
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (Rewrite in Progress......)

Getting a new ability every day, I’m really awesome. [Ability to acquire: Mind Power] [Ability to acquire: Immortal body] [Ability to acquire: Body multiplier] [Ability to acquire: Body of Steel] 【 Acquire ability…】 Villains: “For Gao Teng’s ability, we have formulated a careful battle plan, and we will definitely be able to kill him!” In the hands of… “Huh? It’s an ability I haven’t seen before!” “Don’t panic, we all know his weaknesses, and he will die today!” “Huh? How come you still have an ability you haven’t seen before?” “Don’t… don’t panic! We still have a chance!” “No! How can he have so many abilities, this is impossible!!” ... This is not my novel, I am only translating the real author name is Lord Tauren. And also, cover image is also not mine.

Rex_Zatch · Book&Literature
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53 Chs

Chapter 18 This guy is so annoying

Zhao Liang was completely stunned.

He was beaten down by a newcomer, and it was a fiasco.

The current newcomer, are they really so strong these days?

He wanted to fight back, but Gao Teng didn't give him a chance at all. He lifted him over and over again, and smashed him to the ground again and again, like a madman dancing, smashing the concrete floor into big holes.

Suffered such a severe blow, Zhao Liang's bones were shattered, and he was completely powerless to resist.

He lay breathless on the cracked ground, staring blankly at the sky.

Even the sky on liuhun Street is exceptionally clear.

Such an idea suddenly occurred in his mind, and the whole person was stunned.

Gao Teng felt very bored, he waved his hand like driving flies away, and said to Zhao Liang's two companions, "Take him away, I've had enough."

These two were dumbfounded, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

"Yo, Are you two awake?"

Gao Teng's voice sounded in his ears, the two of them were excited, and their senses returned.

"You...what do you want to do?" Both of them panicked, and their bodies took on a defensive posture.

"Don't add drama to yourself, it's not enough for me to fight you two together, get out of here with this person." The two looked at each other and saw the anger in each other's eyes, what a humiliation!

"Ah~" Zhao Liang groaned in pain, his appearance was so miserable, it was estimated that only a few bones were intact.

In an instant, the anger in the eyes of the two of them subsided, and they were filled with dense calmness.

They carried Zhao Liang up on their backs very quickly and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Until this time, Fang Meng broke out of the state of shock. She swallowed and asked, "Gao Teng, have you become stronger than before?"

Gao Teng said in surprise: "Why do you still have such questions? Was I not being obvious enough before? "

"But... your strength is improving too fast..."

"Fast?" Gao Teng was surprised at first, and then said calmly, "I think it's a very normal process, it may take one to two years to reach the level of Super S Grade, it's perfectly normal."

Fang Meng's lips pursed into a slit.

She just can't beat Gao Teng, otherwise, this guy would have died hundreds of times.

"Gao Teng, I have something to ask you." Fang Meng's expression became serious.

Gao Teng said: "I know what you want to say, you want to ask me how I train? And if possible, I teach you my method?"

Fang Meng's eyes showed anticipation, "Is it okay?"

Gao Teng waved his hand, "Don't think too much, I have never trained seriously. As I told you a few days ago, I'm a genius, and a little sweat from me just makes people feel hopeless. "

Fang Meng responded with a polite smile.

She wanted to hit someone.

"Let's go, let's finish the task."

Fang Meng gave up, she sighed, pointed to the miserable Chen Yuan, and asked, "What about him?"

Gao Teng scratched his head, "If you hadn't said, I almost nearly forgot about him. It's a little troublesome to bring him. You wait here, I'll go back help quickly?"

"I'll go." Fang Meng said, "The gap between me, and you are getting bigger and bigger. If this continues, it will just drag you down."

"Why do you have this illusion?"

"How can it be an illusion?" Fang Meng smiled wryly, "You have already forced me too much now that I have to believe this illusion as a reality."

"No, you misunderstood, I mean, haven't you been holding me back? You think about it, our first mission…"

Before Gao Teng's words were finished, Fang Meng left angrily.

This guy is so annoying!

Not long after, Fang Meng came back with a few drops of blood on her face.

After venting, she felt much better.

"it's over?"

Fang Meng nodded, "Yes."

"Then let's go." Gao Teng dragged Chen Yuan's arm like a dead pig.

"It hurts..." Chen Yuan shouted, he was covered with wounds, and Gao Teng's rude behavior simply wanted to kill him.

"It hurts, it is good, if you hadn't felt anything, you're a corpse."

"You can just kill me!" Gao Teng paused, looked at Fang Meng and said, "Did the Security Bureau say that it must be captured alive?"

Fang Meng shook his head, "Because capable people are very harmful to society, once they are wanted by the Security Bureau, they will be life and death."

"I… I just said nonsense, don't take it seriously, okay?" Chen Yuan begged pitifully, it was really sad for those who heard it, and tears for those who heard it.

Gao Teng and Fang Meng looked at each other and smiled, and continued to walk out.

Walking out of Liuhun Street, there is a wide road outside, and across the road is the bustling urban area.

Heaven and **** are just a line apart.

Fang Meng said with some emotion: "If the Security Bureau wants to solve the problem of Liuhun Street, they should be able to do it, right?"

"But the world needs poor people." Gao Teng said, "Let me analyze the benefits for you.

The first benefit is that the class is clear, which can make people of a higher class feel superior.

The second benefit is to stimulate people's hearts in the struggle. If you don't want to live a bad life, you must work hard every day.

The third advantage is that poverty breeds evil and destroys social order. If there is peace everywhere, full of truth, goodness, and beauty, what else would the security bureau do? "

Fang Meng said: "You're thinking is too bad, there may be some things that are engraved in your bones. Even if the residents of Liuhun Street are transferred to the bustling and bustling urban area, it may become another Liuhun Street."

Gao Teng rolled his eyes, "Your opinion is not much better than mine."

Fang Meng smiled, "The combination of our two opinions may be the truth."

"What? Do you think what I just said was a joke? I am serious! "

Gao Teng let go of Chen Yuan's hand. The man was so painful that he fell into a coma. He continued, "I'll leave this man to you. See you on our next mission."

The two said goodbye to each other. After Fang Meng handed in the wanted mission, she put all the 200,000 cash into Gao Teng's bank card.

She felt that Chen Yuan was solved by Gao Teng alone, and she was not qualified to take the money.

Gao Teng thought she was very self-aware and praised her with great relief.

Received the compliment, Fang Meng seemed very happy, hung up the phone emotionally, and probably went to celebrate.

Soon, it was the next day.

Gao Teng got a new ability [Enhanced Sense of Smell]. After using this ability, his sense of smell became very sensitive, and he could directly apply it as a police dog.

After breakfast, Fang Meng didn't call, so she probably didn't find a suitable task.

Gao Teng decided to devote his time to practicing, push-ups, back-ups, squats, leapfrog, and shadow-boxing...

These all have to be practiced.

After his physical fitness improved, Gao Teng really changed. One hour passed, two hours passed, and he was still energetic and did not feel any fatigue.

(end of this chapter)


Lord Tauren: Real Author

Fake Author/Translator Zatch[King]Rex


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