
074. Who are you talking to?_1

Watching Lu Ban's vomit, Cui Siter at first couldn't relate his next two sentences.

"Those two people have no heartbeat."

Lu Ban took out a piece of paper from his pocket, wiped the corner of his mouth, and then explained.

"They are just like those monsters that look like fish—no heartbeat, no breath, nothing but walking corpses."

"What about the servant?"

Thinking of how the three people were dressed almost identically, Cui Siter asked again.

"The servant has a heartbeat, albeit a strange rhythm, but he is alive,"

Lu Ban replied.

If the servant had no heartbeat, then Lu Ban would have noticed it when he saw the man last night, not just now when he informed Cui Siter.

"The ingredients of those meals are normal, but the taste is awful, as if made by someone who has no clue how to cook. The chef of this house is probably not human either."

He added another line.

"So you asked for dinner to confirm all of this?"