

Amidst the chaotic war, as I fled into the forest, I encountered a little child.

NabiArtist · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Chapter 13 Travel

[Early Morning]

Ellie slowly opened her eyes, awakened by the sound of people talking as she slept.

Her highly sensitive senses made it difficult for her to stay asleep.

"Did you sleep well?" 

She heard the voice of Flora who was now her 'mother.'

"Uh... yeah..."

"It's still dark outside, Ellie. You can go back to sleep if you want."

"Sis... no... Mom has something to do today"

Flora said. She still wasn't used to calling herself 'Mom' It might take some time to adjust to it.

"W... Where are you going?"

Ellie asked as she slowly propped herself up, rubbing her eyes.

When her vision cleared, she saw Flora dressed in a light blue dress, her face being lightly made up by a maid given her a natural look.

'Sis... really beautiful'

Ellie thought as she stared at her adoptive mother, her tail swaying back and forth.

"Oh, right... Ellie doesn't know yet" Flora said hesitantly.

"I have to go to the Astassec family for some business."

"The Astassec family is, um... how should I put it?"

Flora struggled to find the right words. She wasn't sure how to explain to Ellie that while she had adopted her as a daughter, she was also engaged to the son of the Astassec family.

After thinking it over, Flora decided it was best to just tell the truth.

"I have an engaged to the son of Astassec family. So Today, I have to visit them."

Ellie looked at Flora, processing the information.

"Is that... true?"

"Yes... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, Ellie."

Flora signaled the maid to stop applying makeup and walked over to sit beside the little girl on the bed, hugging her gently.

"Am I... causing you trouble?"

Ellie asked, her worry evident in her voice.

"Huh? No, no, not at all, Ellie,"

Flora reassured her, looking into her eyes. The concern in Ellie's gaze made Flora hug her even tighter.

"Do you want to come with me?"

"Can... can I?" Ellie asked, fidgeting with her fingers.

"Of course! Why not? You're my daughter now"

Flora said with a smile, gently stroking Ellie's head.

Ellie leaned into the touch before asking in a quiet, anxious voice

"af... after you get married... you won't leave me, right?"

Flora paused at the question, then sighed and cupped Ellie's face with both hands.

"I would never leave you, Ellie," Flora said seriously, then kissed Ellie on the cheek several times.

Ellie didn't resist the affection.

"Okay... I understand."

After spending some time comforting Ellie, Flora asked

"By the way... where did you hear that I might leave you after getting married?"

"Um... I heard it when I was in the forest... from some people in leather clothes dragging a lot of stuff."

"They said mothers usually abandon their children after they remarry..."

Ellie's voice trailed off, her tail drooping.

Flora sighed again.


Ellie tilted her head curiously when she heard her name.

"I will never leave you, even though you're my adoptive daughter."

"It might take some time to legally adopt you, but no matter what, I will make it happen."

Flora's words were filled with conviction as she looked into Ellie's innocent eyes.

"Okay... I understand" Ellie replied, lowering her gaze.

After clearing up their worries, Ellie decided to accompany Flora to the Astassec family.

The maids were busy preparing Ellie, who was still scared of taking baths, so Flora had to help her wash up since Ellie was still wary of strangers. It took quite some time.

As Flora watched her adoptive daughter getting ready, she admired how cute Ellie looked in the outfit they had bought together the day before.

"You look so adorable, Ellie."

She praised, kissing Ellie's cheek several times before remembering something.

"Oh, right... Ellie, you'll be meeting your grandfather today too."


Ellie replied nervously. She had never met Count Vasselieu or now her 'grandfather'

Since she had arrived at the Vasselieu household two days ago.

Seeing Ellie's trembling, Flora couldn't help but feel a little bad.

"Don't worry, Ellie. He won't hurt you."

Hearing this, Ellie's tail slowly started to wag.

The word 'grandfather' comforted her.

Now that she and Count Vasselieu were considered family, he wouldn't do anything to harm her, would he?

After Ellie finished getting dressed, the two left the room and headed toward the mansion's exit, where Count Vasselieu stood waiting with the head butler, who was conversing with him.

When Count Vasselieu saw Flora approaching, he glanced over, noticing Ellie in her arms, and frowned.

"You're bringing that child with you?"

"Yes. Now that I've adopted her, I can't just leave her alone, can I?" Flora responded calmly.

"Do as you wish" Grandolf sighed, rubbing his forehead.

Flora walked past Grandolf, heading straight for the carriage with an expressionless face.

Ellie, puzzled by this, tilted her head but waved at Grandolf when she noticed him looking at her.

Once inside the carriage, Ellie couldn't contain her curiosity any longer and asked

"Did you have a fight with Grandpa?"

"It's... complicated. I'm sorry"

Flora replied, her voice steady as she pulled Ellie into her lap.


Hearing her name again, Ellie looked up at Flora, who was gazing down at her.


"I love you" Flora said, pressing a kiss to Ellie's forehead.

Ellie, taken by surprise, started kicking her legs in embarrassment, her tail wagging furiously.

After spending some quality time with Ellie, expressing her love, the carriage finally began to move.

As it did, Ellie quickly got up and clung to the window, looking outside with excitement. Her tail wagged uncontrollably, which made Flora smile.

The journey to the Astassec family took a long time since the Vasselieu family was in the east, and the Astassec family resided on the northern border, a great distance apart.

It would take the entire day to reach their destination.

By now, the sky had darkened, and Ellie had fallen asleep.

She had been so excited about the journey that she spent most of the time looking at the sky, trees, and asking about the name of the birds that flew pass by.

The northern region had different bird species from the western area, so it wasn't surprising that Ellie saw birds she had never seen before.

Still, her eyesight was truly impressive.

She could spot and distinguish birds flying far away in the sky with ease, which even surprised Flora.

But the most surprising thing was how 'Ellie made strange sounds whenever she looked at the birds in the sky', completely unaware that she was doing it.

Her tail pointed downward, and her ears stood up straight.

It was the first time Flora had seen Ellie behave this way, and she found it so adorable that she wished she could capture the moment.

Flora gently stroked the head of the little girl who was now asleep hugging her own tail on her lap as she caught sight of their destination.

A white mansion surrounded by green fields.

'Despite being in the north, they found an area without snow'

Flora thought as she looked at the mansion ahead.

The northern region was known for heavy snowfall in some areas, making green fields like this rare.

Flora gently shook the little girl who was sleeping.

"Ellie, it's time to wake up."

After a few shakes, Ellie slowly opened her eyes, still groggy.

"Are we there already?"

Ellie asked as she yawned, stretching her arms and legs before sitting up and hugging Flora's arm, trying to sleep again.

"This girl..." Flora sighed, smiling as she hugged Ellie, who clung tightly to her arm.

"We've arrived, Miss" the guard's voice called out.

Hearing this, Flora shook Ellie awake again.

"Let's go, Ellie. We've arrived."