
I Enslaved My System

Your average Author who wrote web novels, yes, the one you curse every day, dies in his slumber. But that wasn't the end for him. He reincarnates in another world where people have different abilities, from teleportation to transformation. But sadly, he doesn't get his Golden finger. It was not until he was 18 that he clicked on the ad for an erotica game. He gets the Lustful Rising, a system that can make him stronger by helping him conquer beauties. [Host, would you like to assimilate with the Lustful Rising?] "No." [...] "..." [But why?] [Host, I'm begging you, please assimilate with me.] "Still no." ...... > This is a novel with a very normal and sweet sibling relationship. In a non-messed up, slice of life setting. A pure book to heal your soul full of cursed content. Of course, you'll find actions and good plot too. Please show your support if you enjoy the story! How can you show your support? Gift Power Stone! 200=1 bonus chapter After that, every 50 Golden tickets is a bonus chapter!! 1 CASTLE =3 CHAPTERS Bonus release will drop the following week! My discord https://discord.com/invite/FQ9bGYV2vM

lucifer_2805 · Fantasy
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154 Chs

Divine Pancakes

Lex walked inside the Shenhe Training Centre towards the reception desk. While observing the insides, he played around with the card in his hand.

It was the platinum card of Shenhe Corporation. He got one from the President of Shenhe Corporation when he attended a meeting with the Board of Directors of Novelweb company.

He was one of the major shareholders in it, so it was quite natural for him to attend those meetings. 

Lex didn't get those shares because he was one of the founders, though. He did have some shares because of it, but he had actually bought the other one himself.

Money was the last thing Lex needed to worry about. Forget the support from the Ramsey Family that was literally one of the Four Lions; he himself had so much wealth that he didn't even remember the companies he had shares of.

Lex by no means was a genius in trades and stocks in his previous life, but he had the basic knowledge about it. He was an author, so he always had additional income that he used to buy stocks.

Getting this new life and a good brain, he worked hard to learn all about stocks and trading. Especially after he awakened his ability, he worked hard and invested in many things.

That's how, after all these years, he had amassed immense wealth.

Back in those days, he had also provided help to Shenhe Corporation, both financially and in suggestions on how they could improve.

Although this world was advanced, it wasn't to the point the Earth had advanced in his previous life. Like, here in this world, nobody had been able to go into space even after having so many different abilities.

So Lex suggested many changes and improvements to the president of Shenhe Corporation, which brought the Shehe corporation to new heights.

For doing so much for Shenhe Corporation, Lex had received some shares in it. He had also bought some, so he became one of the major shareholders of Shenhe Corporation.

Lex sighed, remembering that, and thought, 'I really should take Lisa's suggestion and hire a CA.'

[Hmm, want me to sort out those things?]

'Nah, it's fine. I'll hire a whole team later who'll see all of my wealth.' Lex said, 'By the way, you said I have a strong soul. Is that the reason I'm able to learn everything so easily?'

[Well, you can say that. No matter what the world, some laws are the same. Like the one where a person experiences immense growth in their first 18 years. Since they go from child to teenager at that point, it isn't really that big of a law.]

'But it helped me in my case. My soul was already strong, and this growth that the world provided made it even stronger.' Lex thought.

[We can say that.]

While talking, Lex arrived at the receptionist's desk. He smiled at the lady receptionist and said, "Hi, I would like to book a floor."

The receptionist lady raised her eyebrows and asked, "Sir, do you have any of the VIP cards?"

Lex nodded and was about to take out his card when he remembered something and thought, 'Wait! Would I get in a situation where this lady doesn't recognize me and humiliate me for framing a false card?'

[And after all that, you would prove that your card is the top tier one, dumbfounding everyone. Then you would go even further and prove you're one of the major shareholders, again dumbfounding everyone. Then the manager will come and apologize to you and fire the receptionist.]

Lex was speechless at the monologue he had received. He said to the system, 'Chill dude! This isn't a novel, and people aren't dumb and idiots.'



"Is something wrong, sir?"

The receptionist asked again, seeing the lost look on Lex's face. 

"Ah! Nothing, I was just thinking of something." Lex replied and then gave her the platinum VIP card of Shenhe Corporation.

The receptionist casually took the card without paying any attention to it. This branch of Shenhe Training Centre was in the capital, and almost daily, they had customers with VIP cards. So she had already gotten used to it.

Lex sighed and simply waited.

The receptionist was going to fill in the details from the card on her computer when she saw the colour of the card. She rubbed her eyes again to make sure she was seeing right.

When she saw the colour of the card was still platinum, her eyes went wide in surprise. She raised her head and looked at Lex in awe.

'Hmm, looks like she knows about it. Thank goodness.' Lex thought and waved his hand before the receptionist. "Hello, miss. Is something wrong?"

"A-Ah yes, sorry, sir." The receptionist panicked and bowed slightly. She said, trying to compose herself, "Sorry, Sir! But I'm not someone who could deal with Platinum VIPs. Please, let me call the manager."

"Yeah, sure, no problem. You don't need to be so agitated." Lex responded politely.

"Yes, thank you for understanding. I'll be back in a second." Saying that the receptionist ran off to see who knew where.

Lex shook his head and sat on a nearby chair. Bored, he took out his phone and called Elise.

It continued to ring, but nobody answered. Lex again tried, and this time, finally, after some rings, he heard a sluggish voice from the other side.

"Hello, the one you're trying to contact is currently sleeping and won't be able to talk to you. So please be a kind person and let her sleep."

Lex sighed as he had already expected this. He then said, "No problem, just tell that individual who is sleeping that if she doesn't answer me in ten seconds, she won't be getting any pancakes for a month."

He heard the sound of something or someone dropping on the ground before he heard a grievance-filled voice.

"No fair! Big brother. You can't use something as divine as pancakes for such devious purposes."