
I Got An S-Rank Ability

Aeks Aogatri. A boy with a mysterious identity, clouded with regret and fear inside his mind, he steps forward and tries to reach enlightenment.

NaNo_A · Fantasy
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19 Chs


What a weird day, the powers that I promised to myself to never use again, was used again. Just like how people die when they are killed. Guren city was a pretty peaceful place, usually because it didn't have path attacks that much.

Adventurers do get money as when they collect monster body parts they usually can sell them off for money. These body parts are imbued with something magical, there's even a computer that uses a certain monster body part.

Eventually technology advanced because of adventuring, and most people lived peacefully also because of them. But the fact is, adventuring was too dangerous. I became an adventurer because I wanted to be a hero.

Imbued with my S-rank ability, I was still naive at that time. A boy who knew nothing of the true dangers of this world. Naivety can lead to death and other things, now... I realized my mistakes that I hadn't notice from the start.

Eventually people like me, who retired had either tried to fit in to society, or simply went insane because of trauma. But, I knew one thing, no retired adventurer would boast that he used to be an adventurer.

Just thinking about all of the horrid things that you can experience while fighting the paths, or even entering one of paths dungeon, it's enough to make a grown man cower in fear. Death rained from above, from where me and my team used to stand on that field.

The barrier that I put up was shattered into glass, and then eventually I went insane and killed all of them with my own two hands. I don't know what face I had on that time, but I knew that I was simply a killer.

I walked through the fog and disappeared through the fog, being a retired adventurer means that your ability that can grow overtime can never be rusted. Meaning your physical strength is always there, speed is always there, but that does mean that your battle prowess can be rusted.

My expressionless face looked at the fog, it felt like I couldn't be happy anymore, I feel so numb. My footsteps made no noise, my expressionless face while no emotions swirled inside me.

This foggy city was kind of peaceful, in loneliness you find peace but when you dive deeper into that peace, you could see yourself feeling nothing. Loneliness consumes you until you can never move once more.

Your face that used to tell so many stories was now blank, loneliness was a feeling, and a certain reminder that nobody loves you. Only I live in my own world, and that's what makes it so tragic.

Because nobody was there. I looked at all of the things around me, my mind was thinking of nothing, there was nothing to even think of, all I can do is just walk like a mindless zombie reaching towards a past that I can never change.

And the worst part was I can never explain this feeling to anybody else, or rather it's because I'm feeling nothing and that's the reason why I can't explain it. The ability to smile was taken away from me.

My tired and expressionless eyes looked towards the ground. I suddenly stopped, loneliness can be an addiction, peace is in here, but somewhere deep down inside this peace, I've already lost my sanity.

I stopped walking, my hands on my pocket, and when suddenly rain started to come down. There was nobody in this side of the city right now, because a paths was summoned here. I bet adventurers went here to seek glory and fame by destroying the monsters from the paths.

But it wasn't like that. The rain poured on me, I snapped my fingers and in an instant a blue square was right above me blocking the rain. The only thing I could hear next was raindrops colliding with the ground.

I then looked at the sky with a peaceful face, the transparent blue square right above me made me see the rain clearly. I then started to walk forward. "What should I have for dinner?" I asked myself while my eyes continued to dull while remembering moments in my past.


I arrived at my house, opening the door only to see the woman, that I had fought, the one with pink hair was there.


"Where's the money though." I asked while she sighed, she immediately took out a suitcase and she threw it at me. I grabbed it with one hand and opened it. And what I saw was thousands of cash. "Nice..."

"Anyways, want to join my guild?"

"No." I flatly rejected her making her moan in frustration before walking past me and exited from the door.

"Anyways, goodbye "battle mage" If you're interested in the offer just call me by the way." I looked towards the table and I saw a card, a phone number card to be exact.