
Han Chen Has My Photo?

"Oh, yes, I bought some on the way here," Zhou Mo responded generously, showing no signs of hesitation.

Liang Xinyunn saw her response, "What did you buy? Let me see if there's anything I like."

Zhou Mo approached and let Liang Xinyunn take a quick look, "Soy milk, buns, and the like, nothing as exquisite as what Dr. Xu prepared."

"What filling are the buns?" Liang Xinyunn asked.

"Auntie, Dr. Xu prepared such a good breakfast for you. Don't be tempted by my plain buns," Zhou Mo sincerely thought that considering Liang Xinyunn's current health condition, the liquid diet prepared by Xu Qingli was more suitable, as it was easy to digest and rich in nutrients.

Xu Qingli also said, "Yes, Auntie Liang, the buns might not be as easy to digest as the porridge. Plus, I specifically added minced meat to enhance the flavor, making it very appetizing. You should try it."