
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

43: Born with a noble soul

 After dinner, the task time is still very long.

   Gao Teng decided to take a nap, recharge his energy and set off again.

   In the early morning, he was awakened by the cold mechanical sound.

  [You have acquired the ability: plunder (after killing the person with the ability, you get the ability, which lasts for 12 hours)]

   This ability also introduced the function, which can be said to be quite considerate.

   However, for Gao Teng, who can get new abilities every day, it is useless at all, not to mention, it disappears after 12 hours.

  [Plunder], it is estimated that it will not be used in a lifetime, and will be eaten forever.

   Forget about it, wash your face and brush your teeth and go out.

   got into the driver Xiaofang's car and came to the Security Bureau building. There were no less than 200 people gathered in the square.

   Gao Teng saw Xue Dong who was outside the crowd at a glance. He was still dressed in the same clothes, with a T-shirt and big pants, pulling flip-flops, and a crumpled cigarette in his mouth.

   "Why are you squatting here alone?" Gao Teng went over to greet him.

   Seeing the good brother, Xue Dong suddenly came to the spirit, he said: "Can't you smell it? These people exude a stupid smell, I'm afraid of being infected by them."

   Gao raised his eyebrows, "You can be louder, and a memorial service will be held for you later."

  Xue Dong threw the cigarette **** on the ground and crushed it with his foot, "I haven't performed a mission for five years. I didn't expect that because of you, I would do troublesome and dangerous things again."

   Gao Teng scratched his head, "I'm sorry, but... In fact, I don't care whether the person who protects me is familiar or not, as long as he is strong enough.

   To be honest, you are not very good, I would rather be surrounded by a strange super A-level person. "

  Xue Dong squinted at him, "Do you blame me?"


   Gao Teng's honesty immediately angered Xue Dong, he jabbed Gao Teng's chest with his fingers and said, "You are such a rookie, I can kill you with the touch of a finger, how dare you look down on me?"


   Gao Teng was lost in thought.

   Xue Dong laughed, "How is it? Can't think of how to fight back?"

   He was very proud and felt that he had won a big victory.

  Gao Teng immediately decided to use the [Intellectual Enhancement] ability.

  [Intelligence Enhancement]Activate.

   Gao Teng's mind was clear, and his eyes showed endless wisdom.

   "When you said this, did the woman next to you rolled her eyes at you and told you to stop talking nonsense and go to bed?

  I know that when you are your age, you will be brave, and I understand everything. "

After    finished speaking, Gao Teng patted Xue Dong on the shoulder.

  Xue Dong was stunned for more than ten seconds. He clapped his hands and said, "This trick is very useful to divert conflicts. I didn't come here for nothing today, but I actually learned it."

   Until this time, Fang Meng didn't realize what Gao Teng just said.

   "What are you talking about, it's unbearable!" she yelled.

"Hey Hey..."

"Hey Hey..."

   Gao Teng and Xue Dong let out tacit laughter.

   "You...you just..."

   "Seriously." Gao Teng's expression suddenly became serious, "Has that laboratory researched genetic medicine researched anything?"

   Xue Dong shrugged, "I don't know, I knew He Hongwei's research on genetic medicine is to live longer.

The    Security Bureau sent a number of teams to arrest the top executives of the food company, as well as to destroy the laboratory. "

   After a pause, he continued: "I sometimes wonder, could those of us who are capable are not natives of this planet, but alien races that have migrated from other planets?

   After a long period of fusion and assimilation, he became the appearance of an ordinary person. It was not until he awakened his ability that he showed genetic differences, and because of the purity of the blood in his body, there was a problem of ability affinity..."

  Fang Meng couldn't help but interjected: "I have heard Gao Teng say these words of yours."

   "Oh?" Xue Dong said in surprise, "Sure enough, he is my good brother. What he thinks and thinks is synchronized."

   Gao Teng said: "So, is our guess true?"

   "I don't know either, this planet has been destroyed countless times, and history has long been untested."

   Gao Teng thought about it and decided to stop thinking about these unfounded things.

   He cast his eyes on the people in the square. The information displayed by these capable people is quite powerful, and in their respective levels, they are all ranked within the top 30.

   "The people who carry out tasks today seem to be elites, they are all voluntary?"

   "It's basically compulsory." Xue Dong said, "In the security bureau, there are very few people with dedication, and there are too few people like us."

   "There's no way, we are born with noble souls, and we can't do things for selfishness." Gao Teng said, "However, I'm a little worried, the Security Bureau is so overbearing, aren't you afraid of being resisted?"

   "Sometimes we may feel overly restrained by the Security Service, but this is all correction based on a history of failures.

   For example, the Super Energy Bureau before the Security Bureau felt that the threat of those with abilities was too great, and as long as they awakened their abilities, they would kill them, and they were overthrown.

   The previous search bureau gave too much freedom to those with ability, and there was no decent supervision at all. As a result, the crime rate soared, the chaos reached the extreme, and it was overthrown.

   The previous Countermeasures Department restricted those who were capable, and monitored them in place, and even pursued absolute equality. What was the result?

   was overthrown by those who pursued inequality. Even animals with low intelligence have hierarchies, not to mention human society.

   What do I mean by saying this?

   That is, the Security Bureau has also revealed a lot of problems up to now. This is a historical inevitability. The destruction of the old system and the replacement of the new system is a frequent occurrence. "

   Gao Teng narrowed his eyes and looked at Xue Dong from head to toe with a scrutiny look, "You wouldn't be an organization that went undercover in the Security Bureau, right?"

   "Yeah." Xue Dong said, "I'm going to divide the people on this planet into two categories, one is capable and the other is ordinary people, separated by a 100-meter-high wall.

  You don't disturb me, I don't disturb you, and you live your own life behind closed doors. Do you think my idea is good? "


   "I'm about to start the capital now. When I get on the right track and make you a general, would you like to sponsor me?"

   Gao Teng was too lazy to care about this man, he saw Qin Zhan's figure coming out, "Qin Zhan is here, are you ready to go?"

   "The top management of the big master food company has been controlled. Next is our task, everyone..."

  Qin Zhan said some encouraging words, and then explained the specific details of the task, and more than 200 people drove to the food factory of the big master food company.

   Drive dozens of kilometers to the destination.

   Thick darkness enveloped the factories, and a gloomy aura filled the air, as if some kind of monster was about to be unsealed.

   (end of this chapter)