
I fell in love with the transfer student

Theodore Moss has a dream that is to truly fall in love still in school, just like the characters in the romance books. Living adventures, sharing sweet moments and overcoming obstacles are some things he hopes will happen to you. But it is not so easy when other students are prejudiced with their sexual orientation. But everything can change with the arrival of the transfer student, Gabriel Jones, who even under the spotlight of popularity tries to get closer and friendly with Theodore. That is, if the rich and popular girl Sadie let this happen! Will this friendship be able to unravel true love? This is a romantic cliché, to sweeten your imagination. {Boys Love | Omegaverse}

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
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140 Chs

Taking the weight off your shoulders

If there was one thing that had never abandoned the thoughts of Gabriel Jones, it was that Theodore was not just a special person to him. He had felt this from the moment he saw him in front of the uniform shop, helping a complete stranger with his natural kindness. Since that day, his world had gained colours. And Theodore had become constant in his life.

He had never been involved with boys, including never meeting an omega boy in school in all his sixteen years of life. But from the moment he set foot in that small country town, everything had changed thanks to a single person.

It was a new world to explore. With paths leading to a dense fog preventing him from seeing his future. The only thing he could feel was that at some point along this path, he would find Theodore waiting for him with his hand outstretched in his direction. But, just getting to him was scary.

― Have you been getting along with the Mckenzie? I hear they're good kids.

His mother's voice was warm, but Gabriel had a butterflies in his belly when that last name was mentioned.

— I can consider Milles my best friend, it's easy to talk to him. ― Gabriel admitted by returning his mother's gaze for a few moments and returning them to the plate in front of him.

― What about the girl? The hotel staff said Mckenzie was very attached to his daughter.

Ah, he knew where that conversation was headed.

Forcing his mask, Gabriel cut the piece of fried meat pretending the greatest tranquility.

― It's from my class, we went out together with her friends. She's a good girl.

― It's an omega, isn't it? ― His father's voice showed his happiness. ― You know that every alpha has to take care of an omega, because they are more fragile.

― I know that, Dad.

― Be nice to her, and treat her very well. We don't want any problems with the Mckenzie, since they gave us the opportunity to work in the matrix.

Gabriel could already feel the weight on his back.

The meaning behind that conversation was very clear, even though his parents didn't seem to be very aware of it. He could only see Sadie's bright smile in his imagination, as if she had manipulated a board game by creating the very rules of a game.

— I will be polite to her, of course. ― Nodded Gabriel leaving the cutlery on the table, already giving up eating ― But I get along even is with Milles. We play on the same team, so his family won't be offended.

― But if she's in your class, you can get along with her...

— To be honest, I know she's a good girl but only there are some attitudes of hers that I don't agree with. ― Gabriel raised his eyes to his parents and sighed ― In my class there is a boy who is omega.

The silence was invited to that family dinner. Amazed at the novelty, the couple looked at each other and returned to face their only child.

― A boy? Omega?

Gabriel nods calmly and calmly.

— He's a good kid. Kind and considerate, and he's smart as hell. Assistant to my team, can create training plans that take away the potential of the players.

― But it's not...

— Dangerous? Not at all. ― Smiled Gabriel. Such a smile soon broke when he remembered what had happened that day before class. ― Sadie always picks on him. I listen to every single thing, which makes me feel bad. And I'm completely incapable of doing anything to help him.

― Does she treat him badly at school?

Gabriel had agreed with the head.

― They fight, to tell the truth. Although Theodore is unable to fight back.

The mother sighed at the table and held out her hand to hold the like of her child. His warmth was conveyed as a comfort that Gabriel simply needed. The conversation did not continue at the table, but when the alpha was about to enter his room he saw his mother standing at the door waiting for him.

He knew what it was about.

He had just opened the door and let her into his room, closing just after his entrance. Having the two alone, Gabriel sat on the bed noting the nervousness of the woman.

― What was it, Mom? Any problems?

— I know your dad's gonna tell you to keep your distance from that omega, but I... well, you know. ― She whispered, pulling the chair from the computer table to sit in front of her son. ― Your uncle is an omega, and we were raised by an omega father. Your father sees us as...

― A class that needs care. I know. My father never got along with my grandfather, did he?

— Our generation is too complicated, too traditional. ― Smile the woman with sadness, holding Gabriel's hand with delicacy. ― But if there's an omega boy in your school, be his friend.

― Is it okay to be friends with an omega boy and gay?

The woman's eyes swept when she agreed with her head.

The story of his mother's family was a real chaos. Surely she had fallen in love with his father when she was younger, for he provided the security and love she so desired in a man. However, the father was an alpha who was raised by an alpha family. Gabriel had always felt bad about visiting his father's family, who insisted on passing on the mottos to younger generations ensuring that an omega should be his partner because he was vulnerable and weak. Therefore, the ideal wife for a real man.

It was simply sad to know that his father had followed that thought. Apart from the environment in which he grew up.

Unlike his mother who had come from a cozy home full of love, because they knew that omega men were not well liked in society. His grandfather had been lucky enough to find a partner who loved and respected him, but had to live in hiding in a place to raise two omega children.

Your uncle... well. He'd found a beta partner, but he also lived in seclusion. His father never got along with them for disapproving of relationships, but his love for his mother had not made him give up on joining the family.

― Mother... Actually, I need to tell you something. ― Gabriel whispered as he looked at his mother's hands.

When he had looked at her, he had felt a deep sadness appear in his chest. Her skin already had some wrinkles, and her hair in front was gray. When had she aged to the point of never noticing? She was still young, but already had some apparent signs.

There would come a time when he could no longer see his parents, and that saddened him. He should enjoy every moment and be honest, at least with his mother. Yeah, she'd understand that.

― What was that?

Wetting his lips, Gabriel had gathered all the courage he had to admit it. To have in mind was something easy, but to speak aloud was to admit to the world, and to yourself, that it was true. And there would be no turning back. That would accompany him for life.

― I... fell in love with that omega boy.

The mother had been mute facing him. Gabriel, on the other hand, had shown no sign of nervousness. On the contrary, he had opened a smile as wide as he could, just remembering his moments with Theodore.

— I know, shocking, no? Mckenzie warned me to stay away from him, gave him a roll with another guy I don't even understand. But I still wanted to get close and be his friend. And...

— Happened you liked him ― Completed the mother as a whisper. ― Can you tell me this story better? I promise I won't fight or interrupt you. I just want to understand.

Your judgment in telling Mom was the best. Gabriel then told of the day he was lost in the city and had received help from Theodore in the uniform shop. The rumours, the conversations with Milles and Sadie, your entry into the team and everything that came after that. He hadn't talked about how strange he felt around that omega.

By heaven, Theodore was simply the sun shining with those blond hair. An angel from heaven.

Despite reporting the events of recent months, Gabriel had ended up venting to his mother the confusion that had dominated his thoughts. Liking another boy was frightening, like a secret that needed to be hidden under lock and key. At the same time a secret that invited him to experience, because there was something within him that he wanted to discover and venture.

The kiss given on Theodore and the awakened desire were only a few sparks of a whole world that had opened to Gabriel. Along with her possessiveness. That omega could only be yours and no one else's. Those thoughts were the most confusing to the alpha, since he had no idea how to deal with them. The only thing that frightened him was the fear of the blonde feeling suffocated and wanting to run away from him.

If Theodore were to run away, leave him behind... it would be painful. Very painful.

— He seems to be a good boy. ― Whispered his mother, still shaking hands with Gabriel. ― I think I never saw you like that, my son. You really are in love, aren't you?

Gabriel laughed low.

― It's all over my face, according to Milles.

― But if he's an omega, and you said that girl doesn't like him... It's a pretty delicate situation.

— I'm afraid she'll say something to her parents that might affect your work. ― Gabriel admitted, kissing his mother's hands. ― I heard that the school's parent-teacher board has a strong Mckenzie influence. If something happens at school, they'll know.

— Gabriel. I came from an omega family, and all I saw was good people needing to hide to have the life they deserve. This boy is brave to stay here and face it all. Believe me, he is.

― I know, Mom. I'm proud of Theo for that.

— I'd love to tell you not to worry about your parents and get on with your life. But I know the world is pretty scary. Think carefully and I will support you.

The alpha nodded his head and hugged his mother. All the weight he had carried on his chest was gone with that conversation. At least he have someone to share your little romantic adventure with. Of course, within your limits. He would never tell his mother what he had done at night school with Theodore.

― I want to meet this boy someday. Bring him home when you can. I'll find a way to deal with your father.

― Thank you, Mother, thank you.

A pleasant evening that made the sun rise on Friday in full swing. For Gabriel nothing would shake his world, and even longed to get to school just to see those clear eyes and smile showing the fangs to wish him good morning, as usual.