
I fell in love with the transfer student

Theodore Moss has a dream that is to truly fall in love still in school, just like the characters in the romance books. Living adventures, sharing sweet moments and overcoming obstacles are some things he hopes will happen to you. But it is not so easy when other students are prejudiced with their sexual orientation. But everything can change with the arrival of the transfer student, Gabriel Jones, who even under the spotlight of popularity tries to get closer and friendly with Theodore. That is, if the rich and popular girl Sadie let this happen! Will this friendship be able to unravel true love? This is a romantic cliché, to sweeten your imagination. {Boys Love | Omegaverse}

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
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140 Chs

Courtship proposal

Having a bite was as important as losing your virginity or marrying someone. People were careful when it came to that subject, trying not to bite each other so lightly as it was a bond that would last a lifetime. Most couples, even if they had a married life with children, did not bite each other since they knew they were not soul mates.

There were cases of omegas being bitten against their will. Dominating Alphas who became obsessed with their partners took away their freedom by forcing a bond. Their lives would never be the same when they were in such a frightening situation. Every self-respecting mother teaches her children the importance of protecting themselves from alphas, or anyone else during their rut.

Life was not so beautiful for the omegas. Especially the omega boys.

For that reason Theodore had always made it clear, to both Jake and Gabriel, that he would not like to be bitten. And even though the latter was his soul mate, the omega was still afraid. After all, they had met that year.

The blond's hand had gone cold the very instant he'd heard those words. Even having Gabriel so close looking him straight in the eyes as he broke the distance, Theodore was in an internal struggle. He wanted to run away at the same time he wanted to stay.

Turning his face to break that closeness, the omega frowned. Just as Jake had said earlier, Gabriel would wish to bite him to show that he already had an alpha. It would protect the person he had made his own. A selfish gesture.

― Why so suddenly? You hadn't even pondered that idea until now.

― Because I'm jealous. ― Gabriel replied, holding Theodore's hand and searching his eyes ― It's the strangest thing to feel that the person you like might be lost, because someone more beautiful or interesting has come along.

He wanted to bite him. Theodore already felt his legs trembling slightly and his stomach had begun to churn with anxiety. What should he do? How could he handle that situation? Of course, his omega instinct seemed to make several happy jumps as his alpha wanted to mark him. It was only natural. But Theodore's human side rationalised by refusing to hand everything over on a platter.

Gabriel had released Theodore's hand to caress his face, having the clear eyes finally on his own. Opening a thin smile, he had kept a safe distance from the omega, though still touching him.

― I'm not going to bite you, Theo. I wish, long enough, to do it just to feel safe. But I know you don't want it that way. ― The alpha smiled and heard Theodore's relieved sigh, though he still remained tense. ― Trying my best not to dominate you doesn't mean I don't want to. Just know that I'm fighting my instincts and it's hard, but I do it because I like you.

Releasing the air trapped in his lungs, Theodore let his hand linger over Gabriel's, squeezing his fingers together. He turned his face to seal his palm, again rubbing it against his cheek.

How foolish.

Very foolish.

Was this how he trusted Gabriel?

With what conviction he had used to defend him when Jake had warned that Gabriel would try to bite him? Where was she right now? Theodore had doubted his alpha.

Theodore simply felt ashamed.

― I can see that was hard, just look at the state of his hand. ― Looking at the wounds again, Theodore shook his head. ― What you felt is some of what I've spent all this time seeing you with Sadie.

Gabriel had raised his face to the omega, watching him return to tending to his wound. His expression had softened, and now he was smiling slightly.

― Did you feel that way?

― I've liked you since the first project we did together in the library. ― Admitted the omega, giving a peek at the alpha just to admire the slight blush on his cheeks ― Liking a guy who thinks he's straight it's sucks.

― And have you ever wanted to bite me? ― asked the alpha, having Theodore stop what he was doing to ponder.

― I guess ever since Nico bit Miles I've been thinking about it. Maybe it's more present when we're together doing...

Gabriel let out a low chuckle as the omega had suddenly become embarrassed. Holding his head so that their foreheads were touching, the alpha had not stopped appreciating that omega so beautiful.

He was about to kiss him, to show that all was well between them, when the bedroom door had been suddenly opened with the presence of two people.

― Big brother is right here, no need to cry...

The two teenagers turned in surprise to the tall man with red hair who was holding a small crying girl with blond hair and clear eyes. The silence heralded the processing of awkward information that the moment provided for the three older ones.

Until Lisa cried again escaping her father's arms to run to her older brother.

― Big brother! ― cried the little one turning around the bed to go to Theodore, completely ignoring the alpha's presence in the room.

Extending her arms, Lisa jumped on Theodore's legs, who held her and took her in his arms.

― Why are you crying? Did something happen?

― A bug came into the house to take away my big brother!

Lisa clung to Theodore's neck, continuing to cry. The omega had glanced at Pete, who was crossing his arms staring at Gabriel.

He had never imagined that for the second time he would be caught red-handed in a bedroom with an alpha. His luck was that they were doing nothing much.

― Ahn...

― I'll be waiting downstairs. ― Said Pete peering at Gabriel. ― And put on a blouse, Theodore.

Leaving the room, Pete had left the door open as a clear sign that those two shouldn't make jokes. Especially when leaving Lisa in the room. The two youngsters exchanged glances and sighed embarrassed by the situation.

― I brought you trouble, didn't I?

― They would find out sooner or later. Can you get me a shirt, please?

As Gabriel got up from the bed to go to the wardrobe, Theodore settled his sister on his lap trying to calm her down. Lisa had been sly lately, always clinging to her brother and being jealous. There had even come a day when she had smelled Gabriel on the omega's clothes.

Now that the so-called alpha was right beside her, she couldn't let go of her beloved brother.

― Big brother's here, no need to cry, hm? Calm down, calm down.

― She's your face ― Gabriel commented as he held out the shirt.

― We pull our mother, even though Lisa is a beta. ― Theodore said as he sat his sister on his lap. ― Let me put on my shirt real quick, Lisa.

― No! ― Answered the girl sinking her little fingers on Theodore's shoulders and refusing to let him go.

― Lisa, big brother is cold. I have to get dressed or I'll get sick.

The soft-spoken words had an effect. The little girl let go of her brother, forming a sly beak on her lips, but when Theodore slipped the shirt over her right arm, the little girl clung to him. It took Gabriel's help for the omega to finish dressing and so the two of them could leave the room.

As they went down the stairs, Gabriel looked curiously at Lisa. She was still pouting at Theodore, making it clear how jealous she was. But to the alpha it was striking how similar the siblings were. She was a feminine and childlike version of Theodore.


Gabriel had not failed to smile at the very thought. And his gentle but genuine smile had seemed to break a barrier as Lisa had been embarrassed to look away.

Arriving in the living room where Pete was waiting for them, the two boys sat side by side on the upholstery noticing beta's attempt, failed, to look angry.

― Erm... This is my stepdad, Pete. ― Introduced Theodore, somewhat embarrassed. ― Pete, this is Gabriel.

Pete's eyes widened immediately.

― Gabriel? That Grabriel? ― Receiving a desperate, recriminating look from his stepson, Pete stifled a gasp, returning to his serious pose. ― How did you get into my son's room?

― Through the window, sir. I apologise for my inappropriate behaviour.

Pete peered at Theodore. The boy spoke well, which was a nice low blow. Theodore held his sister on his lap, who continued to watch Gabriel. He didn't know who to pay attention to for his stepfather or his jealous sister.

― We were just talking, Pete. Actually, I was just looking after his hand.

― Did my house become a health care facility?

Even Theodore had been surprised by Pete's brusque response. None of the boys had dared to answer him.

― I'm glad I was the one who went into the room. If it had been your mother...

Gabriel paled at the same moment. Was Theodore's mother mad? Would she pick on them? Would she fight with the omega? Gabriel didn't want to leave his lover with any more problems than that. He'd come there just to be honest, nothing more than that.

― Don't even joke about it. Where is she?

― Taking a bath, of course. Look, young man, I recommend a safe exit through the back door. ― Said Pete, pointing to the kitchen. ― It'll be good for your life.

― What?

The despair had become clearer on Gabriel's face. What kind of situation was that?

But he had barely had time to move. A woman in a flowered bathrobe had appeared on the stairs stretching her neck to find out what was happening in the room. Her scent already announced her arrival, leaving Theodore and Pete silent and paralysed.

It was the first time he'd seen the omega so tense. And the alpha could only imagine that the angry woman had arrived.

― Hey, we have visitors? At this hour?

Theodore had looked at his stepfather in a plea for help, but he had only denied it with his head. Rolling his eyes, Theodore scratched the back of his head, pointing at the alpha sitting next to him. There was no way, the truth would have to be told now that it had arrived.

― It's Gabriel...

In a burst the woman had come down the stairs, running towards the living room running over the upholstery and the carpet to get close to the boys. Gabriel was startled at how quickly she had come to him, getting close enough to assess him.

And just as he had been surprised to see the little girl, he could tell that Theodore had inherited his mother's features. Genetics was something fantastic in that house.

― You're Gabriel, so... Finally.

― I'm sorry... What is it?

― Mom, please ....

― Too late Theodore, she's about to start.

The blonde woman held Gabriel's hands in hers and looked at him with a glint in her eyes.

― I finally met you. Ah, the famous Gabriel. I could only see you from afar, since Theo won't let me out of the car when we drop him off at the gym.

― Is she ratting me out? ― complained Theodore to his stepfather.

― It's only the beginning, you know that. ― replied the beta, scratching the back of his neck.

― A-Ah... So you've heard about me?

― Theodore is too shy, but I see they didn't lie when said you was a handsome boy. And an Alpha. Oh, look at your hand, what a shame... Honey, where's the first aid?

Gabriel had cast a desperate glance at Theodore, having omega moisten his lips as he prepared himself psychologically for the arduous battle that would begin.

― I've already rubbed ointment on his hand, Mom.

― But of course! But you have to take good care of it, it mustn't hurt your hand, otherwise how will you hold my son's hand? You can't!

Blinking dazedly, Gabriel didn't know who to look at. On the other hand, Theodore wanted to merge into the upholstery pretending to be an ostrich to escape that embarrassment.

― Darling, I think we should address the issue that someone has secretly entered our home.

― Is that so? Where did you come in?

― Through the window, ma'am. But I...

― How? There's no way to get through the window...

― He used the neighbour's tree. ― Theodore had said, giving up on remedying the situation. It was better to tell the truth until her excitement was over.

The Beta woman stifled a scream, going to her husband's side and shaking him by the arm.

― We have to thank the neighbour! I knew it was a good idea he had that damn tree.

― Last month you were complaining about the mess it makes on the pavement, and now you want to praise it.

― Don't be like that, honey. Look how much it's benefited us. We finally meet our Theodore's boyfriend.

Theodore and Gabriel looked at each other and blushed, to the elation of a certain mother. They disguised, or tried to, their relationship, but that woman's nose was too cunning. Theodore wanted to contradict, since the relationship had not been made official. However, Gabriel had arranged himself on the upholstery raising his shoulders as he held the omega's hand.

― I am sorry for taking the time to come and formally introduce myself. But I hope you can give consent for me to date your son.

Gabriel Jones should be arrested by the police. Arrested for leaving that omega completely speechless and even more in love. It was the first time anyone had ever introduced themselves to his family and made a formal request to date.

When he saw that kind of scene happening in the romantic movies he loved so much, Theodore envied the leading ladies. How lucky they were to attract guys brave enough to face their future in-laws to make a request like that. Wasn't that a clear sign that they were serious about their relationship?

Now that was happening to him.

And Theodore was flabbergasted.

― You two weren't still dating? But those days when Theodore didn't come home...

― Now, doesn't that mean you're trying to take responsibility for what you did?

His mother's sharp gaze chilled the omega's skin. Now she knew that her son had sex with a person who wasn't even his boyfriend. Surely the lecture on the care an omega should take would be given later, or throughout the week.

― I was actually hoping to make it more appropriate. ― Said Gabriel scratching the back of his neck. ― Since Theo likes romanticism, perhaps a dinner party or a picnic. But... Since I met you two, I'd better take advantage of the opportunity.

Gabriel had entwined his fingers with Theodore's, making the omega's heart race and his scent evident. How he loved him. By the heavens, how he loved him. Would anyone be able to explain how it was possible for a mere teenager to have so many feelings stored up and directed towards another person? They were many, in great quantities.

― I guess there's no denying it when you have that vision. ― commented the woman laying her head on her husband's shoulder, seeing her son like that. ― That's fine with me.

Pete sighed as he put his arm around his wife's shoulders and hugged her.

― If it's going to make our son happy, then I don't see a problem.

Theodore wanted to start crying with emotion. He had the best family, and now a boyfriend. Looking at Gabriel, the omega smiled showing his fangs as he had his hand kissed by the alpha. If he had no shame at all in assuming the relationship in front of the school, it seemed the same applied for his parents.

― We too! We too! ― Suddenly Lissa said, smiling sweetly, showing the first little window between her teeth.

― We? Who would be "we", my child?

The little girl had shaken her head, rubbing her cheeks against Theodore's belly without answering her mother. Aiming her blue eyes at the alpha, she held his hand that was still joined to the omega's, and pulled to be part of his embrace.

― Did you know big brother likes popcorn with chocolati?

Gabriel let out a low chuckle as he noticed he was accepted by that family, the alpha leaned towards the little girl.

― It suits him, doesn't it?

― It does! It does! ― Said a cheerful Lisa.

Later, Gabriel was saying his goodbyes to return to his home. Taking him to the gate, Theodore had held his arm not yet ready to say goodbye. He wanted to stay with him a little longer, enjoy his presence and feel his touches. To smell his scent.

― Thank you for coming. And for all you do for me.

Gabriel had understood the meanings of those words, taking a few steps back to embrace the omega and seal his sugary lips.

Under the starry sky of that autumn night, Theodore Moss would receive the most awaited words since the moment he had fallen in love with the transfer student. Words that made his heart race and a smile break out on his face.

― I love you, Theo.