
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

24: Eyes full of infinite wisdom

Fang Meng agreed with Gao Teng's unreliable idea.

   In fact, she had no choice.

   At least Gao Teng's whimsy can give her the possibility of surviving.

"come on!"

  Fang Meng made up his mind, looked at Gao Teng with burning eyes and said, "Don't waste time, that woman may kill him at any time."

   Brave, strong and decisive.

Gao Teng was deeply moved by the quality displayed by Fang Meng. He put his hand on Fang Meng's shoulder and said with a serious expression, "What kind of flowers do you like?"

  Fang Meng, "…"

   "Every year in the future, I will bring your favorite flowers to see you."

"thank you."

   "If you are so polite again, I'm angry."

  Fang Meng said: "I will definitely survive!"

   "That's right, that is to have this belief." Gao Teng smiled, "You close your eyes."


  Fang Meng's heart became flustered, a kind of tension that he had never felt before.

   "What should you do if your eyes are frozen and your eyesight is affected?

   Take care of your eyes, Fang Meng. "

  Fang Meng said angrily: "I don't even know if I can survive, so I still care about this?"

   Having said that, she still closed her eyes.

  In an instant, Gao Teng's palm released a biting chill, and Fang Meng's body was instantly covered with a layer of frost.

  Fang Meng's eyelashes twitched twice, but she didn't open her eyes, probably because of her severe injury, her consciousness became more and more blurred, and she fell into a coma.

   After a few seconds.

  Fang Meng was frozen in a large ice cube, and Gao Teng tapped the ice cube lightly.

   "How are you? Can you still hear me?"

   Of course no response is possible.

   If Fang Meng was still conscious, he would definitely yell.


You come!

   You are **** sealed in ice cubes, give me a reaction!


   The smell on Fang Meng's body has been resolved, what should I do next?

   Definitely can't run around with ice cubes, it's too dangerous.

   Jumping into a river is also not enough. When people are escaping for their lives, the waterway is often the best choice, because it is easy to hide the trail, and you can also use the water potential.

   Therefore, Xu Hongying, who is the hunter, will never let go of searching for the river.

  Gao Teng was lost in thought.

   Simple hiding is not enough, and the danger is extremely high.

   It is feasible to go back to the den and hide it, and it is feasible to stage a dark under the lights, but the enemy is not a fool. When he cannot be found everywhere, he will think of the famous saying "the most dangerous place is the safest".

   As for head-to-head, it is purely courting death.

   Negative one by one, Gao Teng was in trouble.

   This dead end seems impossible.

   No matter how you choose, the result is death, it is nothing more than a matter of time.

"How to do it?"

   Gao Teng thought hard for a while, and suddenly a light flashed in his mind.

   Time to use [Intelligence Enhancement].

The    ability [Intelligence Enhancement] is activated.

   Gao Teng's mind was clear, and his eyes showed endless wisdom.

  All kinds of magical knowledge emerge in front of us, 1+1=2, 2+2=4…

  He has an idea.

   Call off-site rescue first.

   Gao Teng took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to his eldest brother Xue Dong.

  [I was on a mission in Jiulong Mountain and accidentally found a den that produced 'Crazy Blood'. The capable people of the Black Fire Organization were chasing and killing me. They are very powerful, and they are probably no less than you. Come and save me! ]

  The text message was successfully sent, Gao Teng turned off the phone.

   Jiulong Mountain is very far from the urban area, Xue Dong arrived at the fastest speed, and it took nearly an hour.

  Is it difficult not to be discovered by Xu Hongying for an hour?

   For Gao Teng, whose brain is full of wisdom now, pediatrics is completely pediatrics.

   Even two hours, three hours, four hours is not a problem at all.

   "Fang Meng, I'm sorry."

   Gao Teng started the next step, using his mind to dig a pit, digging a deep pit that could accommodate Fang Meng.

   He threw Fang Meng in, buried it in the soil, stepped on it, and covered it with weeds, so that there was no trace of the soil being touched at all.

   Gao Teng nodded in satisfaction, if Xu Hongying passed by, she would never see Fang Meng buried under her feet.

   Using an inconspicuous stone as a mark, Gao Teng walked away quickly. Next, he would return to the den and hide under Xu Hongying's eyes.

   He is 99% sure that Xu Hongying will not find him, and the remaining 1% is because of his modesty.

   On the way back, Gao Teng saw a fire passing by in the distance. Xu Hongying really had a "fountain of life" on her body, and Sun Yingming was rescued.

  Gao Teng accelerates appropriately, after all, the speed is too fast and will leave traces.

   Not long after, he returned to the den full of corpses.

   He stripped the clothes off a corpse as fast as he could, put it on himself, then dug a hole and threw the man into it.

   Buried it and stepped on it firmly, and there is no trace of the earth moving.

  The next step is the last and most important step.

  Gao Teng lifted himself up with his mind power, and after floating to a certain height, he suddenly stopped using his abilities.

   At that moment, Gao Teng fell from the sky like a bird with broken wings and fell heavily to the ground.

   Blood splattered.

   Gao Teng's arm was twisted and deformed, and it was broken.

  [Pain Resistance] worked, he couldn't feel much pain, it was numb and itchy, quite comfortable.

   Gao Teng felt that it was not enough, and the "death state" was not bad enough.

   He floated up again with his mind power, turned three and a half times in the air, and landed on his knees...



   fell again and again, and Gao Teng landed on the same position accurately, without splashing blood everywhere, and diving on the ground is perfect.

   After so many adjustments, his "dead form" is finally perfect.

   Whoever looked at him felt that he would definitely die, because his limbs were twisted and deformed to an extremely terrifying level.

   Gao Teng's face was buried in the soil, waiting boredly, not nervous at all, Xu Hongying never imagined that he would be so crazy.

   This kind of pain is simply unbearable.

   After a few minutes, Xu Hongying came back. During the process of looking for Gao Teng, Sun Yingming was always being carried by her like a chicken.

"how could be?

   Why can't I find it anywhere? "

   Xu Hongying was puzzled, pacing back and forth, sometimes walking to Gao Teng's side.

  Sun Yingming put on his glasses with his hand, and his eyes flashed with cold light, "I don't know if you have heard that sentence, the most dangerous place is the safest.

  Perhaps, the two of them are near us, maybe listening to us. "

   Xu Hongying's eyes flashed, she felt that Sun Yingming's words were very reasonable, and acted immediately.

   However, she searched around for a few times, but she still found no trace of Gao Teng.

"what happened?

   Did they evaporate? "

   Hearing Xu Hongying's self-talk, Sun Yingming was also full of confusion.

   should not be.

   He pondered for a moment and said: "Since we can't find it, let's go. They must have contacted the Security Bureau. When we want to go, we may not be able to go."


   Xu Hongying just wanted to say something, but she swallowed the words, she noticed Sun Yingming's eyes, and she used a trick to lure the enemy.

  Sun Yingming firmly believes that Gao Teng is near the den, but he does not know why he is hiding so well.

   "You are right, it is not advisable to stay here for a long time, the longer it is, the worse it will be for us.

   Anyway, he can't escape this planet, and he will have the opportunity to kill again in the future. "

   The two sang together and left.

   Gao Teng sneered, that strong sense of crisis has always existed, which is enough to show that Xu Hongying and the two were deliberately deceiving him.

   After a while, Xu Hongying's voice sounded again.

   "There is no movement at all, your method is ineffective."

  Sun Yingming said distressedly: "I never imagined that at such a young age, so cunning."

   "We have to go now, the Security Bureau will be here soon."

   Xu Hongying finished speaking, grabbed Sun Yingming's hand and flew away, swept into the distance.

   However, the sense of crisis in Gao Teng's heart still did not disappear.

   After a long time, Xu Hongying's voice sounded again, "How long are these two people's brains, they are too smart!"

   "This time we have to go, there's no time."

  The two left again.

   After a longer time, Xu Hongying's voice sounded again...


   I don't know how many times before the danger signal disappeared completely.

   Because a flame rushed into Jiulong Mountain, he used this method to deter Xu Hongying.

   With Sun Yingming by his side, Xu Hongying was inconvenient to fight and had to leave.

"it is finally over."

   Gao Teng got up from the ground, straightened his distorted limbs, and [Self-Healing Enhancement] showed great power, and his injuries recovered at an astonishing speed.