
I Enchanted The Prince

“Please, dance for me one last time…” he implored, his gentle touch caressing her hair as she moved with a beauty that evoked the delicate fluttering of a butterfly amidst a meadow of blossoming flowers. Naria's dancing was a wonder to behold, each step releasing a cloud of butterflies that danced along with her. The dragon prince was captivated by her beauty, talent, and spirit. He loved her with a passion that consumed him, so much so that he forced her to marry him. Naria hoped that her new life as a princess would be a happy escape from her painful past, but it was not to be. Her rival, Miraila who had lost the prince's heart to Naria, was determined to make her life a misery. Every day, Naria endured ridicule and humiliation, feeling alone and trapped. The prince's obsession only made things worse. Naria loved him deeply, but she struggled to reconcile her feelings for him with her desire for freedom. And then, as if her suffering was not enough, new love interest appeared, each one vying for her attention and claiming her as their own. Naria's heart was torn, caught between her love for the dragon prince and her need to be her own person. As the prince disappeared into the distance, Naria knew that she had to make a choice: fight for her love or let him go. But fate was cruel, and before she could decide, tragedy struck, leaving Naria, heartbroken, and forever wondering what might have been. "Be it the light of day or the veil of night, across all epochs and eras, my love, I vow to search and find you, and once again make you mine with a heart that only beats for you…”

Jeri_ · Fantasy
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68 Chs

Adopted Love

Naria descended the stairs to the main hall, her footsteps echoing against the old wooden steps. As she reached the bottom, she was greeted by the sight of nude colour walls adorned with dark ornaments, and large dancing portraits that were slowly fading away with age.

Her eyes were immediately drawn to the massive two doors at the end of the hall, where the Ace stood. His dark hair fell in waves around his chiseled face, and his brown sadistic eyes glinted in the dim light of the hall. His smile was welcoming, but Naria knew better than to trust it. She could sense the pure evil emanating from him.

It was hard for her to recognise it, as he was dressed in red armor that glinted menacingly, and he held a sword in his hand, its sharp edge catching the light. Naria felt a cold shiver run down her spine as she approached him, her senses on high alert.

Despite the danger that surrounded her, Naria remained calm and focused as she prepared to face the Ace. She knew that her fate rested on her ability to outsmart him right now.

"Welcome back, brother…" She forcibly lifted the corners of her lips, inhaling and exhaling air, she relaxed her tiny shoulders.

"You don't seem to miss me at all," Ace's lips slightly lowered.

'Because I don't, you asshole!' Naria thought while slowly approaching him, "don't be ridiculous, of course I missed you!" She raised her eyebrows, trying to make her resting face more welcoming.

As Ace approached her, Naria felt her body tense up involuntarily. She tried to steel herself against him, but his arms wrapped around her slender shoulders before she could react. The hug was unexpected, and Naria felt a deep sense of disgust well up inside her.

She could feel his manly scent, the same as it had been a few years ago, filling her nostrils. It was a smell that she had once found comforting, but now it made her feel sick to her stomach. She could feel his cheek brush against her ear as he whispered in her ear, "you finally matured for me," his voice low and dangerous.

Naria tried to pull away, but his grip on her was too strong. She could feel her body shaking with revulsion as he held her close, his breath hot against her neck. She wanted to vomit, to push him away and run as far as she could, but she knew that she couldn't. She was trapped, caught in his embrace, and she knew that she would have to find a way to escape him if she wanted to survive.

Ace slowly released Naria's shoulders and looked into her green crystal-like eyes. At 6.2 ft tall, he towered over her petite 5.2 ft frame, and his gaze was intense, almost hypnotic. As he stared at her, Naria felt a strange mix of fear and attraction wash over her.

Without warning, Ace reached out and began to touch her hair, his fingers mingling with hers. Naria felt a shiver run down her spine as his touch sent a jolt of electricity through her body. She knew that she should pull away, that she should resist him, but she found herself unable to do so.

"It's time to cut your hair, again," he spoke…

Ace's touch was both gentle and possessive, and Naria found herself getting lost in the sensation of his fingers running through her hair. She could feel the heat of his body against hers, and she knew that she was in a dangerous position. But as he continued to touch her, she found herself unable to resist.

Naria tried to push him away, to remind herself of the danger that he posed, but she found herself drawn to him despite herself. His touch was intoxicating, and she knew that she was caught in a dangerous game that she might not win.

"I was going to," she replied to his comments and looked down… She would say anything to please his ego just to avoid seeing him angry.

"How long are you going to continue touching her?" A cold and icy tone came from behind.

'Veronica,' she looked around to greet her half sister.

Naria knew that Veronica was in love with Ace, and it was no secret. She could see the way that Veronica looked at him, with a mixture of adoration and jealousy. It was clear that Veronica resented Naria for the attention that Ace was giving her, and Naria could sense the hatred that Veronica had for her.

"You look beautiful," Naria spoke as the corners of her lips lifted on their own. It was a smile that Naria was mastering for a long time.

Veronica was tall and slim, with a small face and a pointy nose. Her black eyes were piercing, and her straight long hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall. She was wearing a golden tunic that seemed to have been specifically chosen for Ace's return, and her makeup was immaculate.

Naria could see the way that Veronica was dolling herself up, trying to impress Ace with her looks. But Naria knew that it was pointless, that Ace would never be interested in someone like Veronica. She could see the desperation in Veronica's eyes, and it made her feel both sad and angry.

Despite Veronica's hatred towards her, Naria refused to let it affect her. She knew that she had to stay focused if she was going to survive, and she was determined to outsmart Ace and his followers.

"Can't you see that I'm busy right now?" His eyes pierced through Veronica's body.

Ace was the son of Verna, the owner of the house where they lived. Verna had raised Ace with all the love and care that a mother could provide.

When Ace was 10 years old, Verna's brother passed away, leaving his daughter Veronica orphaned. Verna didn't think twice before taking in Veronica and raising her as her own daughter. Ace and Veronica grew up together as siblings, and they were as close as any brother and sister could be.

It was only when they were both teenagers that Verna finally revealed the truth to them - that Veronica was actually Ace's real blood cousin, and that she had been adopted by Verna when her parents passed away. Although they were surprised by the news, the only thing that actually changed between them was the way Veronica started to love Ace.