
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

45: i think of a movie

The cigarette fell out of Xue Dong's mouth, and he closed his chin with his hand, "This thing reminds me of a movie where a scientist accidentally knocked over some kind of chemical solution while maintaining prostate gland at night, and then There has been a great mutation that will destroy the world."


   "Would you like to hear about the movie?"

"Come on."


  Suddenly, a gigantic sword beam slashed towards the slime monster, leaving deep ravines on the ground wherever it passed along the way.

   "Awesome, S-rank is really scary."

   Xue Dong couldn't help sighing, just feeling the power of the sword light, he felt a sense of despair that he was powerless to resist, if he was hit by the sword light, he would definitely die instantly.

   While speaking, the slime monster's body was divided in two, squirming rapidly, and trying to gather together again.

  Qin Zhan instantly crossed a distance of dozens of meters, and the two arms that turned into sharp blades danced wildly, slicing the slime monster into several pieces, exposing a violently pulsing heart, the size of a head.


   Blood spattered, and his heart was pierced by a sharp blade.

   The slime monster's body instantly became stiff, and it collapsed and flowed all over the ground.

   Dozens of corpses were exposed, all turned into skinny mummies.

   Some are members of the Security Bureau, some are laboratory staff, and some are monster-like experimental subjects, who can't see the shape of a human at all.

   Gao Teng secretly rejoiced that his choice was indeed correct. If he went to the laboratory, he would be one of the members wrapped in mucus.

   "Look at that corpse, is it dressed in the same clothes as Fang Meng?"

  Xue Dong pointed at a corpse and said in shock.

   "No... no?"

   Gao Teng looked over in disbelief. The man turned into a mummified corpse, and he couldn't tell what he looked like, but his clothes and hairstyle were very similar to Fang Meng.

"how come?

How could this be? ! "

   Gao Teng fell back several steps, his heart ached so much that he couldn't breathe.

   "It's so hard to find a partner like Fang Meng who can hold multiple roles. Drivers, cooks, pretty vases, supporting characters who set off my beatings, 666 viewers...

   She is also able to solve the troubles of the task, which makes me worry. I will never meet such a good person in the future. "

  Gao Teng thought about it, tears welled up, he covered his face, in great pain.

   "I thank you for your compliment."

  Fang Meng's voice suddenly rang out, gnashing his teeth.


   Gao Teng raised his head and followed the sound.

   Fang Meng glared at him fiercely.

   "You're still alive, great!"

   Gao Teng rushed over and gave her a big hug.

   "You go away!"

  Fang Meng pushed him away.

   "What's the matter?" Xue Dong asked curiously, "What happened to you in the laboratory?"

   "Forget it."

  Fang Meng explained the general process.

   They went to the laboratory, controlled the staff at the fastest speed, and killed all the monster experimental subjects locked in the observation room.

   Seeing that the dust of this mission was settled, I did not expect that the laboratory staff suddenly resisted, smashed the glass container, and released the slime monster soaked in the nutrient solution.

   The slime monster immediately woke up, swallowed the laboratory staff, and then swallowed the dead experimental body and several members of the Security Bureau, and fled to the ground.

   Xue Dong touched the stubble of his chin, "This slime monster doesn't look special, and was killed casually."

  Gao Teng has a different opinion, because he has a sense of danger, the source of which comes from the slime monster.

   "It's not that simple, look!"

  Xue Dong looked in the direction of Gao Teng's finger, and the slime monster flowing on the ground suddenly glowed with vitality, quickly gathered together, and swallowed several members of the Security Bureau who approached to check the situation.

   These people struggled violently, and various abilities exploded.

   Some powerful people broke free from the slime and quickly pulled away.

   And those with weak abilities are wrapped in mucus with fear on their faces, and their life energy is devoured frantically.

   Qin Zhan's expression changed, and anger welled up in his heart.

   He immediately rushed towards the slime monster, slashed the slime with a sharp blade, and rescued the swallowed person.

   But in just a short while, these people turned into skinny mummies. And the slime monster, whose size has increased several times, is like a hill.

   Qin Zhan's whole body's blood boiled, and blue veins burst out on his face. With a roar, he cut out dense slashing lines in an instant, forming an incomparably sharp knife net covering the slime monster.

   Time seems to stand still, and even the wind no longer flows.


   The slime monster's body collapsed, the glue-like liquid splashed everywhere, and the recreated heart was chopped into pieces.

   Under such an attack, the slime monster should definitely die, right?


   The slime monsters gathered together again, rushing towards the city like a flood.

   It seems to be conscious, knowing that it is not an opponent of Qin Zhan, fleeing into the city, devouring more people, and gaining stronger power.

   "Everyone stop it, don't let it escape!"

   Under the voice of Qin Zhan, everyone shot together.

   All kinds of lights shine, like gorgeous fireworks in the dark night.

   Under the indiscriminate bombardment of everyone, the slime monsters were beaten everywhere, but they gathered together again and continued to surge towards the city.

   Gao Teng couldn't help but say: "Is this thing an immortal body?"

  Xue Dong said solemnly: "Looking at the direction it is going, it should be going to the city, if you can't stop it, it will be a terrifying disaster.

   Fortunately, the food factory is dozens of kilometers away from the city, and we still have a chance. "

   Under the siege and interception of the crowd, the slime monsters were scattered again and again, but gathered again and again.

   No matter what method is used, freezing, fire attack, sound wave shock... can't kill it.

   However, the slime monster has shrunk a lot in size, proving that it still obeys the law of conservation of energy.

   Probably need to consume the life energy in the body?

   "Let's work harder, this slime monster won't last long."

   Qin Zhan's voice just fell, and a few bright lights shot from a distance.

   Everyone looked at each other, secretly saying that it was not good.

   The reporter must be ready to enter.

   "Quick! Go and stop those reporters so they don't get close!"

   Hearing the words, several capable people acted and flew towards the light.

   At this moment, the slime monster proved to everyone that it does have a conscious existence, and it also rushed away in the direction of the light.

   "Stop it!"

  As Qin Zhan shouted loudly, the crowd's attack immediately became violent.

   However, the capable person who left did not stop the reporter's car, and several cars stepped on the accelerator and drove over with a roar.

   "Brother Qin, they can't stop them if they don't listen to us!"

   The capable person lying on the roof shouted loudly, with a very aggrieved expression.

   Qin Zhan was furious, "These reporters don't care about anything in order to make big news!"

   (end of this chapter)