
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

33: just without any scruples

Xue Dong's meaning is very simple.

  The sky is falling and there is a tall man on it.

   It's enough for weak and capable people like them to protect themselves, and don't think about anything else.

   Maybe he was afraid that Gao Teng would be too stubborn, and he was very worried about posting his own life-saving guidelines.

   Pretend to be blind.

   Pretend to be deaf.

   Pretend to be dumb.

   Gao Teng agreed.

   Of course he wouldn't do anything beyond his own power. The reason why he told Xue Dong about Wuyoujiao was that he hoped that the security bureau could stifle the chaos in the cradle, so as to avoid being affected.

  Since there was no way to arouse the vigilance of the Security Bureau, he left it behind and worked hard to cultivate in the future to cope with possible future crises.

   Chatted with Xue Dong for a few more words and ended the conversation.

   Gao Teng took his attention away from Wuyoujiao and put it on this task.

   He looked at the environment of the room and saw a lot of old newspapers posted on the wall.

   "This style of decoration is rare."

   Gao Teng walked over and read the contents of the newspaper boredly.

   Soon, the smile on his face disappeared.

  The news in the newspapers are all evil deeds done by Jiang Wei.

   A male student was beaten and blinded in his left eye.

   forced several students to jump into the river in winter, and finally, two people drowned in the river.

   also forced to death a female teacher who had recently graduated...

  These things happened in different schools, and Jiang Wei was the culprit.

   "I can't stand it anymore, you are so full of evil, it's not an exaggeration to say you're scum."

  Jiang Wei showed a remorseful expression, "I know that I have done too many things that hurt the world, so I cut out these news and posted them on the wall, always repenting, I am a beast!"

   Gao Teng raised his eyebrows, a sarcastic arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, "You seem very sincere, as if you really regretted it.

   But why do I think you are hanging them on the wall as trophies? "

   Jiang Wei's expression changed suddenly, "What are you talking about?"

   Gao Teng spread his hands, "You should know exactly what I'm talking about. Do you think your student days are the most exciting and memorable in your life?"

   Jiang Wei was furious, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

   "I'm curious, why haven't you been punished for having committed so many evil deeds?" Gao Teng smiled, looked at Fang Meng and said, "Assistant, check it out, what background does this guy have to dare to be so lawless."

   "Who is your assistant!"

  Fang Meng was indignant. She said so, but she took action and took out her mobile phone to search for Jiang Wei's information.

  Jiang Wei escaped from the law again and again, which aroused the dissatisfaction of many people back then, and the bottoms had already been ripped off.

   It's just that his background is so powerful that these voices disappear.

  Fang Meng found nothing, no information about Jiang Wei.

   Gao Teng knew the result and pointed to the group photo on the table.

  Looking at the middle-aged man's facial features, he was seven or eight similar to Jiang Wei.

   Opened the Security Agency app and took a photo of the person using facial recognition.

   Soon, the information about this person came out.

  Jiang You, 56 years old, A-level ability person, ability is poison element, when performing the task, he was given the ability to make bombs...

   After reading these materials, Gao Teng smiled, "It turned out that he was not punished before because he had a good father, but now the reason for being a man is because your father was blown up.

   Oh, I said it literally, didn't it remind you of the sad things?

  If you feel sad...

   Sorry, I did it on purpose. "

   Jiang Wei was furious, "What do you want?

  Your mission is to protect me, not to care about the past! "

   Gao Teng said lightly: "I just can't stand your hypocrisy, I just want to reveal your true face."


   Jiang Wei slapped the wall hard and said, "I take them as certificates, what can you do with me?

   These things are over, I just won't be punished!

  Yes, I just take them as my achievements, I just look at them every day and think back to how great I was in the past! ! "

   Gao Teng laughed, showing his sarcasm.

   "Bullying the weak is also worthy of being called great. You are just a poor **** hiding in the arms of an adult. When your father explodes, he shrinks into a ball and weeps bitterly.

  I still believe in worry-free teaching. I usually work hard and are willing to help others. Whether it is relatives, friends, colleagues or neighbors, they all get along very well.

   Your reformation is so sad that you don't even dare to face your own heart and pretend to be another person. "

   Jiang Wei broke the jar and fell.

   "Even if I'm pathetic, what if I'm a beast?

   Don't you want to protect me?

   Don't you know, how I treated Jiang Zheng back then, I asked him to lick my shoes, beat him for fun, and I even let him...

   Because he is an orphan, he deserves to be bullied by me!

now what?

  Aren't you going to deal with Jiang Zheng and protect me, the wicked person? "

   Jiang Weiwei laughed, looking disgusting.

   Gao Teng sneered twice and asked Fang Meng, "What is our mission?"

  Fang Meng was stunned for a moment, then pointed at Jiang Wei and said, "Protect him?"

   "It's wrong, and it's a big mistake." Gao Teng said, "Our task is to catch Jiang Zheng and prevent more people from being killed. Jiang Wei is like a bait, and life and death are not that important."

   Jiang Wei said disapprovingly: "Then do you dare to kill me?

  I will stretch my neck in front of you now, do you dare to cut me with a knife? "

   said, Jiang Wei actually stretched his neck in front of Gao Teng.

  Gao Teng's palm escaped bone-piercing cold air, and immediately condensed a strangely shaped ice blade, which turned into a piece of training and fell on Jiang Wei's neck.

  Jiang Wei's head flew up and landed on the ground, blood spurting out of the neck artery, and his body fell heavily on the ground.

   Jiang Wei's face was full of disapproval. He never thought that Gao Teng would actually dare to kill him.

   "I've never heard of such a despicable request, but I've really learned a lot today."

   Gao Teng threw away the ice blade in his hand at will, and did not take Jiang Wei's death to heart at all.

  Fang Meng was so shocked that he knotted his tongue and said, "You, you... you actually... actually really... kill... kill him?"

   Gao Teng snorted disdainfully, "Is it still fake?"


"What are you afraid of?

  It is normal for ordinary people to be affected by the battle of the capable ones, and death. "

  Fang Meng smiled bitterly: "I thought you were just trying to scare him, just like Zhang Jianming, I didn't expect you to be so careless."

   "The nature of these two things is different. A scum like Jiang Wei should have died long ago. Killing him is a demonstration of justice."

   After a pause, Gao Teng said again: "As for you saying that I have no scruples...

  If you can't do whatever you want, what's the point of living?

   Now you know why I want to be the strongest in this world?

   Just because I can do whatever the **** I want. "

   (end of this chapter)