
I Gain a New Ability Every Day (not mine)

not mine fanfic. only uploading so i can listening while playing in the background

Joyboyhahaha · Anime & Comics
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50 Chs

15: It pays to hit you

Continue to talk about the ability that Gao Teng obtained.

  [Self-Healing Enhancement]has the same effect as the [Self-Healing] ability he obtained before. It consumes energy to quickly heal the wound. The more serious the injury, the more energy it needs to consume.

   Compared with [Self-Healing], the effect of [Self-Healing Enhancement] is more prominent. It used to take more than a minute to heal when Gao Teng scratched his finger, but now more than ten seconds is enough.

  The last is [Manufacture a Macaron]. This ability is very special. It consumes energy and makes a knife out of thin air. And can not make other weapons, only machetes.

   For this reason, Gao Teng also searched the Internet and found that he was not an exception.

   This ability is called restricted ability. Similar to eating spinach, you can increase your strength by three times in a short time, drink milk to increase your bone strength by four times in a short time, and eat apples to become immune to severe poison in a short time...

  [Manufacturing machete]This ability made Gao Teng think that he wanted his villa to be near the sea. The heartbreaking thing is that if you stop inputting energy, the machete will disappear.

When    learned the truth, he couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, and his dream of selling junk to make a fortune was shattered.

   After talking about ability, let's talk about life.

   According to Fang Meng, the scientific research department has confirmed that "Crazy Blood" is highly addictive after analysis and experiments. Long-term use will seriously damage the central nervous system, and the damage will be permanently irreversible. It is a terrible drug that can be fatal.

   In order to find out the origin of "Crazy Blood", someone with the ability to read memory read Zhou Sheng's corpse.

   Through his incomplete memory, he learned that "Crazy Blood" came from a den that produced counterfeit medicines, but the security bureau had no way to get an answer on where the den was.

   Regarding this point, Gao Teng was also very helpless. After Zhou Sheng ate "Crazy Blood", his strength was not much worse than his.

  Things have happened, and complaining will not solve any problems.

   At present, "mad blood" has not yet fully spread. In order to minimize the harm, the Security Bureau can only choose to find a needle in a haystack and wipe out all the dens producing fake drugs!

  The two of Gao Teng were forcibly assigned a mission. The place they were going to was Liuhun Street, where the law and order were chaotic, drugs were rampant, residents were depraved, and infectious diseases were rampant...

  On Liuhun Street alone, there are hundreds of dens producing counterfeit medicines. Gao Teng and the two must eradicate three dens to complete the task.

   "This place is too exaggerated. No wonder Gu Xiao's dream is to change the lives of more people. If I was born here, I would definitely want to use my power to be a savior once."

   Gao Teng was walking on the street where the sewage was flowing, looking at the surrounding environment.

  The living environment in Liuhun Street is extremely harsh. They are all wooden shacks built with iron sheets, like sardines in a can packed into a pile.

  The residents are like dead bodies without souls. Seeing the arrival of many capable people, they stare blankly, without the slightest anger.

  Because things happened in such a hurry, those who participated in the mission did not know the exact location of the den, and needed to use their own means to obtain information.

   Everyone didn't want to stay in Liushun Street for a long time, so they dispersed and hurried to complete the task.

  Unconsciously, Gao Teng was the only two people left on the street. They had never been to Liuhun Street, and their eyes were full of freshness.

   "Gao Teng, do you have a solution?

  How do we find out where fake drugs are produced? "

   Fang Meng had just finished speaking when he heard a loud whistle.

   Following the voice, a young lady standing in the alley waved and winked at them.

  Miss    is wearing a large white shirt, and the majesty on her chest is ready to show. She is not wearing pants, and the hem of the shirt can cover her buttocks, revealing two round and strong legs.


  Fang Meng turned his head to one side in disgust.

  Gao Teng is different, waving to say hello, "Hi~"

  Fang Meng looked at him in shock, "You...why are you so shameless?"

   "I'm polite." Gao Teng put his hand in front of Fang Meng, "Quick, give me a hundred dollars."

"What did you say?!"

  Fang Meng was so shocked that he couldn't believe his ears.

   "Give me a hundred dollars."

   "What do you want?!"

   Gao Teng was shocked, "What do you think? How could I do it?"

  Fang Meng, "…"

   "You don't understand. They have special occupations and know many secrets. If you want to know the location of the den, they are the best guides."

   "Yes...is that so?"

  Fang Meng's mood calmed down a bit, it turned out to be a misunderstanding.

   "Otherwise? What do you think I'm going to do?"


  Fang Meng hesitated, not knowing how to answer.

   "Hey~ what are you thinking about?"

   "You take care of me!" Fang Meng took out a hundred dollars and slapped it in Gao Teng's hand, "Remember to pay me back!"

   Gao Teng said in surprise: "I didn't say borrow, and I provided ideas, you provide money, and the division of labor is clear, very reasonable, right?"


   Fang Meng said something and swallowed it again.

   Gao Teng also walked over to that young lady.

   "Handsome guy, do you want a haircut?"

   Miss Sister's hand is on Gao Teng's shoulder, and the other hand is groping down.

   Gao Teng stuffed the banknotes into the gap between the two peaks and said, "I don't want to be a frequent visitor to the hospital, you just need to tell me where there are dens producing counterfeit medicines."

   "How could I possibly know such a thing?"

  's voice was full of temptation, she took out the banknotes from her chest and showed a charming smile to Gao Teng.

  Unfortunately, her teeth are all rotten and she looks horrible.

   "Those people use their strength not only on machines, but also on you, don't you know?"

   "Sorry, I really don't know..."


   Gao Teng slapped the woman's face with a big pussy.

   "Why did you hit me?"

   "I paid." After a pause, Gao Teng added, "I paid to beat you."


   "Tell me now, or I'll do it again."

  The woman scolded a swear word, she had never seen anyone who did this.

   "When you walk to the intersection and go south, you see a restaurant with a sign of roast suckling pig, a convenience store selling cigarettes, a newsstand, and..."

   "Enough, three is enough." Gao Teng interrupted her, "It's good to complete the task, give others a little chance to express, if you do everything, what sense of existence do others have?"


"thank you for your help."

   Gao Teng waved goodbye, walked back to Fang Meng, and shared the information he got.

   "How is it? I'm still very reliable in my work, right?"

  Fang Meng has to admit that Gao Teng is a very skilled person. If he can be more stable, he will be a teammate who can't be better.

   "Let's go, let's finish the mission quickly and leave here, I don't want to stay for even a second." Gao Teng shook his head and said, "I really don't know why the Security Bureau would allow such a place to exist."

   "Because the world cannot be without the poor."


   Your words are a bit profound. "

   "Liuhun Street was not formed in a day. There are hundreds of thousands of people living here, which is equivalent to a small city. The existing problems are not so easy to deal with.

   In particular, the more it dragged on, the more troublesome it became, and the Security Agency let it rot. "