
I fell in love with the transfer student

Theodore Moss has a dream that is to truly fall in love still in school, just like the characters in the romance books. Living adventures, sharing sweet moments and overcoming obstacles are some things he hopes will happen to you. But it is not so easy when other students are prejudiced with their sexual orientation. But everything can change with the arrival of the transfer student, Gabriel Jones, who even under the spotlight of popularity tries to get closer and friendly with Theodore. That is, if the rich and popular girl Sadie let this happen! Will this friendship be able to unravel true love? This is a romantic cliché, to sweeten your imagination. {Boys Love | Omegaverse}

Alisgreen0107 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
140 Chs

A saviour for the transferred

When he arrived in that city, Gabriel was not happy. Nor did he wish to return to the capital. Indifference had been a consequence of when his world had become black and white. He did not even see hope when his parents suddenly warned of the change because of the job.

― It is the home town of the company. Being close to the owner is a great opportunity for our family.

Certainly he was happy that his parents got the promotion at the company, but he didn't know why it spread to him. For Gabriel that change would not make any difference, because the pleasure for life no longer existed.

Until the day he went to buy his new school uniform.

His mother had given him the card and the paper with the address of the store where he could get his uniform. Follow the directions of the way was easy, not being able to say the same in finding the damn store.

Gabriel looked at the numbers nailed to the walls trying to find the damn store. He went up and down the street several times, almost losing his patience.

When he was about to crumple the paper and turn around to leave, he heard something.

― Um... excuse me, but you look lost to me, do you need help?

The voice shy and soft simply goosebumps the hair of his neck. A sweet aroma like a fruit embraced his senses making him hostage. He had never smelt such a delicious smell in his life, where would it come from?

Gabriel slowly turned around finding a pair of bright, angelic eyes staring at him with curiosity. A boy with messy blonde hair and a big sweatshirt was standing behind him waiting for an answer.

Scratching his neck as he felt his ears warm, Gabriel soon responded.

― I'm actually looking for a uniform store...

— Oh I see. ― The world had just stopped at that moment. The unknown blonde boy opened a simple smile showing the sharp canines. ― It's right here, at this door. I'm also going in there to get my uniform.

Gabriel had watched the blond boy turn his back and approach a narrow door between two shops. There was no number on the wall, since space was almost non-existent, and only when approaching found them carved in the woody door.

The unknown blonde had given a few beats before entering, being followed by Gabriel. The space was so small, there was a narrow counter with the cashier, and a shelf full of niches containing some uniforms.

Approaching the niches, Gabriel soon went to look for the name of his new school and came across four of them. Two male and two female. Scratching his head in confusion, pulled the tissues realizing to be completely different.

One of them was a thick fabric pants of navy blue tone. Along came a simple light blue cotton shirt with the school emblem on the right chest. The other uniform was formal, the pants and shirt were social.

― And now it's...

— It is the black social pants and the white social shirt. ― Jumping, Gabriel looked over his shoulder finding the blond boy holding a bag with the name of the store, about to leave. He looked at him smiling gently, as if the sun reflected his golden hair. ― This year the school changed board of directors, and so changed the uniforms to fit the new concept.

Returning to face the uniform in hand, Gabriel nodded silently to understand the confusion. When he raised his head to thank, the boy was no longer in the store.

Who the hell was he?

You've met lots of guys who can guarantee that none of them would smell as good as him. A beta could be like that?

He would never forget the warmth he had received in that gentle and polite gesture of an unknown boy. When he left the store, Gabriel noticed the colours of the shops on that small avenue... For the first time the world had colours.

Unfortunately he had no idea what was the name of the boy who had helped him.

Until his first day of school came.

Gabriel would receive help from the daughter of the owner of the company where his parents worked to adapt to the school. He imagined her to be a sweet and gentle girl, as he expected from any country girl. But when he heard the euphoric screams the moment he stepped on the courtyard, he was already disappointed.

The same kind of unhappiness that surrounded him in the capital seemed to have followed him into the state. The omega girls with the same behaviours, with the same tastes, same way of speaking... surrounding him tirelessly.

Unfortunately he could not just drive away the girls with their lack of interest, since the girl in question was the daughter of the head of their parents. Depending on how him acted with her, it could bring trouble to your family.

Gabriel didn't want that.

Imagining that his student life would be a real hell for being kind to people who did not interest him, Gabriel took advantage of the girl's chatter to look for a way out, and then... He turns him over.

Lying on the lawn under a flowery Tabebuia. Hidden in the shade with the wind swaying her blonde hair spreading a subtle scent. With eyes closed in a serenity that seemed not to bother with anything.

When Sadie's euphoric screams became louder, Gabriel thanked her in mind, for he was able to be noticed by that boy. That boy who had helped him.

If he recognized Gabriel, would he go to him and get him out of that female hell? Would it be too much to ask that he receive his help for a second time?

His hope was shattered when the blond boy simply looked away. Would he pretend they didn't meet a few weeks ago?

The confusion only increased when a shorter boy approached and sat near the blonde. There Gabriel could see his saviour smiling excited and talking to the other boy as if his presence was nothing.

— Ah, right, right, come, I'll show you where our class is. And then I'll take you to the teachers' lounge, where you can show them the transfer papers.

Averting his eyes to Mckenzie, with his straight and well-groomed hair, Gabriel just nodded and let himself be carried inside the building, completely losing his chance to find out the name of the saviour boy.

His hopes only came back to life when he bumped into someone at the classroom door. The happiness of knowing that they would not only go to the same school as they belonged to the same class, had filled his chest. Once again the sun shone showing the colours of the world.

It was the perfect chance to get close and thank him for his help at the uniform store. He'd take every chance he could get.

But again his chance was interrupted by a short boy with dark circles. The exchange of barbs between Mckenzie and the little one was a big surprise for Gabriel, since until then the girl was all smile and sweet with himself, now having a grimace and disgust stamped on his face.

He kind of liked seeing something behind that spoiled mask.

Their saviour had escaped from them for the second time. The third chance had come in history class, where they were able to share a book and exchange messages. Thank heavens his chance had come in class, for the blond boy could not escape Gabriel.

By the heavens, how good his smell was. The alpha breathed deeply as the blood rushed through his veins. He closed his fingers to control the impulses that were beginning to want to sink into that neck to inhale his scent.

Unlike physical education class, where the new student realized that his great hindrance was incarnated in a short boy with dark circles and a murderous aura that aimed at him. Gabriel did not have a good impression of Nicolas, responsible for taking his saviour away from him.

The little discussion in the cafeteria the other day had made everything worse. Nicolas simply did not let go of Theodore, preventing Gabriel from approaching. It was only a step in his direction, that his saviour was pushed in the opposite direction.

Gabriel swears to hear a growl coming from Nicolas.

― I know you guys are loving hearing me speak up front, but it's time to do the first job of the year.

The second-year students started a wave of complaints, which made the teacher laugh in front of the class.

— Don't worry, it's easy. Just answer a few exercises from the book and give them to me. I'll split the pairs and I don't care about laziness, see!

Gabriel leaned his chin over the palm of his hand without interest in following the draw of the doubles. It was much more interesting to read the notes glued at the end of his notebook, which pulled out his tender smiles.


His saviour's name was Theodore. Unfortunately he didn't seem to remember about him, but being able to talk was enough. Maybe it could thank him for buying a snack in the cafeteria... or help him with some homework.

Clenching his eyebrows, Gabriel just sighed. Nothing seemed worthy of being used as thanks.

While the teacher chose the pairs ignoring the grumbling of his students, Gabriel kept his head in the world of the moon. Or rather, in the sun. For the person in whom he thought had blond hair equal to the sun rays in the drawing of a child.

He had only awakened from his daydream when he heard his last name called by the teacher. Lifting his head with slight disinterest, he restrained his will to smile when he heard him announce.

― Jones, double up with Moss.

Despite having restrained the smile, the same could not be done about looking at his work partner. Gabriel immediately turned his eyes to the guy with blonde hair, who showed surprise and reciprocated to his look.

One chance!

The moment the class came to an end, taking advantage of the students stretching and leaving their places, Gabriel stood up approaching Theodore.

― Hello, work colleague! ― Smile gently the boy, getting a nervous smile from the other. ― How can we organize ourselves to do the work?

Reopening the history book, Theodore searched for the page dictated by the earlier teacher, counting twelve exercises in all.

― It's quite something. ― Murmured the blonde without uncoupling his eyes from the book. ― It will take us a while to do that.

― We can do it in the library, what do you think?

— I can manage, but you have training, right? ― Remember the omega, raising your face to your colleague. Gabriel held his breath to realize that Theodore remembered. ― Every day, after class...

― Well.. That's true, but if you're doing work, it's okay to miss a day.

― Nico will not like it at all. ― Whispered the blonde boy lost in thoughts.

A knot formed in Gabriel's throat. Theodore seemed concerned that the captain of the volleyball team would think? It was true that the sleepy little boy had not liked him, had made that clear the other day, but did not think that Theodore would avoid him in order not to irritate the captain.

What a mess.

What envy.

Swallowing hard, he kept his composure. He continued with the kindness stamped on his face, even if a bitter taste revived his stomach.

― It's all right, Theodore. It's just one day.

— The volleyball team is preparing for the qualifiers, and you're a starter, aren't you? ― Gabriel felt his ears warm when he realized that Theodore seemed to know about himself. This time the smile was uncontrollable. ― If you miss a workout, Nico and the gym teacher will freak out.

Ah, there was no way to go against it.

The relief that grew in his chest had undone the bitter taste of before. He was not worried about what Nicolas would think of their approach, but rather that a school job would be hindering training.

In his head the web of justifications pointed to a single idea. Theodore would be worried about himself.

He'd made his day with just that.

Taking the pencil from Theodore's case, Gabriel leaned in to mark the last six questions of the book.

― So we'll do six for each. And then we can get together and see how it looks and sort out whatever it takes before we deliver. Okay?

Blessed is the hour when he raised his head to hear his opinion, for Gabriel had contemplated a simple smile showing the little nails of Theodore. The world could freeze at that moment, nothing else would matter.

The colours seemed to gain contrast that morning.

― Okay! It's better. When will the deadline be?

― I can do it by Friday.

― We'll meet in the library before Friday's class, then?

Gabriel could not tell exactly why that look, full of expectation, made him feel so happy. Theodore seemed eager to meet him, though he knew it was a mere formality. His saviour was someone kind and polite to people, that's all.

― All right, we'll meet on Friday.

He didn't want to leave. He would just stand there in front of the blond man and watch him look embarrassed by his gaze for hours. However, he didn't want to make you uncomfortable. Giving his back to return to his wallet, Gabriel was surprised when he felt something holding the hem of his shirt.

Turning his head over his shoulder, he came across Theodore compressing his lips in nervousness preventing him from moving away.

― Theodore?

― Is it okay even if you do work with me?

The sudden question caught Gabriel off guard. Turning to the blonde, instead of answering him just arched his eyebrow in doubt. However, Theodore remained to stare at him with clear anxiety.

― I don't know if I understand you. There's no reason not to do the job.

― That's not what I meant ― He was sighing Theodore finally letting go of Gabriel's shirt to scratch his own head in confusion ― I just want to know if you is uncomfortable with me.

― Why would I be?

Theodore's face soon reddened. He refused to say, Gabriel understood.

Leaving his hands in his pants pocket, Gabriel tilted his head analysing his classmate. He tried to find any memory of a possible justification for that strange question. It was then that he felt a subtle sweet aroma, perceiving being emanated from the boy.

A sweet too good for an ordinary beta.

He soon remembered it.

In the mess hall.

― Ah... that. What about it??

— What do you mean what about it? ― He grumbled at Theodore, looking around to see if anyone was near before leaning to Gabriel and whispering ― You know I'm...

― Omega? Gay? ―Seeing the other confirm with his head, Gabriel just smiled at his saviour ― And?

Surprised, Theodore crossed his arms over his chest staring at the transferred student with curiosity and suspicion.

― You're not disgusted... afraid I'm gonna hit on you or something? Like... It's an alpha.

It was Gabriel's turn to scratch his head giving a nervous smile.

It would be a lie to say that he had not thought of the words spoken by Theodore that day of the refectory. It was a great surprise, certainly, and that would be the first conversation they would have since the fateful lunch.

It was the first time he met an omega boy. He was intrigued by his smell and presence.

― No, I'm not disgusted or bothered. And you, are you uncomfortable with me knowing that?

― You'd know anyway since you transferred here. See you Friday then.

Gabriel not had the opportunity to continue the conversation when the math teacher had entered the classroom. Having to return to his wallet, he was disturbed by the slight feeling that Theodore's words contained some other meaning.

A meaning he understood.