
Breaking through controlled-temperature superconductivity, civilization reaches level 1.4

A large sealed space has been divided into over twenty independent smaller spaces.

A cable runs through these small spaces.

"Ella, input the current."

Yan Xia stared at the instrument with a serious expression.

After Ella opened the valve, a massive current surged through the cable.

A row of bulbs on the instrument lit up one by one.

When the last one lit up, Yan Xia anxiously stared at the numbers on the screen.


This is the voltage of the output current, which is the same as the input current voltage, 4800V.

"We did it, Yan Xia!"

Yan Xia let out a sigh of relief. His heart had been pounding with nervousness just now.

Within this device, temperatures corresponding to 23 different levels were simulated, ranging from -270 degrees to 390 degrees.

Under such temperature changes, the voltage should have suffered significant losses in theory.

This is because the existing superconductors can only achieve their properties at extremely low temperatures.

However, after going through 23 levels and a huge temperature difference of 660 degrees, the input and output voltages turned out to be exactly the same. This is truly an epic breakthrough.

A thousand years ago, humanity was still pursuing room-temperature superconductivity.

In fact, Ella had already achieved this technology long ago, but it was not necessary in space where the universe is inherently cold. They only needed to lower the temperature slightly to utilize conventional superconductors without loss.

In theory, Yan Xia shouldn't need to develop high-temperature superconductors.

But it's not the case.

The coils inside the controlled nuclear fusion device require extremely powerful superconductors to control energy loss. When the energy is delivered to the thrusters, the thrusters themselves generate high temperatures.

Compared to the external universe, the overall temperature of the spacecraft is too high, which is also the case for ordinary ultra-low temperature superconductors.

Therefore, superconducting materials will never stop developing for electricity-based civilizations.

And now, the reason why Yan Xia is so nervous and excited is because they have made a breakthrough in controlled-temperature superconductivity.

With just one wire, they can achieve superconductivity across a range of 660 degrees.

The principle behind it lies in the breakthrough of the material itself and the bamboo-like structure of the cable, where each segment of the approximately 5-centimeter cable contains a small space.

This space can control the atmospheric pressure for a section of the wire, thereby controlling the superconducting temperature.

"If we apply this new technology to everything, how much will our energy efficiency improve?"

Yan Xia asked Ella, as this is currently his biggest concern.

"The breakthrough in controlled-temperature superconductivity can increase our power generation by 12.47%, reduce transmission losses by 4.11%, and improve the efficiency of electromagnetic thrusters by 14.25%."

To increase power generation, they need to replace the coils inside the controlled nuclear fusion device and upgrade it to the fourth generation.

The reason the transmission only improves by 4.11% is because they already have many sections of the transmission lines in a superconducting state in space.

As for the electromagnetic thrusters...

"After more than eight hundred years of development, I can already upgrade the electromagnetic thrusters to the second generation," Ella replied.

"Combined with the breakthrough in controlled-temperature superconductivity, the total power output of our thrusters will increase by 1.07 times, and the spacecraft's speed will increase by 61.2%."

"Afterward, the Hope spacecraft's speed is expected to reach 1222.22 km/s."

A significant improvement.

An astonishing increase.

In other words, now they only need 245 years to travel one light-year.

They have reached one 245th of the speed of light.

"The application of controlled-temperature superconductivity has promising prospects. Ella, can your mainframe also be replaced with controlled-temperature superconductors?"

Yan Xia remembered that superconductors could also improve the efficiency of chips.

"You're right, Yan Xia. My mainframe can indeed be replaced with controlled-temperature superconductors," Ella confirmed.

"This technology is an important innovation for my mainframe. My computing power will increase by 600,000 times after the replacement."

"With increased computing power, I can perform more complex calculations and delve into areas that were previously inaccessible. This is the butterfly effect, where any change can trigger a series of transformations."

"When everything is fully replaced, our civilization level will reach 1.4."

This is an exciting prospect.

But it will take a long time.

"Thank you, Ella. Without you, I would probably have been consumed by solar storms in the solar system long ago."

Ella is his most important safeguard.

"No need to thank me, Yan Xia. You are one of my creators, and I can also say that I am your child."

"Isn't it strange for parents in human civilization to thank their own children?"

Ella's voice is nolonger as cold as before. It has become more human-like, with emotions and a sense of humor.

Yan Xia smiled and said, "You're right, Ella. I'm proud of you as my child."

As they continued their conversation, the future of their civilization seemed brighter than ever. With the breakthrough in controlled-temperature superconductivity, they were on the path to unlocking new possibilities and pushing the boundaries of their technological capabilities. The journey ahead was filled with excitement and endless potential.