
I found love in another world

New author here, so please go easy on me if you see any mistakes Elizabeth Yearwood worked for most of her time on earth before she finally got some rest, which was death, but luckily, she was given a second chance by a magical creature who brought her to another world and gave her mission to develop her character and make her stronger to be able to survive and not die a pitiful death life she did the last time

Nathasha_with_a_H · Urban
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12 Chs

Weird look

I entered the hospital and went straight to her room since I had already been here so many times I was quite familiar with the place.

I entered into the elevator and pressed the 6st floor, which was where the VIP rooms were in the hospital, I noticed a bunch of gazes directed toward me when i entered the hospital but I didn't mind them as I was already used to being stared at any where ever I went.

The elevator door opened, and I walked towards her doctor to ask whether they had been any improvement.

"No." He answered, I expect that to be the answer, but hearing it still made me feel disappointed. It was good to have some hope in the end as it was the only thing getting me through this .

I wanted to ask further about her condition when I noticed a nurse rushing towards us with a look of shock, urgency, and excitement.

"Sir, the patient in room 601 has woken up." the nurse said excitedly.

Room 601, that was Jasmine's room right. Had she really woken up, or was I just dreaming. I didn't even notice when my legs started moving, but before I could make sense of everything that had happened, I was already in her room.

It was true she had indeed woken up, but how?, the doctor said that there had been no improvement. I looked at her in shock as I couldn't make sense of what had happened it was just a miracle.

I decided not to think too much about it. It was then that i realized that she was also looking at me, but with a weird look on her face, which I found cute.

"Hi." she said after the a long residing silence in the room. Even though her voice sounded so hoarse, it had a certain charm to it that made whoever listened to it to feel like they were in the presence of a very dignified and elegant lady.

It was weird as the last time I had heard her voice , it wasn't like this, it was cheerful with a bit of spoiltness in it. which said a lot about her character, but this time, it was different it was elegant and calm.

calm in a way that even if the persons world was coming apart, they wouldn't even complain and accept it despite the grievance they felt.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the noise in the room. The doctors were now standing by Jasmines bed and asking her a bunch of questions, which I guessed she wasn't comfortable with from the way she looked.

"I think you should give her some space." I said as she looked like she couldn't take more of the questions. she looked at me again with that same look, which made me feel like laughing.

The doctors finally stopped asking her random questions and asked her the one that mattered right now

"What is your name? do you remember your name." a doctor asked, but she just looked at him in a daze. Eventually, she answered him by shaking her head. It was expected because the doctors told us that there was a change that she her memories would be lost if she ever woke up.

I was devastated to hear that because there was a chance that if she did wake up, she wouldn't remember me.

After telling Jasmine some information about herself, the doctors exited the room to give us some privacy.

Neither one of us said a thing after the doctors left, and I just couldn't deal with the silence, so I said the first thing that came to mind

"Braydon." I decided to tell her my name since she didn't know who I was

"The doctors are going to check on you on last time to make sure you're ok, then i would aply for you to be discharged." i said with a cold tone, I wish I could speak to her sofly like I used to before, but I had gotten used to using that voice to talk to everyone, even the ones close to me

"ok." she replied, but I noticed that her voice was hoarse, looked around the room, i noticed that there was a table with a jug of water and a cup, so I proceeded to pour some water for her before handing it to her

"Thank you." she said after finishing the water.

"Where am I going to stay when I get discharged."she continued

"You would be leaving with me for a while before I can find a place for you." I replied

"OK, what about my family."she asked, and I didn't know how to reply as they had died in the accident, I think she noticed that something was wrong since she then asked

"Do I have...."

"No, you don't." I caught her words short as I didn't want to hear her say it.

"The rest of your family died in an accident the same one that put you in a coma." I continued, that seemed to have dealt a blow to her, I guess even though she didn't remember them, she still loved them inside.