
I Explore The World of Teyvat With A Kamen Rider Gacha System!?

A young man wakes up after playing Genshin in the world of Teyvat with a wish system to summon items from the Kamen Rider universe. As he explores a hidden evil not native to Teyvat begins to emerge ================================================================== This is my first fanfic or story so any constructive criticism or suggestions are welcome I don't own the rights to Genshin Impact or Kamen Rider franchises

Najicablitz626 · Video Games
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57 Chs

Chapter 05: Welcome to Mondstadt

We arrived at the entrance of Mondstadt and were greeted by two guards.

"Welcome back, Amber. Oh, who is this new face? A visitor?"

"I'm back, Swan this is Jun he got lost in the woods so I brought him back."

"You're one lucky guy if Amber hadn't found you would have probably been lost for days."

"Oy, Lawrence don't tease him he just started traveling. What would you do if you discouraged him."

"Ah, sorry…"

"It's okay Amber I would probably have been gone if you hadn't found me so thank you."

"Okay… you're welcome," said Amber with a blush on her cheek while looking away.

"Oh? Is it finally time for Amber's spring to arrive," said Swan teasingly.

"Sh-Shut up! Jun let's go!" said Amber trying to move on.

'She was adorable just now' I thought to myself.

We entered Mondstadt and It looked like what it was in-game but with more houses, streets, and people. 

"This city lives up to expectations huh."

"Hehe~, right! So Jun, what are you going to do now?"

"Uh, I didn't have any plans at all. I also don't have any mora on me," I said with a wry smile.

*Empty stomach noises*

"Hahaha! You're really hungry, huh? Well, you did get lost in the woods and you lost your boat."

I nodded embarrassingly

 "Let me treat you to a local restaurant here called Good Hunter. Their food is delicious!"

"Thanks, Amber."

Amber leads me down the streets towards the restaurant Good Hunter. Once we arrived I saw a waitress behind the counter.

"Good evening Sara."

"Good evening Amber, who is your new friend?"

"This is Jun he's a new traveler I found him lost in the woods and helped him bring him here to Mondstadt"

 "Hello, my name is Jun. It is nice to meet you, Sara."

"It is nice to meet you as well Jun welcome to Mondstadt, so will you two be dining here?"

"Yes, will it be fine if I ordered for us Jun?" 

"It's okay I trust your judgment after all" 

"Then we'll have two Chicken-Mushroom Skewers and two Sticky Honey Roasts"

 "Okay, you two have a seat while waiting for your order."

Me and Amber both sat at a nearby table and then we started chatting.

"So Jun, have you come up with a plan? I could help if you need to."

"Hmm… I heard there is an Adventurers' Guild here so I thought I could apply there."

Joining the Adventurers' Guild could earn my living expenses as it will also let me travel and see the world. With the Kamen Rider system, I could be a top adventurer as time goes on.

"That's a nice idea with your strength there would be no doubt you will become famous soon enough. If you want you could also join the Knights of Favonius I could recommend you."

"It's a nice offer but I want to travel and see the world more." I don't want to be tied down to a single location for now. I just arrived in Teyvat and I want to see the other regions, especially the ones the game hasn't shown yet.

"That's a shame but just know the offer still stands," said Amber with a bit of regret.

"Thank you, Amber."

As we finished our conversation, Sara served our food. I have to say the food was delicious. The meat was tender and juicy, each bite just oozing with flavor.

"This is delicious!" I said, devouring my plate.

"Hehe~ you won't find this anywhere but in Mondstadt," said Amber with pride.

We both finished our food with a full stomach. Amber paid for our food and said our goodbyes to Sara.

"Do you have anywhere to stay today Jun?"

"Uh… no…"

"Then do you want to stay in my house today?"

"Huh!? What do you mean? I'm a man."

"It's okay you did save me today and I'm sure you are not a bad person."

"Well… okay, thank you."

"Then let's go, my house is this way."

We walked to Amber's house which was nearby, it was a simple two-story house. It looked like she had been living ever since she was a child.

"I'm home! Come on in Jun make yourself at home."

I came in and saw the inside. There was a kitchen with a sink and a table that could accommodate four people, the walls and furniture were made with furnished wood, and on the walls were pictures of her and her family as well as people from the Knights of Favonius.

"You can use the guest room, my friend often stays over."

She must mean Eula. I wonder if I will get to meet her.

"That bathroom is behind that door, I lend you some clothes that belong to my grandpa."

"Thanks, Amber."

I took a bath and put on the clothes I got from Amber. As we said goodnight I went inside my room then lay down on the bed and began to think about what happened today.

"This has been a weird day. I found myself here in a world I thought was fiction, became a Kamen Rider, fought a bunch of monsters, and now am sleeping under the same roof as Amber." I closed my eyes and began to fall asleep

 'I wonder what kind of adventure I will have tomorrow' I thought before falling asleep.

Amber POV

"Jun is amazing, I have never seen someone like him before. The way he looked at me as if he knew me…"

"When he rushed in he looked cool…" I said not realizing I was blushing


"Oh? Is it finally time for Amber's spring to arrive," said Swan teasingly.

"! No no no no no! I'm just thankful that he saved me, yes that's what I'm feeling right now, good night!"

I went into my bed and tried to fall asleep but I was still thinking about Jun.


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