
I Enchanted The Prince

“Please, dance for me one last time…” he implored, his gentle touch caressing her hair as she moved with a beauty that evoked the delicate fluttering of a butterfly amidst a meadow of blossoming flowers. Naria's dancing was a wonder to behold, each step releasing a cloud of butterflies that danced along with her. The dragon prince was captivated by her beauty, talent, and spirit. He loved her with a passion that consumed him, so much so that he forced her to marry him. Naria hoped that her new life as a princess would be a happy escape from her painful past, but it was not to be. Her rival, Miraila who had lost the prince's heart to Naria, was determined to make her life a misery. Every day, Naria endured ridicule and humiliation, feeling alone and trapped. The prince's obsession only made things worse. Naria loved him deeply, but she struggled to reconcile her feelings for him with her desire for freedom. And then, as if her suffering was not enough, new love interest appeared, each one vying for her attention and claiming her as their own. Naria's heart was torn, caught between her love for the dragon prince and her need to be her own person. As the prince disappeared into the distance, Naria knew that she had to make a choice: fight for her love or let him go. But fate was cruel, and before she could decide, tragedy struck, leaving Naria, heartbroken, and forever wondering what might have been. "Be it the light of day or the veil of night, across all epochs and eras, my love, I vow to search and find you, and once again make you mine with a heart that only beats for you…”

Jeri_ · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Twilight of Anticipation: The Eve Before the Nuptials

Queen Lerya stood up gracefully from her chair, her long velvet dress getting caught in the armrest. She chuckled to herself as she quickly fixed it, displaying her independence and self-sufficiency. Naria couldn't help but admire her queen's poise and dignity.

As Lerya straightened her dress, she turned to Naria and spoke in a commanding yet gentle voice, "Think of a wedding gift you will give to the Raiver in front of thousands of people, the gift that will only mean to him, but leave everyone speechless."

Naria's mind raced as she tried to think of a gift that would be both personal and impressive. She knew that this was an important task, one that required careful thought and consideration. She nodded respectfully to the queen, acknowledging the task at hand.

As Queen Lerya made her way towards the door, she paused and added one last instruction, "Tomorrow, the king will be expecting you to arrive in a white sparkling dress that will shine like a diamond, leaving everyone speechless. Surprise him."

With those words, the queen exited the room, leaving Naria to ponder her task. She knew that the queen's expectations were high, but she was determined to rise to the challenge and create a gift that would truly be unforgettable.

Naria rose to her feet and nervously chewed on her lip. "What gift can I give him that won't embarrass us in front of the entire kingdom?" she muttered to herself, pacing back and forth. She couldn't stop thinking about the queen's instruction to surprise him. Sitting down on her bed, Naria gazed out the window, lost in thought. Suddenly, she noticed a black handkerchief on the chair's holder where the queen had been seated. Naria's eyes widened with realization. The queen was not only kind and intelligent, but also incredibly clever. She leaped up, snatched the sparkling handkerchief, and let out a soft chuckle as she held it in her hand. "Surprise him," she repeated the queen's words, understanding the hint she had been given. Naria dashed out of her room, hoping the queen was still nearby. She flung open the door and caught a glimpse of the queen disappearing down the hall. Not caring who heard her, Naria shouted, "I accept!" She yelled, "and I have a gift to surprise him!"

The queen Lerya turned around, a small smile on her face, "I knew you will figure it out, my dear." And gracefully walked away.

Naria walked back into her chamber, her eyes alight with a newfound hope. With the queen as her ally, she no longer felt alone in her struggle. The thought of having a second chance in life filled her with joy, a hope she thought was lost now alive once again.

As the night gently welcomed her into her chambers, Naria felt a nervous excitement building inside her. She knew that tomorrow was the day that would mark the beginning of a new chapter in her life. It was the day she would marry the prince and leave behind her old life.

Despite her nervousness, Naria felt a sense of calm wash over her. She trusted the queen to handle any challenges that may arise, knowing that her wisdom and intelligence would guide them through.

As she lay in bed, Naria thought about the future that awaited her. She knew that it would be filled with both joy and hardships, but she was ready to face them all with the strength and determination that the queen had instilled in her.

Tomorrow was the start of a new circle, a new beginning for Naria. And as she drifted off to sleep, she knew that whatever challenges lay ahead, she would face them with courage and grace, guided by the wisdom of the queen and the hope that burned bright within her heart.


Prince Raiver walked into the dining room, his footsteps echoing in the spacious hall. As he entered, he could see his brother, the crown prince Rayden, sitting at the head of the table. The room was adorned with exquisite chandeliers, paintings, and gold-plated cutlery, adding to the grandeur of the setting.

Rayden's golden eyes glinted in the dim light of the room, and his long hair was lying down like a cascading waterfall. Raiver took a seat next to him and whispered, "I did it, she's finally mine..." Rayden gently tapped his shoulder and replied, "I'm happy for you," as he sipped on the red wine that looked like blood.

Raiver could sense that something was bothering Rayden. He let out a long sigh and said, "The dragons will arrive to bless the ceremony too. Be prepared since they didn't bother coming for mine even if I married the dragon." Prince Rayden smirked sarcastically, his eyes glimmering in the light.

Raiver looked at him and asked, "Are you even in contact with Skyla?" The prince turned to him and then looked at the dining room, taking in the extravagance and grandeur of the setting. "Tomorrow is the day where it will be over for me..." he said, his voice trailing off.

Raiver could sense the tension in the air, and he knew that his brother was going through a difficult time. He reached out and placed a comforting hand on Rayden's shoulder, silently offering his support. The room fell silent as the two brothers sat there, lost in their own thoughts.

Raiver couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he thought about the upcoming wedding. He had managed to get it approved by the king, but he was still worried that he might do something to Naria. He knew that the consequences of his actions could be severe, and he couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

As Raiver was lost in thought, Prince Rayden broke the silence. "Tomorrow, the five dragons will collide again. Make the king proud," he said sarcastically. Raiver knew that his brother was mocking the tradition of the dragon ceremony, but he chose not to respond.

Rayden then added, "Meet your future wife before the wedding. It's a tradition." He tapped Raiver's shoulders and walked away, leaving him to ponder his words.

Raiver knew that he had to meet Naria before the wedding, but he was apprehensive about the encounter.

But after some consideration, He decided to take his brother's advice and meet her, but he would have to be careful not to let his guard down.

As Raiver left the dining room, he couldn't help but feel a sense of dread. The upcoming wedding was going to be a pivotal moment in his life, and he knew that he couldn't afford to mess it up. He would have to rely on his wits and instincts to navigate the treacherous waters ahead.