
I Fell in Love with the Alchemist in the Chamber Next Door!

Gloria Benson was leading a normal life by day while nursing her passion for online gaming in the wee hours of the night. But, after a freak accident sends her flying out of her window, she’s transported into her favorite RPG—[REALM]. At first, she’s elated! Gloria’s sure she’ll transform from a ho-hum wallflower to an all-powerful princess with her harem of beloved princes by her side. Too bad she ends up reincarnated as an irrelevant NPC in the Demon King Arthonious Falcon III’s new kingdom. Trapped under his steel-toed boot and hell-bent on getting out of the game, Gloria dreads her new life of servitude underneath the most hated man in the universe. However, things take a turn for the better when she catches the eye of the Demon King’s favorite henchman, the infamous Grand Alchemist Zoran Lazarectus. Oh, and he happens to be sleeping in the chamber next door. I Fell in Love with the Alchemist in the Chamber Next Door! is an over the top comedic portal fantasy romance for mature audiences. IFLACND will update daily for the duration of the contest. Remember to comment, share, and vote with your power stones!

zknight · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Prequel: The Prince and The Frogs

This can't be happening to me, Gloria thought as she bent forward to gaze at her body plastered face down on the cobblestone walkway. She was naked save for a bright pink bath towel covered in kissy-face frogs wearing bright golden crowns and matching slippers. It was childish, she'd admit, but she never thought anyone would catch her dead in that outfit. Only now, she thought as she scanned the shocked faces of her neighbors and a few strangers, the whole town could see her!

Gloria grimaced, the thought of her clammy body and horrible fashion sense on the 8 o'clock news making her physically sick. Worse, she wasn't sure her new body could do anything to stop it. She looked down at her near translucent fingertips, so different from her honey-brown skin. She still felt human, but there was no way to explain how she was having a literal out-of-body experience without admitting she was now a ghost.

And, Gloria wasn't even a cool ghost at that! She couldn't make things levitate or drop the temperature around her. All she could do was float and stare, freak out, phase through other humans begging for help, then rinse and repeat. She'd worn herself out by the fifth time she repeated that cursed cycle, so Gloria had forced herself to just watch what would happen next. As the sound of sirens came closer and closer still, Gloria thought back to how she ended up face planting to her death earlier that evening. It all started with a kiss...

IFLACND will update every day for the contest! This is a little plot bunny I’ve had for a while. Hope y’all like it and vote with your power stones!

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