
Experimenting with the system.

Well, there's, no sense in complaining now, at least I got the chance to live again this place looks like a forest with large very large trees blocking out the light from above. Now that I think about it where are my stats? I know this isn't a game but there would normally be a stats page. Hmm this isn't your typical system it would seem let me try something


strength: 50

Agility: 60

Wisdom: 50

Luck: 30+40

Perception: 50


Intelligence: 50

Mp: 40

SP: 40

Swiftness: 35

Defense: 25

Holy cow I'm strong a cut above the average. But how strong? I want to test my strength on something but I don't see anything time to go exploring I guess but should I? What if I get killed? Sigh I guess I'll have to find out. I started to walk and saw nothing literally nothing for hours. So I decided to rest a little and try getting some skills. The first skill I wanted to get was (appraisal)

So I started looking at stuff that I thought was interesting. And after 15 minutes of looking, i finally got it



appraisal:(level 1)

Let's you see information about everything. The higher the skill level the more information you'll get.