
I Forced:To Become Scumbag

Slice of life at Parallel World.... The young boy lost his reason to live when he found his parents death and his girlfriend also forced to leave his side by her family... When he about to die he last thought's "God ,Why you done this cruel thing to me because I just wanted to live a happy life".... At that time he suddenly hear a voice in his head.."Boy your thinking is really foolish,The reason you die because you are so weak, and weak people can't live a happy life where strength is supreme".... But, "I give you another chance to change yourself boy"..... Why was he chosen out of millions of people? Why god give him another chance to live? ............................................................... # Read at least 10 chapter then decide,you guys want to read further or not....... Also I don't know how to write good synopsis for story....... #Additional Tags 1: Harem-Seeking Mc 2: Cool Mc

TruE_GoD · Fantasy
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27 Chs

Dissatisfaction from the Young Lady......

On the way to the intermediate class,Anos searched his memory for the Imperial Physician Holy Technique. How should he put it? The Imperial Physician Holy Technique was a powerful Traditional Chinese Medicine skill, but Anos thought it was useless. Why? It was because there were very few people who studied medicine nowadays. If someone was injured or had a broken bone, they did not need to be treated by a hospital. They only needed a wood-type martial artist to release healing energy to quickly heal them. Of course, the more powerful the martial artist was, the more serious the injury could be healed. Therefore, Anos thought it was useless. However, there were many conditions that martial artists found difficult to treat.

"Big Brother Anos, are you really going to the intermediate class? The intermediate class is filled with experts. The weakest one is at Qi Building Realm Seven Stars! "Adam asked softly.

"I'm not going there to fight with those people. I'm going there to look for Amelia," Anos said.

Adam said, "But Amelia Crawford is the campus belle. She has a lot of suitors."

"It's none of my business!" After saying that, Anos turned around and saw the two girls behind him. Then, Anos grinned and said sweetly, "Don't worry.

"Aria, I knew you were worried about my safety so you came to see me. You're so nice, mua ~"

"Ding … Successfully flirted with Aria. Scumbag Points + 10000."

Aria snorted. "Of course not. I'm here to see you get beaten up!"

"Sophistry. Women are creatures who don't mean what they say."

"Let's see if you can still smile after getting beaten up!" Said by Nora.

Anos shrugged. Beat him up? Why?

The intermediate class and beginner class were not in the same area. However, they were both in the Sky Martial Court, about 500 meters away from the beginner class.

There were many intermediate class students training in the field of the intermediate class area.

"Hey look"Aria! It's Aria Necron! "

"And Nora Grandsley. What are the two campus belle doing here?"

"How beautiful! As expected of the woman John Gill likes! Tsk, tsk, tsk. "


Clearly, Aria was extremely popular in Orchid Flower Academy. From the words of these people, he could tell that it was because she was really very beautiful. Anos did not believe them when he heard them say how beautiful she was. No matter how beautiful she was, how much more beautiful could Charlotte Reys be compared to Aria? Therefore, he felt that there were too many exaggerations.

When they arrived at the entrance of the Intermediate Class 1 that Adam mentioned, Amelia Crawford's class, a group of people were quietly reading, some were chatting, and some were playing cards. In short, if there was no teacher coming to class, they were very free.

"Amelia Crawford!"

Anos stood at the entrance and shouted. In an instant, everyone's gaze turned towards Anos. A girl sitting quietly at the back also looked over curiously.

Amelia, one of the campus belle of Orchid Flower Academy, was ranked fifth. Actually, the ranking of the campus belle was not accurate because they all had their own merits. It was hard to tell who was more beautiful. Aria belonged to a noble family, Nora belonged to the eccentric category, and Amelia was the kind of pure, quiet, and obedient girl.

"Classmate, is there anything I can help you with?" Amelia asked softly from behind.

Anos's eyes lit up when he saw her! She had an oval-shaped face, fair and cute. She had a simple ponytail and bangs on her forehead. She wore a very ordinary white embroidered dress and sat there obediently. Her entire person exuded a kind of pure feeling.

"Ding … Discovered beauty Amelia Crawford. Triggered mission [Teasing Amelia Crawford]. Mission Penalty: None. Mission Reward: Spiritual Weapon [Thousand Evils]. Mission Progress: 0%."

What surprised Anos was that the system was indeed a scumbag. It only triggered the mission when it saw a beautiful girl!

Then, Anos looked at her with a smile and said, "So you are Amelia Crawford. It's like this. From the first time I saw you, I liked you. Can you be my girlfriend?"

Everyone: "…"

Wow? Did he have to do this? This was the first time they had seen someone confess without even knowing who they were! You must be joking!

"Ding … Host confessed to multiple girls at the same time. Detected as a scumbag behavior. Scumbag Value + 50000. Please continue to work hard."

Hearing Anos's confession, Aria and Nora were stunned!

"Bastard! What a scumbag! "

Aria gritted her teeth and muttered angrily for some reason!

Why did this person confess to every beautiful girl he saw! Was he a confessing maniac?

"Ding … Detected that Aria is unhappy because of host's confession. Scumbag Value + 10000."

"Ding … Detected that Nora is unhappy because of host's confession. Scumbag Value + 10000."

Anos: "…"

Amelia was also stunned. Before she could say anything, someone beside her jumped up.

"Brother Jin! It's him! He's the one who caused trouble in our beginner class!! "

Leo suddenly popped out from the corner and pointed at Anos as he shouted.

Anos finally looked at him.

"Yo, you're here too." Seeing Leo, Anos's lips curled up.

Jin Kazama stood up and looked at Anos.

"Oh, I know you. That useless Anos who can't cultivate because he doesn't have the God's blessing System."

The people from Intermediate Class One were stunned. Then, they could not help but laugh.

"Hahaha, that useless Anos who can't cultivate dares to confess to the campus belle, Miss Amelia? Where did he get his courage from? "

"No, I want to know how this useless person got into our Sky Martial Court!"

"Throw him out! Hurry up and throw him out!"


Of course, he knew that Anos could cultivate. Otherwise, how could he defeat leo? He only said that to mock Anos. Then, he looked at Anos and said with a smile, "What's wrong? A useless person can cultivate? Hahaha. "

However, Anos did not react. He only sneered.

"I said, get out of my sight. I'm not here for you!"

Upon hearing Anos's words, Jin Kazama's eyes narrowed. "What did you say?"

"Fuck! Are your deaf? I'll say it again. Get out of my fucking sight! Shut up! "

Jin was not angry. Instead, he laughed.

"Hahaha … How dare a useless person be so arrogant? Tsk, tsk, tsk. Let me tell you, this is the Intermediate Class, my territory! This is not the place for you to behave atrociously! "

"Your territory?" Anos glanced at the blackboard and saw the words "Boss: Jin Kazama" written on it. There were some other positions below. Then, he swaggered in and added a sentence with a piece of chalk.

Boss: Jin Kazama is a dog!

Everyone's jaws dropped. Jin was ranked in the top 30 in the Intermediate Class. He was at the Qi Building Stage Seven Stars. However, Anos, who could not cultivate before and was only a newbie in the Beginner Class, dared to do such a thing. He was courting death!

"Good … Very good!"

Jin's face darkened. Then, dozens of people from the Intermediate Class walked out from their seats and stood behind Jin.

"I haven't seen such an arrogant newbie in a long time. I'm afraid you don't know the immensity of heaven and earth now that you can't even cultivate!"

Leo fanned the flames behind Jin. "Brother Jin, cripple him! This brat is too arrogant! He doesn't put you in his eyes at all! "

Jin sneered. A powerful aura erupted from his body. "Brat, kneel down and apologize now and I'll let you go!"

"If you kneel down now, I'll let you go!"same said by Anos ,who remained unmoved like a mountain.

"You're courting death!" Then, Jin rushed towards Anos like a gust of wind.

"Wait!" Anos suddenly shouted. Jin stopped in front of him when he heard Anos's shout.
