
A Vengeful Heart

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the three year battle of cracking down underground forces, after last year's goals which included wiping out a bunch of evil crime organizations and punishing a group of their supporters, the containment of underground forces and criminal offenses had been successful.

Now, this was the second year, the first year of the revolution! This year's resolution was clear as day, let the feeling of safety and satisfaction of the people be increased significantly.

To achieve this goal, police everywhere weren't slacking off either, immediately carrying out all sorts of proactive investigations. One of their top priorities were organized crimes on school grounds, using Wan Ning city as an example, the "Two Musts" plan was carried out, the underground forces must not be allowed to infiltrate the school, and the personal safety of the students must be protected!

This wasn't just a motto, this was the real deal. The police sent out group messages every so often and hung up eye-catching slogans on the streets, all of which were declarations against underground criminal organizations. Please surrender immediately!

Xu Mang felt a bit puzzled. Under such immense pressure, these hoodlums were still as arrogant as ever. Speaking logically… their intelligence couldn't even compare to a bicycle.

Then again, if they had brains, they probably wouldn't have ended up like this.

Ugh... what a bunch of morons!

Ten minutes after Xu Mang's report on the phone, a dozen cop cars pulled up with their sirens blaring 'wee woo wee woo' and their lights flashing, surrounding the gathering of morons. Not even 3 minutes later...they were caught by fifty or so policemen, and all of them were given a shiny pair of bracelets, then sent off in their respective cars to where they were supposed to stay.

It was over...

And yet, Xu Mang didn't feel a sense of victory at all. His sense of participation was far too low...it felt as though he had had nothing to do with the entire situation

Suddenly, a policeman approached Xu Mang and Yang Xiaoman, giving them both a quick salute, and he said in a sincere tone, "You must be Xu Mang, right? Thank you for reporting the news. I promise you, from now on, we will definitely put our all into preserving your schooling environment and return a peaceful studying environment to you, students !"

"I believe in all of you, Mr. Policeman!" Xu Mang replied in earnest. "Oh, yeah… Mr. Policeman, amongst the people you arrested, there are a few who were members of our school's basketball team, they joined in on all kinds of crimes in schools, intentionally beating up and threatening other students!

"I have here a list of all their charges, I wrote down these details when I interviewed the victims." Xu Mang reached into his bag and pulled out a notebook, giving it to the policeman. "Please give these victims the justice they deserve, Mr. Policeman!"

Even though the notebook was light, in the hands of the policeman, it held a much greater weight.

"Xu Mang, do me a favor, tell those students who were victims that justice might be late, but it will never be absent!"

"I will!"

Just as the policeman was about to leave, Xu Mang called out to him.

"Oh, wait! Mr. Policeman… could you perhaps..." Xu Mang suddenly felt a bit shy. "Could you give me a pennant, please? Just write two big words on it—passionate citizen, and then write my name on the side."

Even though this request seemed a bit pointless, the policeman agreed to it nonetheless. After all, Xu Mang had indeed helped him in reporting the incident!

Watching the policeman leave, Xu Mang gave a triumphant smile. One shot at a time, the school's basketball team would be ended once and for all. From now on, the basketball team would only appear in history books!

"Let's go!"

Xu Mang rushed toward Yang Xiaoman and asked, "Wanna take a cab?"

Yang Xiaoman didn't answer him, only looking silently at the man before her, suddenly feeling… that she didn't understand Xu Mang.

Their car arrived, and both of them sat at the back. Yang Xiaoman occasionally stole a few glances at Xu Mang who was sitting next to her. His performance today had totally changed her impression of him. She had thought that this brat would call a group of off-campus teens and settle things with violence, having it end with both ends suffering defeat.

However, he had gone in the completely opposite direction and had called the cops just like that. Even though that was the standard procedure… wasn't this still the easy-going and impulsive Xu Mang?

That wasn't even the scariest part.

The scariest thing was that notebook!

"Hey... The contents of that notebook… are they all real?" Yang Xiaoman asked in a small voice.

"Yup! I started prepping all this a year ago," Xu Mang replied, smiling proudly.


A year ago?

Yang Xiaoman was stupefied. "You planned for this to happen a year ago?"

Xu Mang nodded, chuckling, and said, "When I first got into Junior 1, I was bullied by the school's basketball team. Well, it wasn't exactly bullying… they stole 100 RMB from me, so I started to plan my revenge, and coincidentally, the crackdown of underground forces started last year too...."

This guy...

All because of 100 RMB, he had completely destroyed the whole basketball team... surely his ability to hold a grudge was far too strong, wasn't it?

Yang Xiaoman glared at him. "I bully you all the time, are you planning to get revenge on me too?"

Xu Mang hurriedly shook his head. "No way! I wouldn't dare! I promise!"

You had to be joking,

This lady was so crazy that even the system wouldn't mess with her, how would he dare to do anything!

"Hmph! Even if I gave you the guts of a lion, you still wouldn't be brave enough!" Yang Xiaoman snapped at him. "Do you have any more unfinished plans?"

"Of course! Next up is the student council." Xu Mang grumbled. "Every single time, they will always catch me. When I'm late, when I don't have my school tag on, even when I'm eating a popsicle, do you know how many times I've had to write out the school rules after the semester ends?"

At this moment, Yang Xiaoman suddenly felt sorry for the members of the student council. Their lives weren't all that easy either. Apart from needing to avoid the sacks from above, they also had to worry about the student council disbanding… all because of an idiot with an extremely vengeful heart.

"Don't mess around! No one told you not to follow the school rules." Yang Xiaoman rolled her eyes, muttering, "I want to eat Japanese food later..."

"Okay! Japanese food it is." Xu Mang nodded, leaning toward the driver. "Sir, bring us to Wan Ning's most expensive Japanese restaurant!"

"Sure thing!"


Super Exquisite Japanese Cuisine.

Xu Mang took a glance at the small wooden building sandwiched between two towering skyscrapers. It required a lot of skill for this wooden building to survive in this world of reinforced concrete .

The expenditure for the deck would be 2,000 at least, and private rooms would be 4,000, but the horrifying prices didn't break Xu Mang's stride. He had walked out of his dad's office with 10,000 RMB yesterday just by saying that he was 'making some friends'.

His mom and dad were different from other parents in this regard. They didn't see young love as a bad thing, instead, they encouraged their son to find love earlier. It couldn't be helped...their way of thinking was just that special!

"Huh? You guys have a speed-eating competition?" Xu Mang caught sight of a poster, and on it were the words 'Plus Ultra Unadon Is Here', and beside it was 'Finish in ten minutes and your meal is on us''.

"Yes! If you can finish our special Plus Ultra Unadon, your entire meal will be free of charge, but if you fail… you will have to pay for the unagi rice bowl as well as all other items that you have ordered," The waiter explained.

"Then, if I finish two bowls in the given time, would you guys pay me money instead?" Xu Mang asked out of curiosity.

"Haha. Sir, you must be joking, no one has been able to complete this competition so far." The waiter chuckled.

"Ohh..." Xu Mang stopped talking and followed the waiter into the private rooms.

A premium tuna sashimi price was 2,999, one special grilled wagyu beef was priced at 2,999, one of the specialty grilled avocados was priced at 599, and one tempura was 999.

After Yang Xiaoman finished ordering, she glanced at Xu Mang. Seeing him trying to act calm, she couldn't help but smile. Reaching into her bag, she took out a black card, sliding it inconspicuously next to Xu Mang's hand.

"You're going to go pay later."

Xu Mang looked confused. "What? Pay? Why do we have to pay?"

"... You want to bail after we eat?" Yang Xiaoman asked in alarm. "I can't afford to lose face like that!"

"Didn't you hear the waiter? The meal can be free!"