
I fell in love with the transfer student

Theodore Moss has a dream that is to truly fall in love still in school, just like the characters in the romance books. Living adventures, sharing sweet moments and overcoming obstacles are some things he hopes will happen to you. But it is not so easy when other students are prejudiced with their sexual orientation. But everything can change with the arrival of the transfer student, Gabriel Jones, who even under the spotlight of popularity tries to get closer and friendly with Theodore. That is, if the rich and popular girl Sadie let this happen! Will this friendship be able to unravel true love? This is a romantic cliché, to sweeten your imagination. {Boys Love | Omegaverse}

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
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140 Chs


When Theodore dreamed of falling in love, the intention was to live a novel worthy of a Disney movie. He was prepared for the ups and downs, longing to resolve them along with his crush just to strengthen his love. A romance that made you feel alive.

Now that he was experiencing something, he felt that reality was completely different from a Disney movie.

Sitting in the corner of the gym with the headset connected to his ipod, he listened to the songs of his favourite musical without uncoupling the light eyes of a certain tall dark-haired alpha. He loved seeing Gabriel focused like that, like the world was just him and the ball.

Gabriel always looked in his direction opening a gentle smile, as if he did not want to lose sight of the omega. At a time like that, the music that escaped the headphones talked to Theodore once again.

"But just look at you

To drive me crazy

I do everything you want

I'll regret it later

But I can't resist the two of us

Or not"

Weren't those words that Gabriel had told him twice the day before? That it was hard to resist them... What could that mean? The resemblance to the music of Wanessa Camargo made the boy let his mind pay attention to the lyrics of the song. But it was almost at its end.

Pulling the ipod out of his pants pocket, the omega returned to music in its beginning. Slowly the melody sounded along with the singer's voice, bringing out the lyrics that Theodore had analysed serenely.

"I like you so much

I think of you

I just breathe you in

I try to forget you

And let you go

But I can't, I can't

Lost dreams

That don't leave my heart

Who come even if I say no"

A smile sprang up on the omega boy's face.

Once again the song seemed to accurately portray Theodore's feelings. Falling in love with the transfer student was a challenge that the blonde had tried to avoid. Had been warned not to get carried away, he himself had asked Gabriel to stay away, but ultimately they ended up together.

He had told his best friend that he would swallow every feeling. He would love him alone, but would never tell Gabriel that he liked him. All for being afraid of being left out, of not being reciprocated and having your heart broken. No matter how much you deny it, feelings come even when there's a no.

A headset had been removed from his ear, forcing the omega to raise his head to the subject squatting in front of him staring so closely. The sweaty hair glued to his forehead accompanied by Gabriel's usual smile was a real punishment for that passionate omega.

― What are you listening to to get all smiley like that?

― Music, what else could it be?

Gabriel had let out a nasal laugh and put the headset in his ear, paying attention to the melody that Theodore had dedicated himself to analyse.

"I have already condemned myself

For being as I am

But I've already forgiven myself

It is for love"

Brown eyes went straight to Theodore's.

― Have you ever condemned yourself? For being who you are?

Gabriel's question paralysed Theodore. The painful memories of what he had experienced a year ago returned to his mind as if he had thrown a bomb. Exploding happiness reminding him that pain would always be there, accompanied by fear.

He was afraid everything will happen again.

Slowly the omega had agreed with his head, leaving his arms resting on his knees.

— I would have no other person to condemn than myself. ― Whispered the boy, realizing the confusion in Gabriel. Chuckling low, Theodore continued ― Was I not good enough for him? Did I do something wrong to make it happen to me? If I wasn't omega, would my family be happier?

Gabriel's smile gradually disappeared from his face. The alpha had extended his hand dipping his fingers in the golden threads, stroking trying to bring back the smile itself.

His hand was warm and comfortable. Theodore felt good when he was touched by that alpha.

― And have you forgiven yourself?

― Already.

― Was it for love?

Theodore had opened a wide smile, averting his eyes with the sudden blush on his cheeks. Gabriel laughed low leaving that omega even more nervous in front of him. He had not declared for the alpha, though he had already admitted that he liked him. But love or fall in love did not come out of his mouth.


Would it be the ideal time? In the middle of the court, during training, with them two there? It didn't matter as long as the world was theirs, right?

― Gabi! Finally you... Oh.

Theodore and Gabriel looked at the girl with smooth and dark hair that appeared there. Even with Sadie's sudden presence, the Alpha had not removed his hand from Theodore's hair. But the omega gently removed it, making the other frown looking like he did not like his behaviour.

― I didn't know you were close.

― Do you need anything from me?

― I was going to ask us to leave together today...

― I'm sorry, but I intend to go with Theodore today.

― But I just...

― Jones, go back to the court! ― Screamed the coach, making Gabriel sigh and get up impatiently.

― Don't run away from me, Theo.

Looking around, Theodore tilted his head childishly. Where would he run? And why would he run away from him? His confusion had made the alpha laugh and wave to him, then wave to Sadie before returning to the volleyball court.

The girl had averted her eyes to Theodore, suspicious and about to have a clear conversation with the omega. However, her brother soon came to hugging her by the shoulder with his routine glowing aura.

― There, little sister, already probing our players to get a vote?

Theodore had noticed that Sadie trembled her hands, closed in her fist. A shiver had run down his spine just imagining that that girl might be feeling angry at him. She hadn't forgotten the damn picture of Orkut, and everyone was talking about her liking Gabriel.

In passing, rumours that the two could be dating have spread since that party. He had ignored the rumours precisely because he expected Gabriel to be sincere and say something.

Well... he had said.

That he liked Theodore.

That he wanted to be with him.

Should he worry then?

― I don't need that. We don't need that. I know we'll win.

― I am very concerned, it seems that our lifter has won hearts and votes from me.

Sadie had cast a keen eye on Theodore.

― You can steal from others, but others won't steal Gabi's heart.

Turning his back on his own brother, Sadie had left the gym in heavy strides. Milles sighs scratching his neck, looking over his shoulder turns Theodore still sitting on the court. Without saying anything, the athlete returned to the court.

Finally alone, Theodore sighed heavy relaxing his shoulders. The obstacles of romance films were about to arise, and one of them was precisely Sadie Mckenzie.

Later, after training ended, Theodore waited for all players to leave the locker room to collect the uniforms and put them in a bag. It would take to wash in your home, and make some adjustments to the sewing of some.

After having fulfilled his assistant duties and talked to the coach, the omega left school finding Gabriel waiting for him at the exit leaning against the wall. Just as he had told Sadie, the alpha intended to go away with the omega.

Theodore's heart had leapt in pure happiness.

― Can we go?

Theodore nods to Gabriel's side, and the two can walk slowly down the silent street. The sun was setting, and the pace of the small town gradually slowed. Taking advantage of the deserted street, the alpha held Theodore's hand, intertwining his fingers.

Immediately the omega looked at him surprised, turning his head from one side to another fearful.

― What if someone sees?

― It's okay, there's no one around. I just want to walk like this.

― Holding my hand?

― If I don't touch you, my day won't be complete.

The way that alpha smiled was a dream, Theodore sighed completely in love. During the boys' commutes, they chatted regularly. They shared their tastes, made jokes, and narrowed their world to just them.

Theodore had never come home that happy like that. He wished that time would be kind to him to pass slowly, making that moment lasting. Just to be closer to Gabriel, feeling the warmth of his hand, the sweetness of his voice, the melody of his laugh.

Stopping in front of Theodore's house was a weeping willow that had served as a farewell point for those boys. The omega turned to face Gabriel, lowering his eyes to the sadly entwined fingers.

He didn't want to let that warm go.

Gabriel stepped forward, lifting his omega's chin with his free hand. With his eyes clear on his, the alpha had a fine smile as he stroked that omega's cheek.

The smell of Theodore rose silently and timidly. He would be eager to know Gabriel's next step, wishing he would touch him more and more. Probably his feelings would be stamped in his eyes, because Gabriel had tilted his face to seal his lips.

A quiet kiss. A farewell.

Forcing himself away, Gabriel smiled undoing the touch in his hands.

― See you tomorrow, Theo.

Theodore had only raised his hand and waved back, for he had not trusted his own voice to answer the alpha. He had watched Gabriel continue up the street, with his hands in his pocket becoming small as he walked away.

Leaning against the trunk of the tree, the omega sighed touching its own lips.

― Big brother!

Hearing the euphoric scream and the small human being running towards him, Theodore had woken up from his thoughts to end his day pampering the little sister.