
I Enchanted The Prince

“Please, dance for me one last time…” he implored, his gentle touch caressing her hair as she moved with a beauty that evoked the delicate fluttering of a butterfly amidst a meadow of blossoming flowers. Naria's dancing was a wonder to behold, each step releasing a cloud of butterflies that danced along with her. The dragon prince was captivated by her beauty, talent, and spirit. He loved her with a passion that consumed him, so much so that he forced her to marry him. Naria hoped that her new life as a princess would be a happy escape from her painful past, but it was not to be. Her rival, Miraila who had lost the prince's heart to Naria, was determined to make her life a misery. Every day, Naria endured ridicule and humiliation, feeling alone and trapped. The prince's obsession only made things worse. Naria loved him deeply, but she struggled to reconcile her feelings for him with her desire for freedom. And then, as if her suffering was not enough, new love interest appeared, each one vying for her attention and claiming her as their own. Naria's heart was torn, caught between her love for the dragon prince and her need to be her own person. As the prince disappeared into the distance, Naria knew that she had to make a choice: fight for her love or let him go. But fate was cruel, and before she could decide, tragedy struck, leaving Naria, heartbroken, and forever wondering what might have been. "Be it the light of day or the veil of night, across all epochs and eras, my love, I vow to search and find you, and once again make you mine with a heart that only beats for you…”

Jeri_ · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Four Realms Reunite

Queen Lerya stood with a regal grace, her long gown flowing elegantly in the gentle breeze. The crown Prince Rayden and Prince Raiver stood behind her, their expressions serious and focused. They were in the castle's garden, a vast expanse of lush greenery that had been specially designed for the dragons to land.

Suddenly, a deafening roar filled the air, and the ground began to shake. The queen and her sons turned their heads towards the sky, watching in awe as four massive dragons swooped down from the clouds. The dragons were breathtakingly beautiful, with scales that shimmered in the sunlight and wings that beat powerfully to keep them aloft.

As the dragons landed gracefully on the ground, the queen and her sons approached them cautiously, their eyes filled with wonder and reverence. The dragons towered above them, their massive bodies seeming to fill the entire garden. But despite their size, they moved with a fluid grace that was both mesmerizing and terrifying.

The queen and her sons bowed low before the dragons, paying their respects to these magnificent creatures who had long been the guardians of this world. It was a moment of great solemnity and reverence, as they stood in the presence of beings who were both ancient and powerful, and who had played a crucial role in the history of their land.

The queen and her sons stood up, their eyes fixed on the white dragon who had landed before them. It was a magnificent creature, with scales as white as snow and eyes that glittered like diamonds. The dragon was the embodiment of Winter, a symbol of the cold and the ice that ruled over the land during the long months of the season.

As they watched, two figures leaped down from the dragon's back, landing gracefully on the ground. They were twins, a brother and a sister, both in their twenties, with long, flowing hair that was as white as the snow, and eyes that were a crystal-clear blue. They were dressed in long white furs that shimmered in the sunlight, an ethereal beauty that seemed to glow in the presence of the dragon.

The queen and her sons watched in awe as the twins approached them, their movements fluid and graceful, like dancers on the wind. The sister was tall and slender, with curves that seemed to flow like water and a face that was both delicate and strong. Her brother was just as beautiful, with sharp features and a lithe, athletic build that hinted at a strength that belied his gentle nature.

Together, they were a sight to behold, a vision of beauty and power that left the queen and her sons breathless. They were the riders of the white dragon, the guardians of Winter, and they had come to pay their respects to wedding.

As the queen and her sons continued to watch in amazement, their attention was drawn to another dragon that had just landed beside the white one. This one was a vibrant pink, the color of cherry blossoms and the spring that they heralded. It was a symbol of rebirth and renewal, and the queen knew that the rider who had just dismounted from its back was a powerful and important figure.

The rider was a woman, with long, flowing pink hair that cascaded down her back. Her eyes were a bright, piercing blue, and her features were sharp and angular, as if chiseled from stone. She wore black clothing that seemed to hug her body like a second skin, as if she were on some kind of mission or hunt.

But despite her fierce appearance, the woman approached the queen with a deep bow, showing the utmost respect and deference. The queen and her sons returned the gesture, acknowledging the woman's importance and the role that she played in the kingdom's affairs.

As the queen and her sons watched, their attention was drawn to a third dragon that had just landed beside the pink one. This dragon was a light green color, the color of fresh leaves and the abundance of summer. The queen knew that this dragon represented the warmth and growth of the season, and she was curious to see who would emerge from its back.

As the dragon roared, a girl with a darker skin tone slid down its back, her curly blue hair covering her body like a blanket. She stumbled a bit as she landed, but quickly regained her footing, showing a fierce determination that belied her clumsiness. Her eyes were a deep, rich purple, and her features were sharp and angular, giving her an air of confidence and strength.

The queen and her sons watched as the girl approached them, her movements fluid and graceful despite her earlier stumble.

They suddenly heard the sound of another dragon approaching. This one was brown, the color of fallen leaves and the harvest of autumn. The queen knew that this dragon represented the end of the growing season, and the beginning of a time of rest and reflection.

As the dragon stood gracefully on the ground, a tall man with dark brown hair and sparkling green eyes emerged from behind it. He was dressed in a handsome blue suit, as if he were prepared for a wedding or some other festive occasion. His features were sharp and angular, and he exuded an air of playfulness and kindness that immediately put the queen and her sons at ease.

As the five riders approached them, they all simultaneously bowed to the queen and her two prince sons. "Please, pay no mind, it's an honour that you are all here," the queen exclaimed, beaming with delight. Suddenly, Prince Raiver emerged from the back, and everyone jumped to congratulate him. "Congratulations, Raiver! We're thrilled for you!" shouted one of the riders, a girl with pink hair, as she playfully punched Raiver in the shoulder.

"I missed you too, Ava," he replied to her punch.

The guy with brown hair came closer and tapped on his shoulder, "so, you're the first one to get married." He spoke slowly.

"Yes, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Rhett." The prince replied.

Amidst the excitement, the crown prince Rayden slowly made his way towards the Winter princess and gently took her hands. "I hope you had a wonderful journey," he spoke softly, looking deep into her eyes. The princess blushed slightly and replied, "It was a pleasure, Your Highness."

Suddenly, all four dragons let out a deafening roar, their voices echoing throughout the garden. "Whoa, did you hear that?!" exclaimed one of the riders, a short girl with curly hair. "I've never heard anything like it!"

"Me too, Era…" Rhett replied to her.

Prince Raiver turned towards the dragons, a wide grin spreading across his face. "Of course, how could I forget you," he exclaimed. He approached them slowly, and all four dragons bowed in reverence to his presence. "My dear friends," Raiver said, patting each dragon on the snout. "I've missed you all so much."

The dragons let out another round of roars, their joyous cries filling the grand garden. "They seem to be celebrating something," observed the Winter princess.

Prince Rayden nodded. "Indeed they are. Raiver's wedding is a great occasion, not just for us humans, but for our dragon friends as well."

The riders watched in wonder as the dragons continued their celebratory display. "What a sight to behold," said the pink-haired girl, her eyes shining with excitement. "I feel honored to be here, witnessing such an incredible event."

The queen smiled warmly at the group. "We are honored to have you all here," she said. "Let the festivities begin!"