
I fell in love with my sister's boyfriend

Since Ethan and Damian saw each other for the first time, they couldn't deny these weird tingles and attraction they have for each other. Damain wants Ethan to be his, but what happens when Ethan is his girlfriend's younger brother? Read to find out ;) [Warning: some chapters have mature content] Note: The cover doesn't belong to me and can be taken down if asked.

KV_Cleo · LGBT+
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31 Chs

Chapter 3

Ethan's POV

We were having breakfast peacefully when Emma spoke "I want you to meet my boyfriend, can I him for dinner?" she asked Mum.

"Sure Em, I'll be home early" Mum replied. "Sweety you have to be there too" She said to me.

I didn't want to be there for dinner, all her previous boyfriends were douchbags. Emma herself isn't a good person, she treats others like trash, doesn't care about anyone, cheats on her boyfriends and is homophobic of course but she is still my sister. I once warned her about one of her boyfriends I saw with another woman. She just got angry and told me not to interfere in her matters. Nonetheless I nodded "Sure, I'll be there" Emma just rolled her eyes.

I reached college and made my way towards the class. "Hey Boo" I smiled at Riley who plopped down next to me.

"Wanna hang out after class" She asked. Shook my head no "Emma is inviting her boyfriend for dinner, I have to be there" She rolled her eyes.

"Again!? Can't you just ditch it?"

"Can't mum asked to be there" She nodded in understanding.

Damian entered the class, he set his books down and said "Good morning class" He looked around, his eyes locking with mine. I don't know what happens to me. His mere presence makes me feel mushy inside, it never happened to me before. I get these weird tingles in my stomach. I blushed looking way. He started with today's lesson.

I looked at Riley to find her already looking at me smirking. She passed me a note "He's totally into you" was written. I grabbed my pen and wrote "Nope" and passed it back to her.

"Babe I've seen him looking at you enough times already" she had written in another piece of paper. I blushed and again wrote "No".

The lecture was over and I was about to leave the class when my phone buzzed. I took it out from my pocket and checked it. It was a message from Mum, she said to go grocery shopping, she had listed the items to be brought which I assume is for dinner. I replied with an 'okay' and left.

I entered the store and grabbed a cart. I put in all the required items and got in line at the cash counter. Once paid I took all the stuff and got on the bus.

I reached home and placed all the items in their respective places in the kitchen. Mom should be arriving soon so I changed and sat on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV.

Mom arrived shortly and started the dinner. I wanted to help but I couldn't cook to save my life and my sister was busy dressing up and drowning herself in makeup to help not that she was gonna help anyways. Don't get me wrong my sister is pretty but she is just extra most times.

I was setting up the table when the bell rang, seeing that everyone was busy, I opened the door and met with those gorgeous green eyes. I was shocked to see him standing at my doorstep, so he is my sister's new boyfriend. He was wearing a black button down shirt with his sleeves rolled up to the elbow as usual, paired with blue jeans and converse. He looked so handsome, he ran his hand through his hair making him look hotter. I didn't realize I was staring until he spoke "You can take a picture" I blushed.

"I wasn't starting at you" and there I made a fool of myself in front of him.

He smirked "I didn't say you were" My cheeks three shades darker.

I quickly moved aside for him to enter and the realization hit me, so he is my sister's boyfriend. I can't help but feel upset.

Damian's POV

I rang the doorbell and waited. I honestly didn't want to be here. She basically pleaded me to have dinner with her family. I said wanting this to be over quickly. The door opened and I was surprised to see Ethan standing there and I could say the same for him.

He was wearing a band t shirt and jeans. I caught him staring at me and I didn't know why I was pleased with the idea of him staring at me It would have been any other person I would have flipped by now but Ethan is different. I lifted my hand and ran it through my hair. "You can take a picture" I said making him blush.

"I wasn't starting at you" he tried to defend himself, he is so cute.

"I didn't say you were" I smirked making his cheeks turn darker. I was pleased with his reaction. He quickly moved aside allowing me to enter. Emma came downstairs and immediately hugged me. I pulled myself away after a few seconds. His mom came out with a few dishes and he helped to carry the remaining dishes. Emma just sat looking at her phone. I shook my head, I offered Mrs Taylor for help but she just politely declined. Mrs Taylor worked in my company but she knew better than to say that in front of Emma.

We all sat at the table and began eating. Ethan was sitting across from me. Mrs Taylor asked a few questions and I answered politely. Emma started talking but I wasn't paying attention. My eyes were fixed on Ethan who was silently eating and spoke a few words to his mother. I gently touched my feet with his, he looked up from his plate to me. I just smiled and he looked down quickly but I didn't fail to see his cheeks turn pink.

We were done eating and just sitting on the couch talking. Ethan was about to go upstairs where I assume is his room when I asked "Where is the bathroom"

"Ethan since you're already going upstairs, please show Damian the bathroom" Mrs Taylor spoke.

I smirked when he nodded and asked me to follow him. "The other bathroom is broken so you can you the one in my room S-sir" he said. He led me to his room and pointed towards a door which I assume is the bathroom. I got in and did my business.

When I came out I saw his sitting in front of his laptop. I walked towards him, standing behind him, I leaned closer, my face was almost touching him and whispered "What are you doing?"

He jumped and turned his head towards me, he quickly closed his laptop as if he was doing something and didn't want to be caught. When he realized how close we were, he blushed and moved a bit back. "N-Nothing S-sir" he replied shuttering.

He was surely lying and I could feel my I dominant side coming out. I didn't like being lied to and the urge to punish him was growing inside me but I had to control myself. "Do not lie to me" I said in a demanding tone.

"Y-yes S-sir" He whimpered, looking down in submission. I was surprised to see him easily submitting like this but I was pleased nonetheless.

I moved closer to him, lifting his head with two fingers "You can call me Damian" He nodded.

"Words kitten"

"Y-yes S..D-Damian"

I smirked "See you tomorrow kitten"