
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

38: Hahahaha... I'm dying of laughter

   Gao Teng's face was inexplicable, why did Qin Feng stretch his face over and let him play when he came back from the toilet?

   "What did you tell him?"

   Gao Teng looked at Fang Meng strangely.

  Fang Meng was also inexplicable. She looked at Qin Feng with a stern look, "Don't be ridiculous!"

"I do not have..."

   Just when Qin Feng was emotional, a shrill scream suddenly sounded in the restaurant, and the customers panicked.

  In the restaurant, a monster covered with black hair appeared, with a mouth full of fangs and sharp claws.

   Gao Teng frowned, "What is that? Werewolf?"

  Fang Meng said: "It should be the ability to transform."

   While speaking, someone died under the claws of the werewolf, his body was cut into several pieces, and blood spattered everywhere.

   A confident smile appeared on the corner of Qin Feng's mouth, and he walked towards the werewolf with his head held high, his right arm turned into a sharp blade, flashing a cold light.

   "Exactly, we will target him. If we kill him, we will win. The loser will leave Sister Fang Meng forever."

   After he finished speaking, Qin Feng turned into an arrow from the string and shot out, slashing the werewolf with a sharp blade.

   Gao Teng smacked his lips and said, "It's too outrageous, he actually treats you as an object, not an independent person, this is not true love, but treats you as a personal desire..."

   Fang Meng gritted his teeth and said, "You don't need to say the last three words."

   "Three words?"

   Gao Teng's expression was puzzled. After a few seconds, he suddenly realized that he took several steps back in shock.

   "My God, what are you thinking, it's so unbearable!

   I'm still an ordinary high school student and you have had a devastating effect on my mental health! ! "


  The sound of the explosion was deafening, Qin Feng smashed through the wall and fell heavily on the road.

  The werewolf rushed out, bringing a stench.

   Qin Feng's pupils shrank suddenly, and claws shone with metallic luster.

   The sound of gold and iron clashing sounded, and sparks shot in all directions.

  Qin Feng raised his arm that turned into a sharp blade, blocked the sharp claws, put them together, and wrestled with each other.

"Ha ha ha ha..."

   A bloodthirsty light shot out of the werewolf's eyes, and he couldn't stop laughing.

   At that moment, Qin Feng felt a lot of negative emotions from this person, eager to kill, eager for bloodthirsty...

   He gritted his teeth, feeling that the power transmitted was getting stronger and stronger, and he could hardly bear it anymore.

   "Are you okay?" Gao Teng put his hands to his mouth and shouted loudly, "If you lose, you will leave your sister Fang Meng forever."

   Qin Feng was full of energy, he roared and burst out with huge force, knocking the werewolf away.

   Taking advantage of the werewolf staggering back, he stepped forward for two steps, his legs instantly turned into sharp blades, and he slashed towards the hair-covered neck.

   An explosion sounded, and the tyrannical energy spread like an angry wave.

   Qin Feng's legs were tightly grasped by the werewolf, and blood was flowing.


   Qin Feng cursed and wanted to pull out his legs, but the legs seemed to take root in the hands of a werewolf.

"let me go!"

  Qin Feng suddenly rose into the air and slammed into the werewolf's heart.

   However, the werewolf's speed was even faster, his body suddenly spun, and he threw Qin Feng out, slammed into the door of a car, and got deeply embedded.

The    werewolf ran, and the breath of death quickly approached Qin Feng.

   "Don't! Help!!"

   Qin Feng shouted in horror.

   He doesn't want to die, his life has just begun.

The    werewolf's figure suddenly stopped, and the sharp claws hovered in front of Qin Feng's eyeballs, just 0.01 cm away.

"no no no!"

   Qin Feng stepped back with his feet on the ground, his face was full of fear, and even his pants were a little damp.

   Gao Teng came swaggeringly, relaxed and arrogant.

  Werewolf's strength ranking is C-level 98245, which is not a small gap with him.

   "Ah...my balloon."

   The child's exclamation suddenly sounded, and a red balloon flew up.

   Gao Teng waved casually, the balloon floated towards him, grabbed the rope in his hand, and walked towards the girl.

   "Children, go home quickly, the following pictures are not suitable for children to watch."

   returned the balloon to the girl, and Gao Teng walked towards the werewolf again.

The    werewolf has been struggling frantically, but he can't break free from the invisible force that bound him.

   He feels like a monster who has lost his mind and only knows how to vent his desire to kill.

   "Be my opponent, you are not far behind."

   Gao Teng didn't get too close, and stopped when he was still three meters away from the werewolf to prevent blood from splashing on his body.

   Under his manipulation, the werewolf was placed in a big shape, a spherical shape, and a young eagle taking off...

   The whole person is like a marionette.

   "Fang Meng, do you know how many times a person can be folded?"

  Fang Meng didn't understand, "What?"

   Gao Teng smiled, "I don't know either, but I have a chance to try it today."

   "No, what do you want to do?"

  Fang Meng had a bad feeling in his heart.

   She hurriedly said: "You pay attention to the influence, someone is using a mobile phone to shoot a video."

   Gao Teng regretted giving up the murderous idea. He wanted to let the werewolf feel what pain was like before he died, and then have an afterlife to be a kind and law-abiding person.

  If he didn't eat at the Regent Hotel, many people would be killed in this commercial street.

  So many happy families are torn apart in a blink of an eye, and they vent their hatred on innocent people. Such people should be tortured.

   "You calm down, I'll deal with him."

  Fang Meng was really afraid of the chaos, so she immediately went to the werewolf, and the hand knife wrapped around the arc quickly slashed the man's throat.

   The strength that bound his body disappeared, and the werewolf fell heavily to the ground, twitched a few times, and stopped moving.

   Gao Teng was somewhat lost, and when he saw Qin Feng, light burst out in his eyes again.

   "Qin Feng, are you okay? Didn't you pee your pants?"

  Qin Feng hid in the back of the car and squeezed out a voice from between his teeth with a ferocious face, "Don't worry about it!"

   "It looks like he's urinating." Gao Teng clapped his hands exaggeratedly, "Shy, I even pee my pants when I'm so big, shy."

"...get out!!"

   Gao Teng was even more excited. He waved his hands and greeted the crowd, "Come and see everyone, he was scared to pee, ahahaha... I'm dying of laughter."

   For a time, the streets were filled with a cheerful atmosphere, and there were good-natured laughter everywhere.

"It's enough."

  Fang Meng grabbed Gao Teng's hand, turned around and said, "Qin Feng, I'm sorry, next time we have time, let's meet again."

  Qin Feng watched the two run away, and then saw the smiling faces around him. He got up and ran, tears streaming down his face.

   He ran into a deserted alley, buried his head between his legs, and wept bitterly.

   "For a woman, you lost all your face."

   Suddenly two figures appeared at the entrance of the alley.

   One is an old man with gray hair, wearing silver round glasses, with an amiable smile.

  The other is a little boy of six or seven years old.

   This chapter has been changed several times, and a lot of time has been wasted. The next chapter will be a little later, and it is estimated that it will not be released until two in the morning.

   (end of this chapter)