
chapter two

The next day Jack knocks on Clara's door.....wake up sleepy head while in the room Clara groans 'urgh I don't want to go to school again I think I'm having a headache .Jack chuckles and said "you think " come on ....we are having pancakes for breakfast ,hearing pancakes she jumps up from the bed and goes to prepare for school then comes down stairs for breakfast ,inhaling the sweet scent of pancakes and honey. Good morning dad! Jack looks up and said I thought you said you had a headache while looking at her and smiling at her ...well it's gone after scenting the sweet breakfast you made dad ,Clara said that while smiling cutely and showing off her cute dimples then Jack said your breakfast is on the table ,hurry up and eat quick if not you will be late .


Coming out of the car and waving at her dad good bye ,she looks at the school and talking a deep breath ....walking towards the school she looks at the environment just then she bumps in to someone and falls down then she stood up to help the person gather the books then she looks up to see a girl with long black hair and the the most beautiful green eyes she has ever seen "oh I'm so sorry didn't mean to bump into you like that ...it's OK said the girl then she looks at Clara and said you're new right ,Clara nods her head and said yes ...well let me introduce myself ,I'm Hazel Jacob then she beings her hand out for a shake Clara takes her hand and said nice to meet you Hazel I'm Clara Benson .

What grade are you in ? Hazel asked

I'm in 11th grade replied Clara ..... cool that's my class ,Clara smiled and said can you show me the way to class please ...of course just then the bell rings indicating it's time for lesson to begin come on let's go to class Hazel.


The class teacher introduced Clara to the class and told her to pick a seat ,she was that Hazel has an empty seat close to her she then goes there to sit.

Lessons begins ; Clara enjoys the classes so much especially the maths class then it's time for lunch time. Clara went to the canteen with Hazel and sat down with a handsome guy with looks that kill ....jeez he is so handsome with his blue eyes and black hair and his pink lips but he has this Playboy vibe in him so Clara thought to her self "I have to be carful of him " .

Hi Carl Hazel said to the guy .....well hello pretty girl Hazel glared at him "how many times will I tell you stop calling me those cheeky names" Carl smiled and said but I was talking to you honey I was talking to he cute girl beside you ,as soon as he said that Clara's cheeks turned red and she looked away .Carl ! stop messing around Hazel glared at him again "are you jealous ?" Carl said

huh glared at him again and signed "Carl meet Clara ,she is my new class mate " ..... nice to meet you Clara then he gave her one of his charming smiles and said again "has any one ever told you that you have the most beautiful blue eyes " Clara turned bright red and muttered thank you ,Hazel glared at him Carl!! stop it you're making her uncomfortable with your cheeky comments then she looks at Clara and said to her just ignore him then she signed and said "can we eat please I'm hungry " as she said that Carl winked at Clara but as Hazel told her to ignore him she did so .

After a few lessons school dismissed for the day ,Hazel and Clara are walking out of the school together when Hazel said how about tomorrow I will show you around the school ... yes I will love that and thanks for everything Clara said to her, Hazel just smiled and nodded her head and with that they both parted ways