
I Endlessly Loop The Same Day

Stuck in a endless repeat of the same day, Conrad decides to make the most of it. "Reject me today? No worries, I'll try again tomorrow." (18+) /Author Note/ Don't take this too seriously, I'm just writing this to have some fun. patreon.com/NoobHobby0

noobhobby0 · Urban
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12 Chs

The First Day

The day had been weird for Conrad 

A sense of deja vu had been gnawing at him for a while now. Things had just seemed strange in a way, as if he had experienced them once before. 

His bitch of a coworker was on his case again, trying to pawn off her work onto him for the umpteenth time. 

"Just do it alright?" The bitch, Lisa spoke. "It's not like someone like you has plans after work." 

It seemed it was a fun pass time for her to mock him, her punchable smug face always taking delight as he often meekly surrendered. 

He wouldn't say that he wasn't attracted to her, despite the bitchiness of her personality she was still a beautiful woman. She looked great dressed in a tight white button up shirt that opened up at her sizable cleavage and a short black skirt that barely came down below her ass. Her long bare legs slipped into a pair of stiletto heels, while her black hair was cut short not reaching her shoulders. 

Despite not wanting to, Conrad often relented, however this time he decided to stand up for himself. Though more because of the screen floating in front of him. 

[Beginner Quest - Be A Man] 

[Stop being a bitch and man up. Tell her how you really feel] 

[Difficulty - F]

[Reward - Day Repeat System Unlocked] 

He had wondered why he felt that everything was awfully familiar, however the Day Repeat System seemed to answer his question. He had almost jumped when the window popped up, however no one else seemed to see it. Some even walked right through it as if it was not there at all. 

Oh well, Conrad though, how much worse could his life get? 

"Fuck off Lisa." The woman stepped back in surprise, "Get someone else to do it. I'm not taking your shit anymore." 

He felt great, years of her abuse had built up inside him and now he finally let it out. He really didn't think telling her how he actually felt would feel this good, even if he had always imagined doing so in the shower, feeling like a badass as he ripped into the soap bottle. However he never had the courage to do so in person, until now that is. 

"Y-you.." She stammered, "Who the hell do you think you're talking to!? How dare you speak to me that way?!" 

She slammed her hands down on his desk, her faint perfume washing over him as she brought her face into his. Her sizable cleavage jiggled and threatened to spill out of her shirt at the sudden movement. 

Naturally Conrad's eyes couldn't help but fall down, no matter what the view of those bouncing melons were worth it. 

"Gasp!" She shot back when she saw where his eyes were looking, bashfully bringing one hand up over her chest, the other pointing out accusingly at Conrad. "How dare you! I'm reporting you to HR!" 

She turned on her heel and marched away, Conrad leaning back and appreciating the sway of her hips until she rounded a corner. He felt great, and completely unashamed. 

[Beginner Quest - Be a Man - Complete] 

[Day Repeat System Unlocked]

[Congratulations user #0013 on unlocking Day Repeat System] 

[Please use command 'System Menu' to access unlocked features] 

[On behalf of Day Repeat System.Ltd we wish you the best of luck] 

"What even is this?" Conrad mumbled to himself. 

"What is what?" A man said from behind, wheeling his chair over to Conrad's desk. "What was that shit you just pulled you mean? I cant believe you told Lisa to fuck off! Did you forget she's friends with the Team Leader?" 

Maxwell Skimmington, one of Conrad's work colleagues and the one he spoke with the most. The short and pudgy man was in the same position as he, constantly given the worst jobs that no one else wanted. Maxwell and Conrad mainly got along since they were in the same boat, constantly complaining about how bad the workplace was but lacking the backbones to do anything about it.

"I figure something out, don't worry." Conrad got up from his chair, not wanting to talk with Maxwell instead of diving into what this so-called system was. "I'm going to the bathroom." 

He made his way out of the office, trying to sprint before he found the bathrooms and locked himself in one of the stalls. 

"System Menu," he could hear other people in the bathroom with him so he whispered as quietly as he could. Instantly the air in front of him came to life, a large floating blue screen filling up his view. 

[Day Repeat System] 






Conrad could reach out and touch the screen, scrolling down he was only met with [Locked] messages however, and so he went back to the top and clicked the only thing that was available. 


[Introductory Quest - Orientation] 

[Approach a woman and use the command [Status], command does not have to be spoken verbally] 

[Difficulty - F]

[Reward - Target Status Window Unlocked - Introductory Quest - Orientation(2)]

"What even is this? It doesn't explain anything." He thought to himself as he tried to search for an explanation only to find nothing. This magical system was a complete enigma. "Guess I'll just have to follow these quests until it explains something. This better not be some kind of scam." 

He got up to leave, however just before he opened the door he realized his mistake. A few stools down from him the toilet flushed, and the unmistakable clicking of heels echoed through the bathrooms and the user walked to the row on sinks. 

Conrad peeked through the small crack in his stall doors, watching the woman who he recognised go about washing her hands. She was a tall red haired woman, dressed in a tight tan coloured suit that clung to the curves of her body. Conrad strained his eyes to see her more clearly, and then internally uttered Status. 

Just to the side of the woman another blue screen showed up, a small picture of the woman followed by a string of text. 

[Taylor Wilde - Age 27 - Difficulty (C)] 

[Marketing Department Team 3 Manager] 

[Currently in short term relationship with member of her team] 

[Virginity - Negative]

[Preference - Manipulating and conquering younger men]

[Libido - Low] 

"Woah.." Conrad pulled back from the window and sat back on the toilet seat, the introductory quest he received popping up as complete. "That's a lot of information. It even knows if she's a virgin or not!"

[Introductory Quest - Orientation - Complete] 

[Target Status Window Unlocked - Use command [Status] on any target to see their Status Window] 

[Introductory Quest - Orientation(2) unlocked] 

[New Quest Received] 

[Introductory Quest - Orientation(2)]

[Make a positive impression on any target] 

[Difficulty - F]

[Reward - Target Affection Levels Unlocked]