
Jimin's First Date

Yoongi had told Jimin they're reservation was at seven thirty and that he would pick him up at seven, but it was already six forty-five, and Jimin still couldn't get his hair to fall just right. His outfit all the way down to his socks was perfect, but his damn hair. He wanted to look perfect, but clearly tonight's theme wasn't perfect hair. With a loud groan, Jimin finally gave up and let his hair lay where it wanted to: in his face. He took one last look at his outfit in the mirror and went into the living room, anxiously waiting for Yoongi to text.

Ten minutes go by and he hears a knock at the door. Jimin looked at his phone. "It's six fifty-eight. He's two minutes early," He muttered to himself. Slowly, he made his way to the door and cracked it. He was greeted by Yoongi's grin, holding a bouquet of lilies. The smell of his cologne was creeping its' way into Jimin nose. He liked it. "How did you know which apartment I was in? I didn't tell you."

Yoongi stepped into the apartment. "I saw you through the window and figured you deserved a man who comes to the door. An 'I'm here' text seemed a bit rude." Jimin nodded and graciously took the beautiful white lilies and put them in his favorite vase with some cool water. "Are you ready to go?" Yoongi broke the silence. Jimin grabbed his jacket and they were off.

The car was quiet on the way to the restaurant, but it wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was the kind of silence you have with a good friend, just enjoying their company. Jimin thought this odd, considering he was in the car with a complete stranger.

Yoongi turned on the radio and began humming along to a familiar tune. Jimin couldn't put his finger on, but he knew this song from somewhere. He spent the entirety of the ride there trying to remember where he had heard this song. He couldn't.

Yoongi shut the car off and came around to Jimin's side to open his door. He quietly thanked him, walking towards the door. Yoongi opened the door for him. Apparently, he had made reservations for this place in advance. They were guided to a roof with one table and beautiful greenery surrounding it. Jimin was amazed at the sight in front of him. This must have been so expensive to set up and rent for a night. He couldn't fathom why Yoongi had put in this much effort for a first date. Maybe he was just really rich, or maybe he was just a considerable hopeless romantic. Jimin didn't know. What he did know was that for a first date, this was exceptionally astounding.

They ordered their food and sat in silence for a few seconds until Yoongi initiated conversation. "So, what do you think?" He asked, sheepishly. Jimin was at a loss for words. He didn't know what to say. Yoongi could see the utter shock on Jimin's face and took that as a good sign, but it was bittersweet. Jimin didn't know something about Yoongi that would affect his shock regarding the amount of effort and money put into this first date. "I'll assume you like the setting," Yoongi started, "I figured a man as sweet as you deserves to be treated like a prince."

Jimin didn't know what to say. This man had just barely met him and poured his heart and soul into this date. He couldn't help wondering why, but he was too scared to ask. Jimin should've asked.

The date continued as a normal date would. They talked about their hobbies and what they dreamed of being able to achieve before they leave the Earth. Unbeknownst to Jimin, this wasn't a normal date. Yoongi needed to tell Jimin something world-shattering, but he couldn't bring himself to do it. The beautiful, melodious and innocent laugh of Jimin's made it so impossible. He felt his stomach drop, knowing one day he'd find out. He just hoped it wouldn't be any time soon.

Food was brought to their table and they ate, still talking in between every bite. They both adored each word that left the other's mouth, but Yoongi couldn't keep this up. He had to take Jimin home. He couldn't break down in front of him because he knew he'd have to explain himself and he wasn't ready. So, Yoongi paid the bill with a generous tip and led Jimin to the car, opening the door as he did when they arrived. He started the engine and drove towards Jimin's apartment. It was a quiet car ride back, which worried Jimin. Did he say something wrong or chew with his mouth open? It wasn't the same comfortable silence he felt on the way there. It felt empty and a bit sad. He wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

They arrived at the apartment complex and Yoongi helped Jimin out of the car. "Thank you for dinner, Yoongi. This has been one of the best nights of my life." Yoongi felt his heart drop and his eyes began to water. He smiled and gently kissed Jimin's cheek. "Will I see you again?" Jimin asked, desperation in his eyes and hope in his heart. Yoongi didn't know what to say. He didn't know if he'd see Jimin again.

"I'll see you again, Jimin. Thank you for spending an evening with me. It truly means the world to me." He felt a lump in his throat as he got back into his car, quickly pulling off. Jimin walked into his quiet, empty apartment. He felt like crying, but he didn't know why. His heart felt heavy and he felt sick to his stomach. He decided to lay down, figuring he'd feel better in the morning. Jimin didn't realize how wrong he really was.