
Civilization Colonization, Popularization of English Characters

For irrelevant bystanders, this statement may seem somewhat juvenile.

But for the hundred-eyed creatures who truly face this statement, it is an incredibly weighty utterance. A single sentence determines the fate of their entire race.

Back inside the Hope, Yan Xia monitored the agonized hundred-eyed beings on the planet's surface through surveillance. In human history, colonization has been cruel and devoid of morality.

If there were saints or priests, they would undoubtedly accuse Yan Xia of ruling over the hundred-eyed race in a more civilized manner.

"Ella, is my colonization right or wrong?" he asked, feeling uncertain. As a former ordinary computer engineer, the gravity of his words impacting the future of the hundred-eyed race weighed heavily on him.

Luckily, Ella remained impartial. "Of course, it is right, Yan Xia," she replied. "All human morality and laws are based on the premise that humans are supreme.

No creature can challenge the status of humans. For example, if a rare tiger injures a person, it will be put to death.

Similarly, if humans face extreme hunger, they can kill and consume the last panda on Earth without breaking the law.

These things may be cruel to other beings, but they form the foundation of human society.

Without maintaining this foundation, human society would descend into chaos.

Extreme animal conservationism, extreme environmentalism, extreme vegetarians—all of them disrupt human order."

"At the beginning of the 21st century, humans couldn't avoid the environmental destruction caused by development.

If forcefully reversed, the result would have been saving the environment and animals but causing the deaths of millions of humans.

After all, people living in major cities cannot fathom that even in the year 2037, there are still half a billion people waiting for industrial development to rescue them from hunger."

"Similarly, humans should not grant any intelligent beings the power and courage to challenge humanity.

This applies to other civilizations as well.

If Earth had not been destroyed by gamma rays and the Lightchasers civilization discovered it through tracking gamma ray bursts, they would have sent ships and enslaved humanity."

Ella's words dispelled the last trace of doubt from Yan Xia's mind. This was an essential process of colonization.

"Then let's proceed," he said. "

Next, we will separate the adult and juvenile members of the hundred-eyed race and expose the juveniles to a new educational model while restraining the adults from spreading this information.

If there are any violations, execute the entire family."

This was a plan Yan Xia had long considered.

As an artificial intelligence, Ella still couldn't fully comprehend this behavior. "Yan Xia, are you asking me to provide you with a reason for doing this? Humans are truly complex individuals. It seems I will need a long time to become a true human," Ella remarked, and she was right.


Afterward, Yan Xia gave a name to this civilization—"Lightchasers." In the dark and silent expanse of the cosmos, they pursued the light.

The intelligent species was officially named the "Hundred-Eyed Race" after the planet's colonization.

Yan Xia then instructed Ella to implement a series of policies to suppress the Hundred-Eyed Race, including policies aimed at transforming the next generation into a humanized civilization. The first step was to change their language and writing system.

Since the planet's surface had very thin air, rendering sound impossible, the creatures likely communicated through gestures before using light as a means of communication. Therefore, they continued to use light flickering as their language.

Ella confiscated all the weapons of this civilization and collected all available information from the Hundred-Eyed Race.

She translated it into English characters and destroyed the original records. Schools were established on the planet's surface, with scientists from the Hundred-Eyed Race being segregated in a separate area away from the ordinary members.

These schools aimed to teach the Hundred-Eyed Race the English language. However, language was just the first step; they also needed to compile books about human civilization.

These books would highlight the greatness, compassion, advancement, and extraordinary nature of human civilization.

In the compiled books, due to internal tyranny within their own civilization, countless members of the Hundred-Eyed Race suffered, enduring great hardships.

A Hundred-Eyed Race doctor emitted a signal of light into the universe, which was captured by human civilization.

A fleet from human civilization traveled across light-years to this location and rescued the Hundred-Eyed Race. In the process, Yan Xia was portrayed as the ruler of human civilization, the supreme prophet.

All the information emphasized the superiority of humans.

Many things made Yan Xia's scalp tingle just by looking at them.

"Next, we'll need that, Ella," Yan Xia said, setting his tablet aside and no longer paying attention to the colonization information. He wanted to discuss one of the original plans: biology.

This had always been Ella's weak point. The original plan included two parts: first, the colonization of this civilization, and second, Yan Xia's lifespan issue.

"That's right, Yan Xia," Ella replied. "I've already started collecting samples of the surface organisms on this planet. Through incomplete statistics, we have now identified 128,455 species, ranging from microorganisms to giant organisms."

A total of 120,000 species. Yan Xia couldn't help but think of Earth, where the number of species, especially when including microorganisms, was significantly higher.

"Can such a small number form a complete ecosystem?" Yan Xia asked. Ella nodded.

"It can. This planet relies on volcanoes as a source of resources and gases, so all life here derives from the energy provided by volcanoes.

Yan Xia, you can think of these volcanoes as Earth's water. The ecological environment formed by volcanoes is not a conventional large-scale ecological chain but rather an island ecosystem."

"Of course, the scarcity of species in the records of this civilization is due to other reasons," Ella continued. "

The development of these species has accumulated aggressiveness and predation, leading to the extinction of large organisms on this planet.

Additionally, the Absolute Zero weapons used in the past almost wiped out half of the species on this planet, and coupled with the antimatter annihilation cannons, it is predicted that nearly 40,000 species on this planet have become extinct."

The horrors of interstellar warfare, casually resulting in the extinction of hundreds of thousands of species.

"What a pity!" Yan Xia sighed. These species likely held tremendous research value.

"So, what have you discovered?" Yan Xia asked. Ella displayed the results on the screen.

"The most significant discovery is the Hundred Eyes species itself," Ella explained. "They are closer to the eukaryotic domain of humans, and their genetic compatibility with Earth's organisms is surprisingly high.

The average lifespan of the Hundred Eyes species is around 400 years, and I have extracted their related longevity genes.

Combining this with the most comprehensive protein structure prediction database created by the 'AlphaFold' AI during the era of Earth, theoretically, using the genetic library of this planet, we can extend your lifespan to 620 years."

"Soon, this technology will be applicable to you, Yan Xia."