
I Gave Birth To The Male Lead's Child

Having died in a plane crash, Camille believed she was lucky to have gained a second chance at life when she woke up in a different body. So her surprise was great when she soon realized that the world she was now in seemed awfully familiar to the novel she had read a long time in the past. She could not remember much about it but was absolutely confident of one fact. “The male lead did not have any children!” She growled while looking at the bulging belly that was beginning to get noticeable. The novel she had read was about a cold and stern male lead who did not experience love at first sight but slid down the slope called love in a gradual and well-preserved manner. Even the woman he had eventually fallen in love with was someone comparable to him in all ways. They shared similar traits of being the best and not settling for less which was something that Camille had liked about the novel. However, there wasn’t much to read about two perfect individuals falling in love with each other. Hence she had absentmindedly completed the book before throwing it in the back of her mind, thus forgetting about it until now. But who would have thought that she would end up inside that very novel she had disliked for its characters being too perfect? Not only was she inside that novel but the body she possessed was a nameless passerby who would soon be giving birth to the male lead’s child. Yet Camille was confident that there had been no mention of the male lead having children with anyone throughout the novel! At the same time, the vivid memories of the night the original owner of this body had spent with the male lead were also irrefutable. Therefore, considering all sides of the story, there was only one path she could choose in this situation. “I will stay away from the male lead and let him have his slow-burn romance with the female lead!” She declared what she would do and was determined to see this mission through to the end. However, the man who kept approaching her made it seem that her mission was in jeopardy before it could even begin. __ Camille: I might lose my life if I get too close to the male lead… Male lead: When did I ever say that!? __ This novel has pregnancy, adorable babies, child care, and a whole lot of fluff~

ObsidianOrbs · Urban
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35 Chs

An Unexpected Reply

"Did you notice the file in the assistant's hands?"

Having placed his query before the two men here with him, Lance alternated his attention between them as he waited to hear what they had to say in response.

These three men, at some given point in their lives, had come across President Lin and through him, they had also met Assistant Dorian who was by his side at all times.

Hence at first glance, they had noticed the other man who had been walking behind President Lin and the unknown woman they had seen for the first time today.

As they neared the car, the Assistant had rushed ahead of them and held the door open for the lady, a gesture he had carried out with ease as though he had done it numerous times in the past.

They then all boarded the car which drove away from the hospital's entrance.

These three men had been observing them from afar but Boston was so invested in analyzing their body language that he had failed to pay any attention to what was in the assistant's hand.

Only after Lance had mentioned the existence of a file did he realize he had missed something earlier.

Therefore, he was of no help when that question was posed and even gazed at his smug friend with an oblivious look in his eyes, eager to hear what was about to be disclosed.

However, before Lance could answer, someone else had spoken up.

"The blue file?" An unexpected reply came from the man who had been lost in thought all along.

This silent friend was the one responsible for giving them the opportunity to witness such an interesting and intriguing sight, and he was also the one who had just muttered his reply.

Thinking back to what he had seen earlier, the tall man with deep blue eyes recalled noticing a little paper bag along with two other files in the assistant's hands.

However, only one of the items had caught his eye and that was exactly what he had muttered in reply to his friend's query.

For someone with President Lin's identity, a baby blue-colored file was an unexpected find as it did not match his personality in the least bit.

Thus the contrasting item had attracted his attention for a split second before his gaze returned to the woman he had been observing from the moment he had caught sight of her.

However, he did not reveal more than what was needed and only disclosed the information his friend was waiting for.

From the looks of it, his answer seemed to coincide with what Lance had in mind as his friend was now nodding his head in eager acceptance.

"That's the file for-" Lance began explaining what he had discovered but the sound of a door opening made him pause mid-sentence.

This abrupt halt in their conversation made the tall man dressed in a black suit narrow his deep blue eyes.

With a frown that expressed his displeasure for not gaining the information he was looking forward to, he turned his stern gaze in the direction of the untimely interruption.

The two individuals, who had just walked out of the door and who happened to be the cause of this interruption, froze when they were confronted with a pair of chilling eyes that were now staring down at them.

The tired-looking man donning a doctor's coat and the middle-aged nurse next to him had just exited one of the hospital rooms and had stepped into the corridor when they encountered this strange sight

They were on their way out after checking on the patient's conditions so they had no clue what they could have done wrong to be subjected to such a fierce gaze.

Hence the doctor coughed to alleviate the strange atmosphere that had formed only moments after they had stepped out of the room and into this corridor.

Though his back was stiff, he did not forget his duty and thus walked in the direction of the only people present in this otherwise deserted corridor.

The three men standing here were the ones who had brought the patient he had checked on to this hospital.

Therefore, he had to report to them the patient's condition before he could head back to his office.

As he walked toward them, he even shot a reassuring glance towards the older nurse who seemed apprehensive after what they had experienced a few moments ago.

They were still on duty and needed to uphold their professionalism, was what his sideways glance meant and the nurse nodded as though she had grasped what he was trying to imply.

With this, the two medical professionals reached the group of three men who had been here ever since the patient's treatment had begun.

"You shouldn't let him drink so much." The doctor admonished the three men who had been waiting out here.

His eyes flitted towards the tallest in the group, the one who had glared at them a moment ago, only to find that the fierce eyes from earlier were nowhere to be seen.

'I need rest.' He sighed inwardly as he had been busy all evening and it was now past midnight.

One of his patients had just been discharged after being treated for a severe allergic reaction and he had gotten right back to work without taking a break.

However, now he felt exhausted and only wished to rest once he was done dealing with this patient as well.

Lance smiled gratefully and nodded to prove that he would do just as the doctor had said.

He also did not forget to cast a cautious glance towards the tall man leaning against the floor-to-ceiling window who had reacted in such a hostile manner towards the two medical professionals who had approached them.

The three of them had been here for a while and had been waiting to hear about the condition of their other friend whom they had brought to the hospital this evening.

He did not know what could have caused his friend to behave in this way as he too was startled at that abrupt shift in his emotions.

Therefore, he glanced at his friend to make sure that he was fine and sighed in relief when he saw no signs of hostility that had been evident just a few seconds ago.

Hence, to compensate for their rude friend who did not speak a word, Lance and Boston were kinder towards the two who had been taking care of their sick friend.

"Can we take him home now?" Boston, a muscular man with luscious silver hair, inquired about the patient while smiling at the nurse who blushed when their eyes met.

His expectant gaze that was aimed at her worked its magic and she was ready to give him the answer that he was hoping for.

However, his charming smile did not work on the doctor standing next to her.

"Though he isn't in any immediate danger, we will be keeping him overnight to observe how he reacts to the treatment." The doctor responded before his nurse could blurt out wrong information in her current dazed state.

Noticing her boss's hurried reply, the nurse realized why he had done so which made her blush in embarrassment this time.

However, the doctor shook his head, indicating that he understood her instinctual response to such a pleasant-looking man.

He did not mind her bashful face but signaled that it was now time for them to leave.

Understanding what her superior desired, the nurse nodded and soon the two of them walked away from this group of handsome men.

Since they had completed their job here, there was no longer any reason to stick around.

The men could either wait here throughout the night or could return to wherever they had come from.

What they did was no longer their responsibility so the doctor left without looking back even once.

'Senior tosses all troublesome cases in my direction.' He sighed one last time as he finally walked out of this corridor with his nurse following after him.