
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

8: Don't you have a weight scale at home?

Everyone was hesitant, Gu Xiao stepped out of the crowd and said lightly, "I want to challenge Gao Teng."

"you sure?"

  Xue Dong narrowed his eyes slightly, Gu Xiao is not an opponent that can be easily dealt with, among the crowd, his performance is quite outstanding, and his strength should not be underestimated.

"I'm sure."

  Gu Xiao said without hesitation.

   "You must have seen how strong Gao Teng is.

   I think you'd better choose someone else. With your strength, you will be guaranteed a spot. If you are defeated by Gao Teng, you will have no chance. "

   Xue Dong's persuasion on the surface is actually very meaningful.

  Gu Xiao shook his head and said with a smile, "I have confidence in my own strength and will not easily lose to him."

Xue Dong felt that what he said might not be clear enough, and did not let Gu Xiao understand what he meant. He was about to call the young man again, but Gu Xiao said first: "Mr. Xue, I understand what you mean, and so do I. I know you have a good relationship with Gao Teng.

  You think that Gao Teng is only one opponent away from getting the spot, and you don't want me to make trouble.

   Yes, anyway, I have the strength, and winning the quota is a sure thing, why can't I sell you a face and let Gao Teng pass the test smoothly?

   But don't you think it's unfair?

  Since the rules are here, we need each of us to abide by them, instead of operating in the dark!

   Everyone is right, right? "

   "Yes, that's too unfair, we oppose it!"

   Everyone agreed and was instigated by Gu Xiao.

   Xue Dong's mouth curled into a sneer, which became more and more intense.

   He could see that this kid surnamed Gu was not as kind as he looked.

   A sense of justice?

   Xue Dong disagreed, he felt jealous.

   The smile on Gu Xiao's face was too fake, and his eyes betrayed his true thoughts.

   This kid is too scheming!

   "You really want to challenge me?"

   Gao Teng couldn't help but interjected.

   After the wheel battle, the energy in his body did not lose much, and he was still at its peak.

  Gu Xiao's strength is far inferior to him, and his strength ranking is 27381st in D-level.

   Obviously had a chance to win the spot, but it turned out to be a road of no return, which is a bit of a pity.

   "Are you afraid?"

  Gu Xiao smiled and looked at Gao Teng.

  The two looked at each other, and Gao Teng's eyes gradually changed. He didn't hate this person at first, but now, Gu Xiao's demeanor made him very uncomfortable.

   "Do you think I'm afraid?"

   Gao Teng asked with a smile.

   "I'm afraid I don't know, but you will definitely feel a pity that I have reached the last step, but I am your opponent."

   Gao Teng scratched his head and wondered: "Don't you buy a scale at home? Why don't you know your weight?"

  Gu Xiao's face sank instantly, revealing his evil spirit.

   "Since you want to challenge me, let's start quickly, don't waste everyone's time, they're quite busy."


   Gu Xiao's face showed a smile again, but there was no smile, which made people feel gloomy.

   Gao Teng looked at the good eldest brother, Xue Dong did not immediately let the two start fighting, he walked over to Gao Teng and whispered: "Are you really going to fight him?"

  Gao Teng shrugged, "Do you think I still have a choice?"

   "How sure are you?"

   "Don't underestimate me, isn't it easy to deal with a miscellaneous fish?"

   Xue Dong widened his eyes, "So arrogant?"

   "I told you before, I was stating the facts, why do you always look down on me?"

  Xue Dong pondered for a moment, patted Gao Teng's shoulder and said, "His ability is a laser. Be careful, he especially restrains your ability."

   Gao Teng smiled, restraining my ability?


   "Mr. Xue, are you wrong?

   Your current identity should be neutral and not take sides with us.

   I vaguely heard that you are revealing my information to Gao Teng. "

   "I'm partial to anyone I like, can you **** control it?

   Lao Tzu is unfair, you go to the Security Bureau and sue me!

   The newcomers who sue Laozi every year are not eight thousand or ten thousand. You have to queue up to know? "

  Xue Dong spit out the fragrance and cursed Gu Xiao bloody.

  Gu Xiao's face became gloomy again, Xue Dong made him very faceless.

   "That is, my temper is better now, and I would have killed you two years ago."

  Xue Dong said another sentence, Gu Xiao's face was flushed red, and he didn't even dare to fart.

   He took this humiliation deeply in his heart, and one day in the future, he will definitely pay it back!


   Gu Xiao suddenly thought that he could vent on Gao Teng.

   Isn't now an opportunity?

  Thinking of this, the eyes he looked at Gao Teng became colder.

  Super S-level potential…

   Being tortured in front of everyone's eyes will leave a lot of trauma to the spirit, right?

   Maybe it will be slumped.

  When I was a teenager, I had the strongest self-esteem, and there were so many girls…

  Gu Xiao became happier the more he thought about it, and his heart became more and more distorted, all reflected on his face.

   Xue Dong snorted coldly, "The fifth match is Gao Teng VS Gu Xiao, the battle begins!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, Gu Xiao suddenly came back to his senses. He immediately pulled away and raised his hand. A scorching red light shone on his fingertips and shot out instantly.


  Gu Xiao couldn't help but let out a suspicious voice, but Gao Teng actually disappeared before his eyes.

   In the next second, the back of his head was covered by his palm.

   "You underestimate my speed."

   After Gao Teng finished speaking, he slammed Gu Xiao's head on the ground, the concrete floor suddenly cracked, and blood slowly seeped out.

  Gu Xiao fell into a coma and lost his ability to fight again.


   The audience was silent again.

   The impact this time was even greater. Among the crowd, Gu Xiao's strength was at the upper end, but he was defeated by Gao Teng in one round.

   is incredible.

  Is this the super S-level potential?

   is so terrifying.

   It took a long time for Xue Dong to close his mouth. He thought that even if Gao Teng could defeat Gu Xiao, he would have to go through a hard fight, but he didn't expect it to be so neat.

   "You have a heavy mind, and you hide your strength by learning from me."

   Xue Dong's tone contained a bit of complaint.

   Gao Teng raised his eyebrows, "Otherwise, why would you be a blockbuster?"

   "If I knew you were so powerful, why should I worry?

  You waste my feelings! "

   "I told you, winning five people is a piece of cake, don't you believe I can do anything?"

   "The speed you burst out at that moment is quite good."

   "It's nothing, it's not that I'm strong, it's just that the opponent is too weak."

   Gao Teng seems to be modest, but he is actually bragging about himself.

The moment when   Gu Xiao was about to release the laser, he directly activated the two abilities of [Speed ​​Enhancement] and [Defense Enhancement], and moved behind this person with a thunderous speed, and the sound was settled.

   This is the difference between 27381 and 870.

   is out of reach.