
I forgot I am an Evil God

(Taylor remembered things she shouldn’t and the world paid for it, because in new evil, God is about to rise ) Authors note is just for fun I don’t own anything. Also this is my first time writing so sorry for the mistakes. This story has worm au elements crossed over with, I am a spider so what.

Chinosama · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 9, unexpected date


My thoughts literally stumbled when I heard that unexpected, single word???

What I screamed in my head as I didn't expect it to go so well.how did that even work??

Were all of Emma's dating advice a lie, now that I'm thinking about it that could actually be a possibility.

Maybe she was just wrong?

I was startled out of my disbelief by the waiter, asking what I would like to be ordering.

I didn't want to talk, so I did the genius move of pointing to what I wanted in the menu.

Looking back at the girl, with the most calm look on my face, I nodded to assert that it was all part of my master plan.

The girl interpreting it differently thought I was agreeing to date her, which I definitely didn't ask her on, then she started blushing.

Then the girl started to do a mysterious action of just staring at me, in wonder.

So I stared right back at her to assert my dominance.

While staring back at her to assert my dominance, I start to think why she is staring at me. Maybe she's emulating me.?

Maybe I should look away, but what if it's a trick, I think I should just continue, staring at her.

[Amy's point of view]

I was startled from my mortification by the waiter, asking the beautiful girl what she would like to order. Pointing at what she would like to be ordering, she suddenly looked right at me and nodded.

What does that mean?

Does she want to date me?

Or is she accepting to be my girlfriend?

I couldn't think much longer as I stared into her eyes, mesmerised by their beauty, I kept staring at her, for who knows how long and she just kept staring right back at me.

Am I in love?

There is no way I could be in love with her. I am only in love with my.

I shook my head. Maybe this is a good thing. I don't have to pine for someone that won't reciprocate.

I should probably take this date seriously.

So I decided to ask her what she likes to do for fun.

While, staring at me, it took her approximately one minute to respond with eating.

I nodded patiently,as looking at her face isn't too bad while waiting for her long response time.

That brain to mouth filter didn't come back for some reason, so I just blurred it out I like smoking.

Panicking, the worst case scenario came to mind, maybe she's gonna leave me right here right now for my vulgar taste.

But she just nodded without judgement, as if it was normal.

Emboldened by her indifference, I kept blurting out my likes.

She just knotted throughout it all as if she didn't care what I like.

But I didn't care either as blurting out my likes and dislikes to another person is quite a rare occasion, especially on a date.

I thought this would never happen to me, but it did. I have become the talkative one, although it's not too bad as my partner seems to have a very long response time.

And sometimes just stopping, and looking at her face at any time feels pretty good.

[Taylors point of view]

I zoned out halfway through the weird girls rant. I was just nodding my head without really hearing anything.

Now I am mostly zoned out, and thinking more about how to test out giving people powers. Maybe I can even give this girl powers for accepting my split second confession.

But which power giving method should I test out first.

If you're wondering how I'm gonna give people powers, it's from my dreams about transforming other people into different species like vampire oni or demon.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my order came.

Luckily, the weird girl stop talking to me and just started looking at me again. I didn't wanna indulge her wanting the superior position so I didn't start a staring contest.

And I simply started eating my food and drinking tea. I know drinking tea in a café is very blasphemous, but I am a tea woman and coffee simply disgusts me.

The weird girl started following my movements, because of my superiority and started eating with me, but then after awhile started talking again.

I quickly tuned her out, but pretended to not along, as if I understand what she's talking about.

Honestly, she's like Greg wanting all my attention, but I have no time for these peasants. I must think of more important things like how to give her powers.

Speaking of how to give her powers, it is actually pretty simple I just have to give her like half of my MA energy in a specific way so that it will entangle her soul. Yeah I know what that weird mechanism that is me now isn't that crazy.

Before you, behold my genius, I should continue on how I will give her powers. After I give her that MA energy that will entangle her soul in such a way that she can steal essence from others and gain power from it. which is blood by the way the essence is blood., I'm gonna turn her into a vampire but she's technically a progenitor vampire, but we don't talk about the details.

You may be asking, why do I want to turn her into a vampire?

That is a very good question and it is because if you squint hard enough and bash your head against the wall, she'll look like vampy and I want my vampy out from my dreams.

And that's why, while she was distracted talking to me, I quickly and stealthily entangled her soul in that way.

And hopefully she'll gain her powers when she gets back home.

I was startled out of my nefarious plans by the girl in question, asking me what kind of books I like, of course, I respond with the only answer Shakespeare.

What did you think I would respond with manga no, my mom raised me. Better than that. Shakespeare is the only classic literature that I will read.

Just don't look at my manga collection.

I do not know how to write romance, so I just write it like Amy is slightly attracted to Taylor and clings to it to avoid her feelings on her sister .

Chinosamacreators' thoughts