
I Got Caught Lying To A Domineering CEO

After running away from home, Guan Ju accidentally picked up a drunk domineering CEO on the streets. She needed a place to stay for the night while he needed to vent his frustrations. It was a night of passion and they were unusually compatible, so they decided to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau and got married. After their marriage, Guan Ju was considerate, sensible, and flirty. She never asked the domineering CEO about his work, and just stayed at home and be his decoration. The domineering CEO surprisingly doted on her, showering her with expensive gifts every day. But Luo Han always liked to pretend to be miserable in front of his wife. “I’m just a worker who helps his boss manage the company.” One day, Guan Ju was flipping through the financial news when she saw the domineering CEO’s photo. Luo Han returned home to a dark Guan Ju with the interview article placed beside her. “Care to explain?” Luo Han felt guilty. “He might be my twin brother who was cast out on the streets.” Then, Luo Han was schemed by bad guys, and his wife came to his rescue, displaying maximum combat ability. She could even remove bombs with her bare hands! Everyone was wailing, but Luo Han hugged his wife and explained on her behalf, “My wife is weak, so none of you can bully her!” Back at home, the domineering CEO pressed his wife down onto the bed and asked in a low voice, “How should I hold you accountable for lying to me?”

Cold Charm · General
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40 Chs

This Is My Strength

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Luo Han had returned.

He entered the room and saw the two women staring at each other. He frowned slightly.

"Mom, why are you here?"

"Han, if you had come back any later, you would have lost your mom." Li Lian ran over to him and changed her fierce look from before. She held his hand and covered her stomach. "That little b*tch actually hit me."

"I didn't."

Guan Ju rebutted her words flatly. Her clear eyes only stared at Luo Han.

"She wants me to take 10 million yuan and leave. She wants me to divorce you."

As soon as she finished speaking, Luo Han held his forehead helplessly.

He naturally knew his mother's temperament better than anyone else. She must have felt that Guan Ju did not have any family status and could not assist him. In that sense, she was not a good match for him.

However, he did not need a woman to assist him.

Thinking this, Luo Han's tone became slightly colder.

"Mom, I'm living very happily with her. Don't worry."

"I'm worried?" Li Lian's tears of grievance kept falling, as she pointed at her stomach.

"I'm her mother-in-law, after all. I only said a few words to her when she entered, but she became unhappy with me, so she got up and hit me. I was punched in the stomach, and it still hurts. You didn't even ask about my condition, and yet you're already siding with her?"

Luo Han's brows were tightly knitted, forming creases on his forehead.

He did not believe that Guan Ju would hit his mother. However, seeing Li Lian acting like this, he needed an explanation.

"Did you really hit her?"

"No." After Guan Ju said that, she turned around and entered the room.

Looking at her retreating figure, Li Lian wailed even harder.

"Han, look. She didn't even take you seriously at all. You asked her, but she didn't explain herself and just left like that. How would I have any status left in this family like this?"

Li Lian's voice was very loud. Luo Han frowned and stared at the door without making a sound.

A series of rumbling sounds came from the room.

Not long after, Guan Ju walked out with a plastic mannequin that was usually used for modeling clothes.

She glanced at Li Lian, who was still hugging Luo Han's arm and crying, with a bone-chilling gaze.


Her gaze contained boundless killing intent and exuded coldness. It was like a sharp knife, piercing straight into the depths of Li Lian's heart.

A sense of life-threatening crisis enveloped her, and the crying suddenly stopped.

Guan Ju handed the model over to Luo Han.

"Take a good look."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly clenched her fist and punched the model's abdomen.


The muffled sound of a fist making contact with plastic rang out.

Luo Han's eyebrows jumped.

Where Guan Ju's fist had landed, fine cracks were spreading out like a spider web.

Guan Ju retracted her fist and sneered.

"Three, two, one."

The model fell to the ground with a bang, and shattered to pieces.

The entire living room went silent.

Only then did Guan Ju look at Li Lian; her eyes filled with disdain.

"If I really hit you, would you still be standing here and crying to Han?"

Li Lian was stunned. Her face turned pale and she shook her head subconsciously. When she came back to her senses, she realized what her answer meant and looked at Luo Han abruptly.

"Han, why is she so strong? Who is she exactly?"

Luo Han shook his head.

"I don't know."

These three simple words made Li Lian feel like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Her hair stood on end.

"You don't know you and yet you still married her?"

"Yes." Luo Han smiled. His eyes were full of tenderness.

"I have my eyes set on her. It has nothing to do with anything else. I only know that she is now my wife, and my woman!"

Moreover, he had long since discovered her background.

Li Lian was so angry that she almost vomited a mouthful of blood. Even after getting married, Luo Han only knew that this woman's name was Guan Ju. He did not know anything else about her.

With Luo Han around, Li Lian was not afraid of Guan Ju making a move, so she simply sat down.

"Anyway, I don't agree!"