
A week after

I endured for more days on that horrible place. I have no choice but follow what Veron wants, he used me as he pleased. I'm like a toy to him. He gets mad everytime I oppose him. I hope somebody will save me from this. My father will surely does if he finds out about this. I know my parents will not wanted this kind of abuse for their daughter, my parents still love me. After a week we drove back home my brain is so depressed, I'm disgusted of myself I felt so dirty. I showered the moment I get back home. I cried and cried again. I can't believe this will happen again. I lock myself in my room. I don't want to work, I don't want to see Veron not even my parents. I don't want to see anybody. I just want to be alone. I actually just want to die at this state. I don't like myself anymore, I know tomorrow won't get better. A knock on the door brought me back to real life. My mom is on the other side of the door.