
I Enchanted The Prince

“Please, dance for me one last time…” he implored, his gentle touch caressing her hair as she moved with a beauty that evoked the delicate fluttering of a butterfly amidst a meadow of blossoming flowers. Naria's dancing was a wonder to behold, each step releasing a cloud of butterflies that danced along with her. The dragon prince was captivated by her beauty, talent, and spirit. He loved her with a passion that consumed him, so much so that he forced her to marry him. Naria hoped that her new life as a princess would be a happy escape from her painful past, but it was not to be. Her rival, Miraila who had lost the prince's heart to Naria, was determined to make her life a misery. Every day, Naria endured ridicule and humiliation, feeling alone and trapped. The prince's obsession only made things worse. Naria loved him deeply, but she struggled to reconcile her feelings for him with her desire for freedom. And then, as if her suffering was not enough, new love interest appeared, each one vying for her attention and claiming her as their own. Naria's heart was torn, caught between her love for the dragon prince and her need to be her own person. As the prince disappeared into the distance, Naria knew that she had to make a choice: fight for her love or let him go. But fate was cruel, and before she could decide, tragedy struck, leaving Naria, heartbroken, and forever wondering what might have been. "Be it the light of day or the veil of night, across all epochs and eras, my love, I vow to search and find you, and once again make you mine with a heart that only beats for you…”

Jeri_ · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Fluttering as The Dancing Butterfly Bride

Naria's hands trembled as she heard the word "gift," her heart racing with anticipation. She turned around to face Raiver, the prince she had asked a favor from, and asked him, "My prince, the favor I asked you for, did you manage to bring it?"

The prince smiled at her reassuringly and took her hand in his. "Your best friend was persistent at first, but it's with your maids," he replied, his touch sending shivers down Naria's spine.

Naria smiled back gratefully, and bowed to the prince. "Please, inform them that I will be gone for 20 minutes," she said, before taking her hand back and heading towards the hall, escorted by two of her maids.

As they walked, one of the maids informed Naria that the prince had left the gift in a room with a dark door. Naria's smile widened with excitement as she lifted her black dress and said, "Let's go! I will need your help again."

As they entered the room, Naria's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the wings, "they look bigger, somehow." She chuckled,

"Please, help me change," she looked at one of the maids.

Prince Raiver was enjoying his drink, the smooth liquid warming him from the inside out. He savored the taste, savoring the moment of peace and quiet in the midst of the chaos of the kingdom.

But his peaceful moment was short-lived, as the dragon raider Rhett, Kayden, and the crown prince Rayden walked up to him. Raiver looked up, surprised to see them all together.

"Hey, guys," Raiver said, putting down his glass. "What brings you here?"

Rhett, always the blunt one, cut straight to the point. "Where is your bride?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with mischief.

Raiver chuckled. "I'm not exactly sure," he replied. "She went to get her gift, I suppose."

Kayden and Rayden exchanged knowing glances, smirking at Raiver. "Ah, the gift," Kayden said. "A special surprise from the bride, huh?"

Raiver rolled his eyes, but couldn't help but smile. "Yes, a special surprise," he said. "She's been looking forward to it."

Rhett's eyes lit up with curiosity. "What is it?" he asked.

Raiver shook his head. "I can't tell you," he said, grinning. "It's a surprise, I guess."

Kayden and Rayden laughed, teasing Raiver about his secret gift from his bride. Raiver joined in, enjoying the lighthearted banter.

For a moment, they forgot about the troubles of the kingdom, the threats of the other countries, and the weight of their responsibilities. They were just four friends, enjoying each other's company and the simple pleasure of a good drink and good company.

Naria had finally completed her unique gift, one that no one would ever forget when *knock* - a gentle knock interrupted her thoughts. She turned to see the queen standing at her door. "Your majesty," greeted Naria with a bow.

"My dear child, you truly know how to make an entrance," the queen remarked with a warm smile. "And as for your gift, you have surprised me once again…" The queen looked at Naria up and down.

"I am so pleased that Prince Raiver has chosen you to be his wife, Naria." The queen gently touched Naria's cheek and continued, "Let the fire that burns within you shine through."

After waiting for thirty minutes, the lights suddenly went out, and the extra candles were extinguished by Winter Prince Kayden's snow.

Naria's heart was racing as she stepped into the hall, her nerves on edge as she tried to keep her trembling hands steady. She couldn't see anything through the swarm of yellow wings, but she knew that every eye was fixed on her. The room was silent, as if the air itself was holding its breath in anticipation.

Suddenly, the lights flickered on, illuminating the grand hall and the people within it. Gasps and murmurs erupted from the crowd as they took in the sight before them. Instead of a traditional bride, Naria stood before them, a fairy-like creature with small wings that glimmered in the light.

Her tresses of blonde flowed down like a river, a breathtaking sight to behold for all to see. A black glove adorned her hand, granting her mastery over her every movement. Adorning her wrist and forehead, a golden bracelet shone like the sun's rays, while emerald green, the color of butterfly wings, clung to her hair like a delicate halo.

Her dress was a short black number that hugged her curves, with a yellow belt cinching in her waist. Her cleavage was on full display, but it was her wings that drew everyone's attention. They were small, yet somehow managed to shine like sunbeams in the daylight.

As the music started, Naria began to dance, her every movement fluid and graceful. With each step, golden butterflies seemed to pour from her body, as if she were a deity of some sort. 'Watch me…' she grinned to herself proudly as she circled around.

The prince, Raiver, and the four dragon raiders were mesmerized, unable to take their eyes off her. Even the king was frozen in place, watching with a mix of awe and confusion.

In the shadows, the queen smirked, knowing that her daughter-in law had pulled off something truly magical. The room was filled with a sense of wonder and mystery, and nobody knew quite what to make of it all. But one thing was certain – Naria had stolen the show, and no one would forget her wedding day anytime soon.

As Naria danced, her mind raced, piecing together the cryptic words her mother, the queen, had spoken to her.

All the pieces fell into place: the black handkerchief she purposefully left, the black wedding dress representing the black dragon, and the enigmatic gift meant only for Prince Raiver but enchanting everyone else as well.

Lost in her thoughts and surrounded by swirling butterflies, Naria was caught off guard when Prince Raiver's hand found hers, his arms encircling her waist. His touch sent shivers of excitement down her spine, and she couldn't help but smile.

"You're incredible," he whispered, his voice filled with a mix of admiration and possessiveness. His hand caressed her tenderly, gliding over her bare skin and tracing her shoulder.

Jealousy coursed through his veins, a burning desire to keep her all to himself, hidden from prying eyes.

"But that's enough," he continued, his tone filled with determination. "I can't let anyone else see you like this."

Without hesitation, Prince Raiver effortlessly lifted Naria onto his shoulder, making her gasp in surprise. He then turned toward the crowd, his gaze defiant, and bowed with a regal flourish.

"My wife is mine to see," he declared boldly, his voice carrying across the room. The statement hung in the air, leaving everyone speechless, their eyes wide with shock and curiosity.

With each resolute step, Prince Raiver made his way out of the wedding hall, carrying Naria on his shoulder like a prized possession. The onlookers watched in silence, their mouths agape, as the couple vanished into the distance, leaving behind a trail of unanswered questions and whispered speculation.

The hall, once filled with the buzz of excitement and awe, now sat in a stunned silence. The enchantment of Naria's dance still lingered in the air, mingling with the awe and bewilderment of the guests. It was a moment that would be forever etched in their memories, a tale to be recounted for generations to come.

As Naria clung to Prince Raiver, her heart pounding with a mixture of exhilaration and uncertainty, she couldn't help but feel a sense of adventure unfold before her. Little did she know that their hasty retreat from the hall was just the beginning of a journey filled with secrets, challenges, and a love that would defy expectations.