during training. However, it was the kind of pain that she could not ignore. It was as if there were ants nibbling on the sensitive parts of her body, making her desire even more.

Luo Han stood up with a smile.

"Not comfortable?"

"Yes, it's..."

"Then, I'll give you more."

He carried her bridal style and threw her onto the bed, trapping her under him like a hungry wolf about to devour its prey.

"I found out today that you possess such great strength. Looks like I'll have to let you be the main character of this play."

"Hmm?" Guan Ju was a little puzzled. She was about to ask further when she felt Luo Han suddenly exert force and flip her around.

In an instant, the two of them had switched positions. He lay on the bed and looked at her with a grin, while she was seated on his lower abdomen. A thick rod was pressing against her butt, and its heat was spreading to her private garden.

Guan Ju's body was feeling inexplicably weak, and her hands unconsciously supported her weight by pressing on his shoulders.

"Han, let me down quickly."


Luo Han reached out and grasped her fair and tender breasts tightly, rubbing them roughly.

His waist also moved up and down, making her feel like she was sitting on a boat. She had no choice but to spread her legs. His hot rod kept rubbing against her perky butt.

"Ah, don't be like this."

Guan Ju breathed out a wispy shout. She could feel a pool of wetness forming underneath her body.

It was so embarrassing!

Luo Han also noticed it, and his smile became even more bewitching.

"Do you want it? Then, move on your own."

After saying that, he lay there completely motionless.

Guan Ju was so angry that she wanted to strangle him but, in the end, she could not resist the rising desire in her body. Thus, she sat up straight with a red face.

She trembled and spread her legs, aiming the already damp and blooming flower at his giant member. As she sat down slowly, the giant member also sank deep into her.

Instantly, a sense of satisfaction filled Guan Ju's entire body.


She shouted, overtaken by her surging emotions.