
Anomaly: The Vampire Prince

Elie Bethany Dracul, a college student, faced an untimely demise when accused of a crime he didn't commit. His first reincarnation thrust him into a medieval world filled with war and magic, but it ended tragically in another battle. His second reincarnation brought him to a vast new world, where he was adopted by a vampire god and gained an overprotective mother and sister as he navigates this extraordinary existence, a long-awaited system emerges, promising exciting adventures and challenges in a world of magic, power, and family bonds. Prepare for an epic journey with Elie as he explores his newfound destiny. Enjoy the ride!

S1NN · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Power Levels

Elie watched two episodes of Six Paces before he realized something, "Wait, it says the new episode was just released, and it's 2023." He mumbled, confused.

"I lived for twenty-four years in my previous world while eight years have only passed on earth?" He was now super confused.

AGHH* Elie screamed, frustrated; after racking his brain for a while, he finally gave up. What did he do? It's the obvious. "MAMAAAA!!" He shouted like a kid. Even though he felt it too childish, 'Wait, why am I behaving like this? I WAS OVER 40 YEARS OF AGE, INCLUDING MY ORIGINAL AND PREVIOUS WORLD!!... I'M AN ADULT!!!'

SIGH* There are a lot of things he can't understand. Before he could even start thinking again, he felt the Mana around him fluctuate. Even though his constitutions were sealed, he has still his talent.

"What's wrong, baby? I thought you were asleep now." Of course, Elizabeth could quickly know if his child was sleeping, but she wouldn't spy on her kids' privacy. She's a good mother, after all.

"Mother, I'm confused about something." Elie spoke, "You know, in my original world, only eight years have passed when I grew up in my previous world for 24 years." He asked.

AHEMM* Elizabeth cleared her throat first before speaking like a teacher. "You know, my baby, your 24 years of life in your previous world was only 3 years on earth."

Now, Elie was shocked. How is that possible? Well, scientists on Earth know it's real, but they don't know how to prove it, so it only became a myth.

Elizabeth then continued explaining. "If three years on the original world, Earth, are equivalent to 24 years on your previous world, you can find out how much time on Earth is equal to a day on the other world by doing math.

Three years on EarthEarth = 24 years on the other world

Now, let's convert this to days; both EarthEarth and your previous world have the same number of days in a year (approximately 365 days):

3 years on Earth = 3 * 365 days on Earth

24 years on previous world= 24 * 365 days on the other world

To find out how much time in a day on EarthEarth is equivalent to a day on your previous world, you have to set up the ratio:

One day on Earth / X days on your last world = 3 years on Earth / 24 years on the other world

Now, you can solve for X:

X = (1 day on EarthEarth * 24 years on your previous world) / 3 years on Earth

X = 8 days on your previous world

So, in this scenario, one day in your previous world is equivalent to approximately eight days on Earth. Time passes slowly on your last world, and a day is much longer than a day on Earth."

Elie could only nod. 'My brain is not braining,' He thought. "Don't tell me three months here is five years on Earth." He spoke loudly.

"Yes, a month here is three months on Earth," Elizabeth said.

"Does that mean Veronica is still alive?" he mumbled. Of course, Elizabeth heard it.

"Who's Veronica, baby?" She asked, acting confused. She felt her son's feelings earlier when he said that name.

"Nothing, mother," Elie replied. He then opened his phone. He then downloaded InstaShare, 'Veronica Parker' he searched.

In the photo, there was a young woman in her twenties. She had brown hair, green eyes, and a pretty face with plump lips and white skin. She looked gorgeous. Next to her was an adorable little girl holding her hand. The girl had long black hair, a round face with some baby fat, and the same green eyes as the woman. They looked happy together. Elie, while looking at this photo, felt a little tug at his heart, but he completely ignored it.

On the other side, Elizabeth was smirked. 'Interesting, she thought."

"So she has a kid now," He said, a little sad. 'I'll think about it later; I have a training tomorrow,' He thought.

"Mom, I'll sleep now. See you tomorrow."

The next morning.

Suddenly, the door to his chamber swung open, and a soft, polite voice interrupted his dreams.

"Your Highness, it's time to wake up. Her Majesty and Princess are waiting for you in the dining room," Layla announced, her voice as soothing as a whisper.

Elie, slowly stirring from his sleep, stretched and yawned. "Good morning, Layla," he mumbled, acknowledging her presence before heading into the bathroom to freshen up.

Layla, ever the dutiful and discreet maid, bowed in response and followed him silently, ready to assist in any way she could. She helped him out of his nightclothes with a practiced grace, leaving him in his undergarments.

After around thirty minutes, Elie emerged from the bathroom, refreshed and rejuvenated. Layla had already laid out a meticulously chosen dark violet-themed suit for him. She swiftly and skillfully dressed him, ensuring that every detail was immaculate.

Once he was ready, they glided through the corridors of the opulent castle, the purple sky casting a surreal glow on the marble floors. They arrived at the dining room, where Queen Elizabeth and Princess Elize awaited him.

As Elie entered the ornate chamber, he was greeted by the warm smiles of his mother and sister. Queen Elizabeth, regal and poised, was the first to speak. "Good morning, Elie," she greeted him.

"Good morning, brother," Princess Elize said, her eyes twinkling with affection and playfulness.

Elie responded with a gracious smile, acknowledging his family's presence. Having completed her role, Layla gracefully excused herself from assisting in the kitchen, leaving the Dracule family to their moment together.

As they took their seats at the elaborately set dining table, Elie's curiosity got the better of him. "What are we having for breakfast today, Mother?" he inquired.

Queen Elizabeth's eyes sparkled mischievously as she revealed the morning's delight. "We're having a Phoenix egg today," she declared, wanting to see Elie's reaction.

Elie's internal thoughts mirrored his surprise, though he couldn't help but be impressed. 'Phoenix eggs, for real?' he pondered in amazement.

The maids swiftly arrived, each carrying a different dish showcasing the phoenix eggs' versatility. Scrambled eggs, fried eggs, delicate omelets, eggs Benedict, deviled eggs, and many other unique and delectable egg-based creations adorned the table.

The dining room buzzed with anticipation, and the atmosphere was filled with the aroma of freshly prepared dishes. Elie couldn't help but marvel at the grandeur of his life and the splendid breakfast that awaited him.

Thirty minutes later, they finally finished eating. Elie also heard the system chime each time he took a bite. After that, Elizabeth called both of his children to start drinking her blood.

With her calm and soothing voice, Elizabeth told Elie it was time for his training. She flicked her finger, and they appeared in a fantastic training area that stretched endlessly, measuring 10 kilometres in length and width.

"Now it's time for your training, Elie," Elizabeth said, her words filled with encouragement.

Elie couldn't believe his eyes. It looked just like a giant oval Roman-style arena. It was filled with stone pillars, and each of these pillars held different types of weapons, like swords, daggers, and more, all hanging as if they were precious decorations.

Elie's eyes widened as he took in the extraordinary sight before him, and he couldn't help but feel a rush of excitement.

Above them, the sky was a deep and mystical purple colour, and it was filled with shiny stars.

Elie gazed up at the enchanting sky, captivated by its beauty. He felt a sense of wonder and anticipation for the training that awaited him.

The design of the training area looked like old Roman buildings but with a dark and mysterious twist. Detailed carvings and special symbols made it feel even more bizarre.

Elie marvelled at the gothic and mysterious design of the place. This was a place where he could practice and become stronger. It was a sanctuary where Elie would grow and become great.

"I'm the one who chose the design, brother," she said as she puffed her chest proudly.

"It's beautiful," he said.

"Now, Elize will tell you about the cultivation level first, and then we will awaken your elements." Elizabeth before creating three chairs with ice.

Elie wasn't shocked because, in his previous world, there were also people who could use elemental powers when rifts started appearing.

"Elie, I will now start teaching you about cultivation levels," Elize didn't call her as usual because she was now serious.

"There are five realms of cultivation," Elize began, her tone unusually solemn, "starting with the mortal realm, where you'll find stages one through seven." Elie nodded, absorbing this new knowledge. The idea of ascending through stages to become more powerful fascinated him, and he was determined to understand it fully.

"Ordinarily, young cultivators begin their journey at thirteen," she continued. "Most geniuses can ascend to stage seven within five years. But, well, I reached stage seven in just two years." Elize's voice showed her pride, and Elie couldn't help but marvel at her accomplishments. He realized his sister was extraordinary and felt a surge of pride for her.

Then Elizabeth chimed in, explaining the four kinds of talents within the cosmos. "Low, Medium, High, and Emperial," she said. "I was born with Godly talent, a rarity in the multiverse. I believe I'm the only one with this gift. And now, my daughter, you have it too," she added, a loving gesture toward Elize, who beamed with gratitude. Elie couldn't help but feel a mix of admiration and pressure, knowing that he had inherited this extraordinary talent.

Curiosity piqued, Elizabeth turned her attention to Elie, wanting to know about his talent. "I got to see it last night, Mother. It's said to be an anomaly," Elie replied. His talent intrigued him, as it was described as an "anomaly." He was excited to learn more about its potential and the unique path it might lead him on.

Their surprise was evident as they had never heard of such a talent. Elize then clapped her hands, bringing Elie's focus back to her. "Now, let's continue," she said, describing the quasi-immortal realm. "It's a semi-immortal stage, with King, Emperor, and Transcendent as its stages." Elie imagined the immense power that must come with each stage and the challenges one would face in becoming transcendent.

"The Immortal realm follows," Elize explained. "It's where true immortality begins, with stages like Immortal King, Immortal Emperor—where I currently stand—and Immortal Transcendent." Elie wondered what it would be like to be truly immortal, to exist beyond the limitations of a mortal life. The possibilities were boundless.

Elie listened with bated breath, his excitement growing as Elize delved into the Demigod Realm. "Saint, Divine, and Sovereign," she explained. The titles alone evoked a sense of awe and reverence. It was clear that reaching the Demigod Realm was a monumental achievement.

Then, the most enigmatic realm was unveiled—the Godhood Realm, seemingly the ultimate cultivation level. "Where there's only one stage, God," Elize stated. But as their gazes turned to Elizabeth, they sensed something more to the story.

Elizabeth created a barrier, concealing their conversation from prying ears. She revealed, "They thought God was the pinnacle, but they were wrong. There's something even higher, something I sensed but couldn't fathom until after my imprisonment. I reached a realm never before attained, the Celestial God Realm." Elie's heart raced with excitement and disbelief. He couldn't believe there was a realm beyond what they had just learned. The concept of the Celestial God Realm was shrouded in mystery and wonder.

Suddenly, the system chimed, interrupting the profound moment.


[1000 ATTRIBUTE POINTS ADDED] Enough points to reach stage two of the mortal realm.