
[Chapter:9][Giving out Skills like free candy]

"Well, today, I'm going to teach you all a cultivation technique."

Looking at the eight kids who were looking at him curiously, Al continued his 'lecture'.

"Do you know about Cultivation? Let me tell you the basics then."

"Every human in this world has a 'Spirit', which they can awaken when they turn 6 years old. This Spirit can either be unique to themselves, or be something they inherited from their parents. For example, Aunt Xia has the 'White Rose' Spirit, so Yun'er and Yan'er have a chance of awakening the 'White Rose' Spirit as well. Or maybe it'll mutate a little, changing into, say, 'Red Rose' Spirit, or 'Blue Rose' Spirit. Or the mutation might be even greater, changing the Spirit to a 'Sunflower' Spirit or a 'Hibiscus' Spirit."

"Those with Spirit can cultivate 'Spirit Power', a mysterious energy that can make us stronger, faster, more durable, and even give us special powers! But to get these special powers, we must absorb special things called 'Soul Rings'…"

"Then there are also 'Soul Bones'…"

"Innate Spirit Power…"


For almost two whole hours, Al continued his speech, and surprisingly, all the listeners listened closely without dozing off or being distracted.

'Perhaps the effect of Spirit Power made them mature quickly? Or is it because the people here are inherently interested in anything related to strength?'

Al didn't really care which it was, as long as those with whom he had Max relation got stronger and lived better.

After all, after nearly four years, even though his relation with Tang San wasn't nearly that solid, the other seven…

'I still like them enough.'

Looking at the Loyalties and Affections which soon reached and even surpassed 90, going straight up to 96 I'm case of the two little girls, Al smiled in satisfaction.

"Now I'm going to teach you all a Cultivation Technique…"

He paused as he looked at the excited expressions on all their faces, even Tang San's, and poured cold water on their excitement.

"But the side effect of practising this technique is that you slowly become a girl, because this is a technique only meant for girls. Would you like to learn it?"

The six boys unsurprisingly paled, but surprisingly, the two little girls paled as well?

""B-brother Al! Did you practice it!? Are you going to become a girl!?""


Looking at the two girls who even forgot to complete each other's sentence, and looked like they would die if he nodded his head, Al chuckled helplessly.

"Don't worry. Although I spent a lot of time(1 second) and effort(touching the book) to learn it, I read later that the technique is for girls only."

"Ahh!" "Thank God!"

The two girls sighed in relief, while Al shrugged.

'I mean, I did read it was for girls only, but it was already too late. Still, it doesn't affect me, so it doesn't matter I guess?'

"Unfortunately, I don't know of a suitable cultivation technique for boys."

Al glanced at Tang San stealthily, and saw his tangled and hesitant expression.

'Hmm…it isn't enough. Should I give him bait?'

Al wondered if he should mention his 'unique ability' that could make their bodies automatically use the technique without them having to meditate. To Tang San who had more skills to practice than time, it would certainly be of fatal attraction…

"Brother Al, actually…"

'Well, looks like it's not needed.'

"I…read a technique, and it should be something that both boys and girls can practice."

"Oh? Really?" "Where did you" "read it" "from?"


"Maybe from some book that Uncle Hao has? It doesn't matter, but little San, are you sure you want to tell us about it? Cultivation techniques are really rare and important you know."

Tang San nodded his head as he looked at Al seriously.

"Brother Al, I trust you. And since you trust me and everyone here to share your own secret, I will too. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to call myself your brother."

'…wow, now I actually almost feel kinda bad for using that Card in him. Almost.'

Of course, he knew this was just the 100 Loyalty taking effect, but still, it kind of stung that he was using Tang San's loyalty and brotherhood like he was.

'Don't worry little San, I promise I'll take good care of you.'

((And his mother.))

'Right, and your mother. I'll take good care of her too.'


'Shut it.'

Looking at him, Al slowly nodded his head.

"Alright then. The one I know works better for girls, so I and little the others will learn from you, little San."

"Right. And I know other tricks too, but I don't know if you can learn them as they're pretty hard to learn. I'll still teach them anyway…"

After that, for almost an hour, Tang San taught the group the 'Mysterious Heaven Skill', the 'Mysterious Jade Hand', 'Controlling Crane Catching Dragon', 'Purple Demon Eye', and 'Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track'.

"I read about using hidden weapons too, but we can't practice without proper tools. I'll still teach you though…"

Al didn't listen to the rest as he looked at the prompts before him with a grin.

[[Learn skill [Mysterious Heaven Skill]?]]

[[Learn skill [Mysterious Jade Hand]?]]

[[Learn skill [Controlling Crane Catching Dragon]]?]]

[[Learn skill [Purple Demon Eye]?]]

[[Learn skill [Ghost Shadow Perplexing Track]?]]

'I don't have enough RP…but I know how to get them.'

Al grinned as he 'learned' the 'Mysterious Heaven Skill'.

"Eh? Brother Al, what are you doing?"

Tang San looked at Al, who sat on the ground cross legged and closed his eyes, strangely. But the next moment, his eyes widened in disbelief.

"T-this is!? The Mysterious Heaven Skill!? And this mastery!!?"

"Wow! Brother Al""already learned""the technique""so quickly?"


"Haha, as expected of Big Brother Al."

In a few seconds, the two girls' Relation reached 98, then 99, and finally…

Xia Yue | Affection : 100(Max)

Xia Yan | Affection : 100(Max)

[[Perk : [Shared Soul] gained.]]

Al grinned as he opened his eyes and hid the outward effects of the 'Mysterious Heaven Skill' that was constantly running in his body.

"Did I do it right, little San?"

"Ah…Ah…yeah…brother Al is really…talented…"

Tang San looked at Al as though he were looking at a ghost, and suddenly felt like the past few years of his life, and even his previous life, when he had spent nearly a whole decade learning the 'Mysterious Heaven Skill' and was even called the world's greatest genius due to that feat, were truly tasteless…

"Well, now I can show you my own unique ability."

Then, without waiting for them to respond,


((Sharing [Peach Blossom Art] with Xia Yue and Xia Yan, and [Mysterious Heaven Skill] with Tang San.))

The next moment, the three people I question froze, before knowledge coursed into their minds.

"The five of you, come here."


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