
the dream

Emily shuffles around in her bed the white sheets and crisp green blanket inching closer to the edge to fall off. "mama" Emily stirs getting off the hot black ground "ahhh!" emily shrieks pushing up of the hot ground. the fire around her blazes higher into the air Emily gets up and starts walking around "mama?" Emily calls out walking slowly on the deck ground. "Theres a girl in there!" shouts a wich on the side lines "I need to get on there!" she shouts shoving people aside this is evergreen the elder of Saint. Larisus school of plant magic. she shoves people aside as a water wich trying to tend the fier goes in after her. "ma'am" the water wich shouts "becarfull!" as ever almost stumbles over a burnt log on the floor. Emily looks across the floor to a big log laying on the floor with chard human remains under it "!" she falls back in panic "MAMA! HANNA!" Emily shouts as she is grabbed and pulled away. "!" Emily jolts up in her bed grabbing the sheets to not reveal her naked body she reaches over to her nightstand for her glasses "j-just a dream!" she sees looking around her room the walls are not black the walls are coverd in a green wall paper with leaves covering them. Her back pack propped up against her nightstand. Her floors aren't black either they are brown and wooden. Her bed is a light brown shaven wood with a carved in pattern the sheets on her bed are white but the mattress is a light salmon pink and her blanket is a barck navy green. "knock knock knock" some one is at the door "open the blumin door" shouts J-rin. "Coming" emily pulled the sheets off her bed sliding to the door. "wow" J looks away "I dint know you were naked you idiot" she yells "I'll come back when your dressed!" she says walking away. Emily shouts and locks the door so J wont burst in on her like she did that one time cause Emily was taking "to long" Emily threw the sheets on her bed shuffling on a turtle neck sweter and overalls. her long dark brown hair at her shoulders was hoi g to be a problem. "maby ill ask the elder ever to braid my hair?" he says looking at herself in the mirror he freckles on her cheeks made her smile ever always told her "every freckle is a place you have visited a flower you have liked of a leson you have learned" and Emily hade a lot of freckles it made her feel wise but ever dint have freckles and he was smarter than any one she new with or with out freckles she was the smartest. Emily snapped out of the memory and slid on whit knee high socks and unlocked the door "J-RIN IM READY!" Emily shouted she waited in her room for j because the last time she'd left to look for her made j angry be cause the elder help and Emily showed off all her favoret hiding spots. "ugh still take as long as ever" j says walking past the door as Emily follows her "will you be joining us in my shade garden today?" emily asked walking along side j "Ha no I wouldn't want to be any were withe you besides I have plans with my friends" j sed laughing it off "oh..." emily sed walking a little bit slower "then have a good day: she sed turning around to go see the solder to get her hair done "Juniper!" emily shouted. A small highena stepped around the corner growling a little as j passed her she then ran to Emily's side. Emily pressed her hand against the giand rune coverd door "here we go"she told juniper and opend the door.