
I, Fallen Empire, join the chat group

Amarion traversed the eons to become the final vestige of a decayed empire that once held dominion over the cosmos. He was both a subject of this Empire and its ultimate sovereign. Before him lay a universe wholly subjugated, with every technological advancement exhausted, leading to an empire mired in its own stagnation. This fallen empire, having reached the zenith of its potential, collapsed under the weight of its own progress, with no horizons left to conquer. Resigned to a dreary existence as the Emperor of this stagnant universe, Zhou Chen prepared to succumb to the monotony. Then, an unexpected disruption shattered his acceptance: a chat group invitation. [Join the Dimensional Exchange Group?] In that instant, the bleakness of his imperial life flickered with a newfound intensity. [The Prince of the Empire joins the chat group]... The slumbering empire begins to stir...

orzhp205 · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Imperial Prince joins chat group

"'A Dimensional Chat Group?!'

Amarion was momentarily taken aback, his eyes fixated upon the invitation panel floating before him. Behind this panel lay two options: 'Yes' and 'No.'

'Is this my system finally arriving?!'

Quickly, he regained his composure. He had always wondered why, in the novels, every traveler to another world invariably received a system. Amarion had crossed dimensions; indeed, the novels couldn't be all lies. Although the system arrived somewhat late, it had nonetheless come at last.

Instantly, excitement welled up within Amarion. At last, a diversion from the monotony of his life!


With joy, he accepted the invitation to join the chat group.

Inside the Dimensional Chat Group: [Imperial Prince has joined the chat group] [Little March: Oh~ A newcomer has joined.] [Thunder God of War: Oh? An Imperial Prince?! What kind of empire? Is it as powerful as the Angel Legion of Holy Queen Kaisha?!] [Shining Asuna: Regardless, shouldn't we welcome the newcomer first?!] [Butterfly Who Can't Brew Poison: Welcome, newcomer. If you need protection, you can seek me out. Still, I charge a protection fee~] [Homebody Pear: Curious about the newcomer's appearance, could you share a photo?!] [Senpai Toxikawa: Welcome! Newcomers, feel free to settle in. Asking for a photo right away is too much.] [Do Not Call Me Plankton:] [Master of Assorted Meat: Hmm~ A nation should be self-governed by its people. How can there be an emperor?! But still, welcome, newcomer.] [Little March: Hehe... better introduce yourself first…]

As Amarion entered the group, he was greeted warmly by the lively members. Meanwhile, within the Fallen Empire's palace…

'Little March…'

The nickname 'Little March Seven' and her tone in the chat struck a chord with Amarion.

[Imperial Prince: Little March, could you be March Seven from the Astral Express?!]

He couldn't help but inquire in the chat.

[Little March: Oh my~ Am I that famous? Do you actually recognize me?!]


Upon seeing March Seven's response, a smirk played at the corner of Amarion's mouth. His guess was confirmed. As the group's name suggested, the other members were figures and characters from various dimensions.

Thunder, God of War, had mentioned Queen Kaisha earlier, likely referring to Angel Yan from the Super God universe. The Butterfly Who Can't Brew Poison might be Shinobu Kocho from Demon Slayer. As for Shining Asuna, it was clearly Asuna herself—an easy guess. Homebody Pear, Senpai Toxikawa, Do Not Call Me Plankton, and Master of Assorted Meat were probably Eriri, Saeko, Kiana, and Keqing, respectively.

Luckily, Amarion was a seasoned anime fan before his transmigration; otherwise, he might have yet to recognize them all.

[Imperial Prince: Of course, who doesn't know the famous Astral Express and its trailblazers?!] [Imperial Prince: Greetings, everyone! I am no pretender but a genuine Imperial Prince, ruler of the Fallen Empire…]

Amarion proceeded to introduce himself briefly, engaging in conversation with Little March and the others. His earlier speculations about the group members' identities were confirmed through their exchanges. He also learned that this Dimensional Chat Group facilitated communication with other worlds.

'Marvelous! Finally, no more staring blankly at idiotic AIs all day…'

Excitement surged through Amarion. Due to his empire's strict controls and educational regulations, he could only alter a few settings even after inheriting the entire Fallen Empire. Much of his empire remained unchanged until he reached adulthood and acquired full imperial authority. His first act upon gaining full power would be to amend the laws protecting minors, even though none existed anymore in his empire.

After Amarion's self-introduction, the chat group fell briefly silent. Initially, they had paid little heed to his nickname, but the reality of an actual prince astounded them.

[Imperial Prince: Hello?! Why is everyone silent?!]

After a long pause, the group finally responded.

[Little March: Hmm… I suppose everyone is somewhat shocked by what you've said… just a guess.] [Master of Assorted Meat: Shocked is an understatement! My jaw is on the floor.] [Eriri: You all chat; I need to process the information I've just received.] [Butterfly Who Can't Brew Poison: Who would have thought the world beyond is so vast… we are genuinely insignificant…]

Everyone in the Dimensional Chat Group was profoundly shaken by the revelations Amarion had shared."

Thank you so much for reading! Your support means the world to me, and I look forward to your continued gifts and feedback.

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