
I finally found my fiance but....

SkyeRodgers2022 · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1 part 2/2 Revealing surprising informations

Note: Lovan name has been changed to kevin. so pls notice it..... ❤️

Author: [After Reaching Home]

Their house is a black mansion. All of them came to home they all went to their own rooms to freshen them up. After taking shower Jude went straight to their living room. He slowly closed his eyes but after some moments he started to remember some memories, the memories that he hates the most, but there was one more young man with them ,  seems like it was their friend . Jude wasn't like now at that time he was smiling he was so cute ….


Chris: so, joon when is your marriage?

Clyde: do you want him to marry his sister right now?

Jude: seems like you guys don't need to inform my sister's marriage with him to my parents ?

Joon: he is right?

Maverick: seems like you don't want to marry her 

Joon: did I mean it?

Maverick: cold behavior joon let me make you laugh

Author: Saying that mave, Clyde and Chris started to tickle him.

Kevin (logan) and Jude were watching it and laughing, joon was laughing hardly.

Joon: o...k o.k. st…op ti...c...kl ti...ck...li...ng m..e

Clyde: this is the joon we want ….

Joon: not only my marriage will happen at that day his also.

Kevin: who? Whose marriage? 

Joon: my brother – in – laws marriage will also happen at that day.

Jude: are you kidding me. 

Joon: nop.

Jude: don't you know I don't have any girlfriends.

Joon: I have a girl 

Mave: who is it? Your cousin sister?

Chris: or your sister?

Joon: you will find it out soon.

He was about to get out from the bed when he suddenly remember about something and again sat on the bed and said to Jude.

Joon: don't dare to cheat on her

Jude is in shocked expression

Jude: what? Wait … isn't it what I should say?

Joon: what do u want to say?

Jude: it is that *happy mode*

*violent mode* if u try to cheat on my sister I swear that I will kill u mercilessly 

A/n: saying that he left from there, joon is in "what "expression.

Joon: he must be kidding right?

Talon: what do u think he needs to become in future?

Joon: I think he says sometimes, that he needs to become a mafia boss. Right?

Kevin: right. So he will really kill you if you cheat on his sister. I bet it

Clyde: me too 

Mave: me too

Talon: me too

Chris: me t-

Joon: can you guys stop scaring me.

Saying that he went outside slamming the door hardly, making everyone scared.


Jude suddenly open his eyes and clenched his hand after remembering that memories.

Jude: the one who betrayed me is the one whom I saw as my own brother.

While Jude were mumbling others also came to the living room

Kevin: what are you murmuring bro?

He asked while cleaning his messy hair.

Jude: nothing.

Jude: I just felt tired and dizzy.

Mave: Do u have fever? /Touching Jude's head to check whether he have fever or not. /

# Mave (maverick) is like others older brother, who always cares his younger brothers and Jude, is like their youngest one, they like him a lot, they see him like a little kid, who always want to be with his older brothers. Jude didn't goes anywhere without his friends more like his brothers. Their relationship is more than anyone can imagine#

Jude: I don't have fever or something bro.

That day night

Now all of them are in front of New York university college main road.

Jude: did our men take braven to our basement?

Talon: yes, but there is a little change.

Jude: what is it?

Talon: our men took him to our corner board basement of here.

Jude: it is not a problem. I can't control my anger.

Jude: let's go.

Now showing braven tied up in a chair. He woke up from his unconsciousness. He took some time to remember everything.

The only thing he remembers now is that, he were waiting for his flight to escape from Jude. He knew that if he warns anyone it is the warning of their death. when he were waiting for his number a man came to serve juices, he was about to take it someone covered his face with a cloth then he lost his counsciousness. And there is something that makes braven fears more, because Jude want to kill braven not because of the cheating in business deal, there is something mysterious. To kill braven he just used this chance. Braven started to struggle to realise himself from the chair, after seeing him struggling one of the bodyguard beat him. At that time suddenly they came in, it is none other than Jude and his friends.

Jude: stop *cold voice*

His bodyguards stopped beating him. Now he is covered with full of blood.

Jude kneeled down to the floor and lift braven's chin up as he can see Jude.

Jude: didn't we warn you huh? Then still u has the guts to leave. Don't u know that I am a mafia king and I will get whatever I want in my own ways.Then why did u try to escape huh?

Braven: I know that you're paying back (revenge)

Jude: you know it. Good. Then tell me, who are the other guys at that time behind u?

Braven: do *coughing blood*

Jude: *smirking* see now you are in your worst situation. If you need to stay alive, tell me who are the other guys behind it?

Braven: *laughing**coughing* seems like you are missing your little sister. Ah?*laughing* a...and do... u. t...hi...nk that I will tell u others name also. You are wrong Jude. You are, and you cant kill me because all of us know that I am the only one who only knows about others who were also behind the incident. Right Mr. Jude?

Braven: and you are angry because your best friend is the one who tortures her right?

Jude: you. Don't dare to speak nonsense about my sister.

Braven: isn't what I said is all happened.

Jude: *after hearing braven's fearless words, he pulled out his gun from his back and makes it direction clearly to braven's forehead.*

Jude: *angry and scary voice* I am asking u for one last time. Where is joon?

Braven: I don't kn-

Before he can say something Jude pulled out the trigger the bullet straightly goes towards braven's forehead and he died on the spot.

They heard a ringtone from their behind they look back…

Scene cut from there,

Now showing our heroine Eden in a phone call.

Otp: felin, where are u?

Felin: in the university main road.

Otp: what are u doing there now?

Felin : I went to see little pot.

Otp: when is your meeting?

Felin : tomorrow morning. What is u also coming with me?

Otp: nop, I need to go to mom's house to bring her back to home with my dad.

Felin : did they fight again? Ave

Ave: yup. Why Don't u try to collaborate with Vrk company?

Felin : the company of mafias.

Ave: ya.

Eden: I think no need of it right now. Ok bye.

Ave: bye...

Not in her conscious she accidently gets into the basement where Jude and others are staying.

Then she saw braven get killed by Jude but Jude was back facing her. Suddenly her phone rang.


Jude and others turned back only to see a beautiful girl who has long hair which is untied and she was wearing a red shirt inside the shirt a black t-shirt and wearing a black pant.

Clyde: catch her.

Some of the bodyguards was about to tie her hand but she punched straightly on his face. There he is lying on the floor while covering his bleeding nose.

Clyde was about to shoot her with his gun but for luck she moved to other side.

Chris: u idiots. Catch her.

Eden: catch me if u can. Bye.

She started to run, bodyguards followed her behind them our hero's team.

After a couple of minutes they all came back, she escaped from them by tricking them.

Man 1: sir-

Mave: get lost from our site.

They gone from there, Jude and others returned to their mansion. While sitting on the couch….

Talon: is she an alien or something to run like a rocket? *panting heavily*

Kevin: *panting* I don't think she is an alien, I think she is professional runner.

Jude didn't say anything but thinking something...

Chris: what happened Jude?

Jude: Mr. David.

David: yes sir. I want all the details of the girl, who we saw today at the basement as soon as possible. Is it clear?

David: yes sir.

Mave: why does u want her details ju?

Jude: I just feel like I saw her somewhere else.

Clyde: me too. I also got that feeling.

Talon: whatever, let's go and eat then watch a thriller movie.

Jude: u guys go and watch movie. I am going to take a shower. Good night.

All: good night ju.

Jude locked his room and gone to take a shower, after taking shower he sat on his bed thinking about what braven said to him

"Do u think u will find her? U will never find her. You know her but u didn't know that she is the one who you were trying to find for so many years, and let me tell u one more thing, you are not guilt or sad for not being able see your sister in consciousness you are sad that you can't found your girl or even see her for at least one time. Right?"

*Jude hit him*

*spitted blood and looked at Jude who is boiling in anger and laughed seeing him*

"You are boiling in anger cause you know all I am telling is pure as gold. Right?"

*other members beat him*

"You thought that beating me will keep me stop telling the truths? No way. And you Mr. Jude no matter how big mafia you are. You can't even find your girl over these years. And for ur kind information she have a fiancé and she doesn't belongs to u"

*without any warning jude shooted straightly to his forehead*

*This is the reason why he shooted him*

Flashback ends...


While thinking about it his popped about the girl who he saw today at the basement.

His mind asked him: who is she? Why is she so beautiful? Why does she seems so familiar? Why his heart beats so fast after seeing her? Why does he feel a love at that time? After a long six years it's the first time he feels like this towards a girl. But what specialty does she have to make a mafia look at her for some moments. When he saw her he remembers about his fiancé, who he has waited to see for so many years. After getting into the underground world or mafia world he only has 4 aims.

1. Become the mafia king.

2. Make everyone fear while hearing his name or while seeing him.

3. Find his long lost enemy and payback for what he had done.

4. Find his girl, whom he waited to see that long years.

He achieved 1st two aims but still he didn't achieve left 2 aims. His mind is still thinking about her. The love of his life, the one who he wishes to see till the rest of his life, who changed his life with happiest moments, who made him feel what true love means….. But he couldn't find her even tho he is a mafia. His friends also like to see her but how can them when they don't know her or haven't seen her.

While thinking these entire questions he slept, he had a good night or a good sleep today after so many years.

Time flies fastly – one month later

In this one month he kept thinking about that girl. He shouts and scolds at his men's for not finding her or her details. His friends also don't know why he is this much serious in her subject…. And Jude also doesn't know why he is searching for her badly. Whenever he thinks about her his heart will start to beat in inhuman speed. He only knows that, whenever he thinks about her he feel like she is his long - lost fiancée. If she is his long – lost fiancée, he knows that will hurt her becoz of some revenge. In each passing second he wants to make her his, only his. (She means his fiancé) and now he wants her in his life so badly. In short words it is that he misses her a lot. He couldn't find her since that day.

One morning

All 6 members were sitting around the dining table eating breakfast. Their personal manager (David) came in while holding a transparent white file looks like it is person's details.

Clyde: what now? *without looking at him*

Mr. David: sir, we got all the details about that girl.

Talon: which girl *looking at him*

Mr. David: the girl who we saw at the basement one month ago.

*Jude looked at him with shocked expression but with a happy expression, like he found something which is very precious to him*

Jude: where is it? Give it to me.

/ He asked excitedly even without he knowing/ and his brothers is also shocked after seeing his sudden change and they are also happy to see their younger one being happy and excited for something after he entered to the dangerous mafia world. He became cold after entering to this mafia world. And moreover he smiled for the first time after these 6 years.

Kevin: what happened Jude? Why are u so exited? Do u know her?

*He asked while blocking Jude's way to get the details.*

Chris: we will go and check the details of that girl, and find out which is that girl who is so much important to the mafia king ah--- * teasing* right bro?

/ Jude struggled to free himself from Kevin's lock /

Kevin: you idiots. Come and help me. This muscular

Mafia king is so hard to handle.

Talon: coming…..

Talon, Kevin and Clyde together locked Jude in their arms, more like a tight hug. While Chris and maverick was checking the details, for a min they looks at her photo she is so cute, they smiled at her cuteness, but that smile didn't long when they read her name in mind their smile faded away… jude and others also noticed this change.

Jude: what happened mave is something wrong?

Mave: no, and forget about this girl, wasting time on her isn't worth.

Jude: so there is something wrong right? Give it to me.

Chris: Jude, u go brother is right she isn't anyone to us then why we need to spend time on her?

Jude: so you are hiding something didn't u? Give it to me.

*Mave and Chris didn't gave him the file so Jude take it by forcefully… and checked it he also got shock after reading her name.*

Clyde: give it to us.

* Talon took the file and checked it he also shocked, but Clyde is in a confused state*

Talon: felin peter?

Clyde: I have heard this surname somewhere else too?

Kevin: it was the surname of joon too * in a whispering tone*

*But it is enough for Jude to hear, he shifted his gaze towards mave who is being silent*

Jude: is this the betrayer's sister?

Mave: *no response*

*Jude was about to punch for not answering his questions until someone hold his wrist, it was none other than Chris*

Chris: man, there are so many people with the surname 'peter 'right?

Jude: then look, in her siblings list there is the name of that betrayer. Do u mind explaining it?

Jude: mave, I am freaking sking u do u have anything to say.

Mave: I thought that u forget about all the things that happened. But-

*Jude punched him and hovers over him and says*

Jude: Does u think I will forget about him when he made my life hell, my sister's life hell, my whole family's life hell. Ah?

*then both of them started to fight, Jude stopped fighting when Chris said something which made his heart broke into million pieces…..*

Chris: you are right. She is his sister, the one who u wanted to see.

*Jude broke down, he feels like someone stabs his heart*

To be continued?

Who is this joon and felin?

Why Jude feel like his heart break into million pieces?

At past they used to be friends, then why Jude is calling joon betrayer?

What happened to their friendship?

How Jude does loves her when he didn't even saw her at least for one time?

What will happen to felin? Will Jude hurt her?

Written by ' story writer '