
I Got a Job in Another World to Become a Mercenary

On the brink of despair, a young man on the verge of ending his life encounters a mysterious old man who offers him a chance to change his fate. Transported to a fantastical world, he is tasked with guarding a mystical gate that separates realms. Sh*t, why is it so hard to write a synopsis? Just read it and tell me what you think.

BiggusDikguss · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Rabbit Girl Debut in Modern World

The atmosphere at the base was lively, filled with the sounds of celebration and laughter, as the barbarians reveled in their recent victory. The entire base was engaged in a grand feast with an additional forty barbarians emerging from the mysterious fountain. It was their first significant victory, and it also served as a way to welcome the newly revived barbarians.

The new barbarians felt an instinctual compulsion to submit to Kai when they saw him. As a race that followed their instincts without much questioning, they accepted Kai's leadership wholeheartedly as long as he treated them fairly.

The feast lasted for two days, with no one bothering to hunt for more food since they had a surplus. Kai had also instructed them to wait for the fountain to revive more barbarians before taking further action. With little else to do, the barbarians spent their days eating, brawling, and mating. Of course, the Rabbit people also join in the festivities.

The barbarians' straightforwardness was surprising and awkward for the Rabbit people. Some of the barbarians even bluntly asked them to mate.

While some Rabbit people accepted, they set conditions that their partners must protect them from other males, take responsibility for their food, and care for their potential offspring.

These conditions were strange to the barbarians, whose society was more open and lacked the structured relationships common among the beastmen. Confused but respectful of Kai's orders not to force themselves on others, the barbarians stood back for now.

Amidst the ongoing celebrations, Kai, Yaria, Yod, and Evelyne had slipped away to the commander's quarters to discuss the next steps for upgrading the base.

"So, is there no one here who knows how to build anything?" Kai asked, frustration evident in his voice.

All of them shook their heads in unison.

"How about the others outside?" Kai asked again, growing more frustrated.

Once more, they shook their heads.

Yaria then explained that barbarians never bothered with complex structures; they didn't even build houses, as the ground and the bed were the same to them. Evelyne added that while some beastmen could build basic shelters, most were content with simple sheds.

"Hahh... looks like I'll need help from my world again," Kai sighed.

"World?" Evelyne asked, curiosity piqued.

"You'll know later," Yaria replied teasingly, making Evelyne even more curious.

With their discussion over, they each returned to their own business. Yod headed back to join the feast, and Evelyne went to check on her sleeping daughter in another headquarters room.

As Yaria and Kai returned to their quarters, Yaria shot a teasing smile at Evelyne, who responded with a huff of jealousy before leaving.

"Come here, Kai," Yaria called out, opening her arms wide on top of the bed.

"One moment," Kai replied, still focused on the hologram in front of him.

Displayed on the hologram were several requirements for upgrading the base, with the reward being a new fountain that would allow Kai to recruit another race.

Upgrade Requirements:

1. Expand the wall to 500 meters square.

2. Build a gate.

3. Build 2 more barracks.

4. Build 1 lieutenant's quarters.

5. Build 2 captain's quarters.

6. Tame a pack beast suitable for barbarian mounts to upgrade the Barbarian fountain to level 2.

7. Make a den for the tamed beast

Reward: +1 New Fountain (Random)

Kai's heart raced with excitement as he imagined the possibilities of a new fountain, a new race of mercenaries at his command. The barbarians were already formidable, but with another race under his rule? The thought sent a thrill down his spine. Yet, a small voice in the back of his mind reminded him of the risk—what if this new race was hostile? What if they turned against him the moment they were summoned?

He pushed the thought aside. He couldn't afford to dwell on worst-case scenarios, not when there was so much potential to tap into. With a confident grin, he leaped into Yaria's arms, her strong embrace grounding him in the present.

"Yaria, what kind of beast do barbarians usually use as mounts? Will a horse do?" Kai asked, his curiosity tinged with a hint of concern. He needed to fulfill the upgrade requirements, and taming a beast seemed like one of the trickier tasks.

Yaria's arms wrapped around him, her presence reassuring. "No, horses are too gentle by nature. They wouldn't suit us, not with our bloodlust seeping through our very beings," she explained, her tone matter-of-fact. "It takes a strong warrior to tame a beast fit for us—usually a dire wolf or a wild boar."

Kai nodded, recalling the distant howls he often heard at night. Wolves were around, but so far, they had avoided conflict. For now, he decided to set aside the beast-taming task and focus on the building upgrades first.

With no one in his mercenary group skilled in construction, he knew he'd have to seek outside help. The military was his best bet. And paying them wouldn't be an issue with all the gold he had accumulated.

As for what Yaria and Kai did after that? Well, some things are better left to the imagination.


The next morning, Kai entrusted Yod with looking after the base. Kai, Yaria, Evelyne, and Aya would be going to the other side of the gate for some time. He also took a few barbarians along to carry half of their rare materials, five boxes of gold, and some of the harvest the village had given them.

Evelyne and Aya had seen the gate from the moment they arrived at the base but hadn't had a chance to ask about it. Kai had no specific reason for bringing them to the other side—he just wanted to show some cultured soldiers that women with bunny ears were real. He couldn't wait to see their reactions.

With Aya in his arms, Kai walked toward the gate, accompanied by Yaria and Evelyne. As they neared the gate, Evelyne and Aya closed their eyes, feeling a bit apprehensive.

Upon arriving at the other side, Kai saw the two soldiers guarding the warehouse giving him a salute before freezing in place.

"Milf Bunny..."

"Loli Bunny..." they muttered, realizing that Kai had brought a new race from the other side.

Kai couldn't help but feel satisfied with their reactions, nodding his head with a smug expression. "UmU." (Cringe af)

The soldiers kept staring, their eyes wide with amazement, until they suddenly began searching for their phones to take pictures of these legendary beings. However, they quickly remembered they were on duty.

As they walked through the military base, Kai, Yaria, Evelyne, and Aya drew curious stares from the soldiers and staff. The sight of the rabbit-eared women elicited whispers and double-takes, with many unable to hide their amazement. The unusual group had clearly become the center of attention.

Upon reaching John's office, the guards outside were just as stunned. One of them quickly snapped to attention, opening the door and ushering them in.

Inside, John sat behind his desk, his expression a mix of sternness and curiosity. He stood as they entered, his eyes widening slightly at the sight of Evelyne and Aya. "Kai," he greeted, nodding, then shifted his gaze to the newcomers. "I see you've brought some new friends."

Kai grinned and gently set Aya down. "Jhon, meet Evelyne and Aya. They're from the other side of the gate."

John's gaze softened as he looked at Aya, who clung nervously to Kai's leg, clearly uneasy in the unfamiliar setting. Evelyne stood with quiet strength, her eyes darting around as she took in her surroundings.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," John said warmly. He then turned back to Kai, his military demeanor quickly returning. "So, what brings you here today, Kai?"

Kai signaled to the barbarian who had followed them. The barbarian stepped forward, placing a heavy box on the floor. Kai opened it, revealing its contents. "I need your help, John. My base needs some upgrades, and I'm willing to pay for it."

John raised an eyebrow, intrigued. The last time he saw this much gold was when he opened Saddam Hussein's safe, but he kept his composure. "Upgrades, you say? What exactly do you need?"

Kai pulled out a rough sketch of his plans. "We need to expand the walls, build a gate, add barracks, and quarters for lieutenants and captains."

"I'll need military help to construct the buildings," Kai continued, "and I hope the military can provide us with the blueprints."

John nodded thoughtfully. "That's quite the undertaking. But with the resources you're offering, I'm sure we can provide the support you need. However," he paused, his tone becoming more serious, "I'll need to consult with the higher-ups first. This operation will involve many personnel crossing to the other side of the gate, and I can't make that decision on my own."

Kai understood, sensing the gravity of the request. He nodded. "I get it. Just let me know what they say."

John offered a reassuring smile. "We'll work something out. In the meantime, make yourselves comfortable. I'm sure we'll be able to help you with your upgrades."

I want to change my pen name before signing the contract with Webnovel. I just feel it's ridiculous to use "BiggusDikguss" as my name. I'm thinking of changing it to something like "Hangry Cat."

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