
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

29: clean up yourself

Teacher Ma committed suicide.

   After shouting the slogan with a frenzied expression, he slammed his head against the wall and died.

   This is not the end, the staff in the TV station are like crazy, smashing their heads one by one, blood splashing all over the wall.

  The hostess was stunned, her soul seemed to be pulled out of her body.


   She suddenly screamed heartbreakingly and collapsed to the ground.

  The impact of this terrifying picture is too great. I believe that those who see the show will be imprinted in their souls forever.

   "It's so weird, these people seem to be manipulated."

   Gao Teng turned his head, Fang Meng didn't know when he was behind him, still holding a spatula in his hand.

   "It's probably the handwriting of a certain organization. As for the suicide, it probably didn't want the intelligence department of the Security Bureau to read the memory."

  Fang dreamed about it and said, "Is it possible that it is the Black Fire Organization?"

"It's possible." Gao Teng shrugged, "If you create chaos in the world, you can increase the sales of 'Crazy Blood', so that there will be a steady stream of money to strengthen the organization. Then when the right time comes, overthrow the security bureau and rule world."

  Fang Meng said with a complicated expression: "In that case, wouldn't there be addicts everywhere?"

   Gao Teng sighed, "Thinking that that day will come, I feel very bad."

  Fang Meng's mood was a little heavy. She didn't think Gao Teng was an alarmist. After thinking about it carefully, she felt that the future was full of danger.

   "No matter how much, eat first, and then start practicing." Gao Teng stretched, "If we can't meet the future with the attitude of a strong man, death will come to us at any time."

   Turn off the TV.

   Go back to the table and sit down.

   Looking at the table full of dishes, Gao Teng nodded with satisfaction, "It seems that you still welcome me, have you been looking forward to living with me?"

   "Spot the face.

   Is this thing so difficult for you? "

   "It's a bit difficult." Gao Teng touched his face and said, "I've been shameless since I was a child, and it's not easy to get it back."

  Fang Meng had nothing to say, and said sullenly, "Let's eat!"

  The two dealt with the dishes on the plate in silence. As time passed, Fang Meng gradually felt a little embarrassed.

  To be honest, I haven't gotten to know Gao Teng so well yet, and it feels weird to live under the same roof now.

   "Do we have any goals next?" Fang Meng broke the calm and resolved the embarrassment.

   Gao Teng said: "I plan to be promoted to an intermediate member as soon as possible. It is said that the body strengthening medicine will be distributed free of charge. There are no side effects, and the taste is quite delicious."

   "...To be promoted to an intermediate member, you must have the strength of B rank."

   Gao Teng picked up a piece of meat and put it in his mouth, chewing it and said, "With my talent, about a month, the slowest two months?"

   Fang Meng laughed dryly.

   I want to hit someone.

   "Our next mission is estimated to be dealing with those who are oppressed and exploited by the Security Bureau.

   These people have low affinity, even if they eat mad blood, their strength is still within B rank. Basically, they are dealt with by lower-level members of our level.

   Their loss of control should last for a long time. After all, they have been exploited by the Security Bureau for so long, and the resentment in their hearts must be deep.

   Moreover, it is very likely to affect those middle-level members who are not in their early days. Thinking about it a little bit makes me feel terrible. "

  Fang Meng said with a tangled expression: "It sounds like their rebellion is a matter of course, and it doesn't feel righteous to stop them."

   "Isn't it naive?" Gao Teng shook his head and said, "The justice you think is too superficial, things in the world are not black and white, but mixed with countless colors.

   We don't need to claim justice, as long as we know one thing, who can make ordinary people live with more dignity.

   At present, under the rule of the Security Bureau, the society is more harmonious and stable, so we don't have to think about which side we stand on, right? "

   Fang thought about it and said, "What if the Security Bureau cannot allow ordinary people to live with dignity, but instead oppresses and exploits them?"

  Gao Teng's expression became extremely serious, and he slowly stood up.

   Seeing him like this, Fang Meng's buttocks could not help but leave the chair and stand up straight.

   "Actually, when I was in the hospital in the morning, what I said was true, I really ruled the world, created the Hero Association, and instituted a new order.

   It's just that the meteorite didn't smash you out when it fell, but made me travel back to the night we escaped together.

  The future may still develop like that. You are lucky to be by my side and witness my greatness. "

  Fang Meng rolled her eyes, she sat down angrily, "Hurry up and eat!"


   After eating, the two of them train together, and train with beautiful girls. Sure enough, it can stimulate people's potential. It is probably like a male courting a female in nature, with a strong desire to express?

The training continued until late at night. When Gao Teng was ready to go to bed after taking a shower, Fang Meng actually practiced again. Her original words were, "You have talent and work hard, I have to work harder to catch up with you, you Leave me alone and go to sleep."

   Seeing Fang Meng working so hard, Gao Teng felt that slack was a very shameful act, so the two kept practicing, practicing, practicing...

   Until I was so tired that I couldn't move, I didn't even have the strength to move my fingers.

Its daybreak.

  The sun shines on the two of them through the glass.

  The two were lying on the floor, watching a fly fly around with tired expressions.

   Gao Teng said with a serious look: "I don't think this is the way to go. It's too unrestrained. You must exercise moderately on the premise of physical health."

  Fang Meng glanced at him, "It's obviously a normal thing, why is it so strange to say it from your mouth?"

   "Don't get me wrong, I did it on purpose."

   Fang Meng was helpless.

   "I found that after your injury healed, your breath became much stronger."

   Gao Teng noticed that Fang Meng's strength had grown significantly, and he was already the 105th D-class.

   "Your feeling is right." Fang Meng said, "Probably fighting can improve your strength faster, even if you lose badly?"

   "Did you lose so badly?

   was obviously crushed on the ground. "

   "I... forget it."

  Fang Meng was powerless to refute and swallowed his resentment.

"It seems that it's not enough to just bury your head and practice hard, you have to find the enemy to fight and break through yourself in the crisis of life and death." Gao Teng recovered a little strength and got up from the ground, "Today is not enough, put your strength on you. Exhausted, tomorrow, let's do the task together.

  You clean up yourself, I'll go wash first. "


   Fang Meng grinded his teeth.

   This bastard, Gao Teng, speaks a yellow accent at every turn, which is simply too much.

   Gao Teng walked into the bathroom and washed the dirt off his body.

  In the early morning, he got a new ability [Energy Enhancement], and the energy in his body roughly doubled. Because of his firmness, his strength ranking rose by more than 100 places.

   I'm late from get off work, thanks to the book friends Fuzhu who read qq for their reward and support~

   (end of this chapter)