
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

17: what's the situation?

Gao Teng and the two were walking on the road talking and laughing when a deafening explosion suddenly sounded in the distance.

   The fire was soaring.

   Gao Teng built a pergola and looked into the distance, "There's quite a lot of noise there."

   Before he finished speaking, a figure rushed over.

  The speed is very fast, and it is in front of you in the blink of an eye.

   "Go away!"

   Two people in the middle of the road, Gao Teng, blocked the way of this man. This man was very ruthless. He even slashed Gao Teng's head with his iron claws, holding a murderous heart!


   A sarcastic smile hung on the corner of Gao Teng's mouth, he didn't even move half a step, the sharp claws hovered between his eyebrows, unable to move an inch.

   The man in front of him was bound by an invisible force, unable to break free.

   Gao Teng looked at this man from head to toe, and found that there were burn marks on his body, and a battle had just happened.

   "You're not from the Security Bureau, are you?"

"let me go!"

   This man roared with a splitting eye, and he struggled violently, like a bug trapped in a spider web.

After   Gao Teng's spiritual power is improved, he is more handy in the use of mind power.

   "I won't let go, what can you do with me?"

   Gao Teng's expression was very rambunctious, and he almost danced.


   This man's roar was blocked by the strong wind. He rushed into the air at an extremely fast speed. Terrible pressure rushed from all directions, squeezing his body layer by layer, and his bones uttered overwhelmed groans.

   A mere D-rank, still more than a hundred people, dare to show off in front of Gao Teng, isn't this courting death?

   Suddenly, the pressure disappeared.

   This man was caught off guard, fell from the air, and fell heavily to the ground, with multiple fractures on his body, and even bone stubble pierced through the skin, bleeding profusely.

   "Tell me about you, what are you doing to mess with me?"

   Gao Teng shook his head, his eyes filled with pity.

   This man was speechless, and when he opened his mouth, blood poured out.

   "He should be a prisoner wanted by the Security Bureau, right?"

  Fang Meng took out his phone, opened the Security Bureau's app, and used facial recognition to take a photo of the man.

   Soon, the information about this person came out.

  Chen Yuan, 26 years old, his ability is Iron Claw. When performing the task, he killed his companion because he was jealous of his A-level potential.

   In addition to these important information, there is also information such as the household registration address and the last place of appearance. Gao Teng leaned over to Fang Meng, glanced roughly, and said: "Catch him, not only to complete a D-level mission, but also a 200,000 cash reward, which is very good."

   After a pause, he said again: "Because of jealousy, the killer is hurt. This kind of person is really scary."

  Fang Meng said: "Almost everyone is more or less jealous. It's just that some people can convince themselves, and some people turn jealousy into hatred."

   "You're right, I have to protect myself in the future. I'm full of jealous spots all over me."

  Fang Meng exhaled, "Don't you know how to write the word modest?"

   "Everyone knows I'm good, but I say I'm not good, what would they think? Wouldn't they want to kill me?

   Therefore, I can't be humble, it will be more hated and will hurt myself. "

   Gao Teng can pull out a bunch of big truths casually, leaving Fang Meng speechless.

   "In this way, we have completed two missions."

   Hearing the words, Fang Meng said with a tangled expression: "Are we not doing well?

  Chen Yuan seems to have just experienced a battle and should be someone else's target.

   If we don't hand him over, the other party is very likely to bully us on purpose because we are newcomers. "

   Gao Teng spread his hands and said, "He is not private property, whoever grabs it doesn't belong to him?

   And we didn't miss it, didn't he get hurt?

  We won by our ability.

  If the other party wants to be unreasonable because we are newcomers, we will reason with him! "

   "What if he's better than us?"

   "Of course... Peace is the most important thing." Gao Teng said sternly, "We live in the big family of the Security Bureau. We are all family members whose blood is thicker than water. How can we disregard our feelings for the slightest interest?"

   At this moment, three figures arrived late.

   Two men and one woman.

   One of the youths had a bandage on his chest, soaked with blood, his face was extremely pale, and he looked seriously injured.

   Gao Teng looked at the three.

   22nd in the D class.

  D-Class No. 90.

  D-Class No. 87954.

  Young man is probably badly injured and his strength is very poor.

   When Gao Teng observed the three, they were also looking at him and Fang Meng.

   Looking at the immature faces of the two, Zhao Liang's eyes flickered several times, and he asked in a deep voice, "Are you newcomers who just joined the Security Bureau?"

   Gao Teng's eyes moved to the person who was speaking. He had an inch head, a national character face, a tall stature, and looked very imposing.

   He replied: "Yes, we just awakened our abilities not long ago."

   Zhao Liang looked at Gao Teng with an admiring look and said, "The newcomers now are really amazing, when I was there, I didn't have such a strong strength as you.

   If you hadn't stopped him, Chen Yuan would have run away. "

   "He can't run away. Going against the security bureau is a dead end!"

   Every word of Gao Teng is loud and clear, giving people the feeling that blood is flowing all over his body.

   He performed again.

   Zhao Liang smiled and nodded. He had the attitude of a senior. He didn't ask for someone immediately, but said, "How is your mission accomplished?"

   "Report to the seniors and find a den that produces counterfeit medicines, and the task is complete."

   Gao Teng's attitude made Zhao Liang very satisfied, he nodded slightly and said, "You guys are very fast."

   "Some things cannot be fast, some things must be fast."

   Zhao Liang's two eyebrows suddenly wrinkled together, this sentence sounds strange.

   "Stop talking so much, keep busy and leave Chen Yuan to me, I'm really bothering you today."

   Zhao Liang did have the idea of ​​bullying newcomers. He also believed that Gao Teng would be very interesting and had to bow his head in front of stronger seniors.

   But, what he didn't expect was that he was rejected.

   "I caught the person, why should I give it to you?"

   Zhao Liang's face suddenly sank, and he was very unhappy, "What do you mean?"

   "It literally means." Gao Teng said disapprovingly, "It's true that you found the person, and your companion was indeed injured, but so what?

   Thank you at most. "

   Zhao Liang narrowed his eyes, it was obvious that Gao Teng was provoking him.

   The current newcomers, are they so kind?

   "Gao Teng, why don't you forget it, there's no need to offend him."

  Fang Meng quietly pulled Gao Teng's clothes, she sensed a dangerous aura from Zhao Liang, which made her tremble.

   "Your little girlfriend is more sensible. Listen to her words carefully, and don't be impatient."

   "When something is unfair, I just want to stand up and say no."

   Gao Teng raised his neck bravely. In Zhao Liang's view, he was a child who had never experienced social beatings.

   "Looks like I'm going to teach you a lesson today, let you know what it means to respect your seniors."

   Zhao Liang's hand was plated with a layer of black light, and the palm of his hand went straight to Gao Teng's cheek with the whistling sound of the wind. He even wanted to slap Gao Teng in the face.

   To his surprise, Gao Teng grabbed his wrist.


   A question mark appeared on Zhao Liang's head, what's the situation?

   The next moment, he was lifted up by Gao Teng and smashed to the ground.

  The ground instantly cracked like a spider web, Zhao Liang's internal organs seemed to be displaced, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

what's the situation? ? ?

   Thank you for the support from Daiichi, the hero in the world~