
I Don't Want to Marry the CEO!

Li Ruyan broke up with her first love after discovering the fact that she was nothing but a tool and entertainment for him. First love always hurts the most is what they say. A big fat lie that is. Li Ruyan's first love had destroyed her life. Their four-year relationship only amounted to this: "Li Ruyan, I never loved you. To me, you were merely a cover. A means to an end. Now that you've proven your worth, it is time to end this farce. So let's break up." Li Ruyan had no choice but to leave. And if that wasn't bad enough, she discovered she was pregnant with his child. Hah. "Min Yue, I gave up so much for you. You were my first kiss, my first love, and my everything, but to you, I was actually nothing. I wasted half a decade with you but now, I won't be the same fool who fell inlove with a heartless man. " When six years had passed and their paths crossed once again, will everything be the same? Hate that was born from love. And love that was born from hate. A second chance at love. ... A story about a woman and a survivor. And that one man who sold himself for revenge. ... This contains mature content not suitable for young readers. Read at your own discretion. The story talks about second chances, babies, and marriage. The first ten or so chapters are filled with angst since it is necessary for story background and character development. If this bothers you, feel free to drop the book. ... Cover Photo is not mine.

EruRizen · Urban
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40 Chs

A New Makeup Look

Min Yue moved away from Li Ruyan and stood up from the bed, continuing his conversation with Yang Shiwei as though Li Ruyan wasn't there.

"I have asked PA Ren to prepare a dress and a jewelry set for you to wear tomorrow night." Li Ruyan heard him say as she walked out of her room.

"Hah." She exhaled quietly to herself. Li Ruyan stood up and didn't bother to run after Min Yue who had left her apartment. A moment passed and she received a text from him.

'Tomorrow night at seven, PA Ren will pick you up. You will apologize to CEO Yang and Miss Yang for your unkind remarks.'

Li Ruyan threw her phone at the wall. The screen glass cracked as she paced around in anger then she went to pick it up and typed a message angrily.

'CEO Min, you and I have broken up. Don't call me or text me anymore. We aren't that close.'

Then she tapped the send button before blocking his number.

He was really thick-skinned for telling her that he loves her and wants all of her but immediately when that woman called, he ignored her as though she was invisible! Li Ruyan wanted to tell herself that she was only suffering from a nightmare and that if she slept now, everything would go back to normal.

Yes. Maybe it was only just a bad dream.

Li Ruyan didn't bother to take a shower as she went to sleep and waited for morning to arrive. In truth, she had only slept for three hours before she woke up and forced herself to get ready for work.

Li Ruyan changed into a set of professional clothes, a white blouse, and a black pencil skirt. She contemplated buying a new phone after her work. Her phone might have cracked but it was still working and can be used so she postponed the idea.


She glared at her phone unhappily, expecting to see PA Ren's number pop up. She breathed in a sigh of relief when she realized that it was her boss.

'Li Ruyan, you dumped your leftovers at my house. Do you have any idea how hard it was for me to finish all of them?'

Li Ruyan smiled a little when she saw and remembered that the food that she ordered last night was sent to her boss' address. He was so lazy to cook a proper meal so Li Ruyan took the liberty to send him all the food that she was unable to eat.

'CEO Chen, I'm sorry about that. I was only worried that CEO Chen has nothing to eat since you gave me a day off yesterday. I'm sorry for bothering CEO Chen.'

After hitting the send button, she was surprised to see that her boss had sent another reply.

'I am a grown adult, not a child. Li Ruyan, you are not my nanny!'

Li Ruyan laughed when she saw this. Just when she was about to throw the bottle of energy drink that she had consumed, she noticed that the trashcan infront of her apartment had disappeared. Did the landlord went and took it away?

Li Ruyan didn't bother to investigate. She got into her car and started the engine, not wanting to be late for her work.

Li Ruyan was an early bird and had always arrived before her boss. But as of today, she was very surprised when she saw that her boss was already inside his office, drinking hot coffee and typing away at his laptop.

"CEO Chen, good morning. Have you eaten breakfast?" Li Ruyan asked with a cheerful smile.

Chen Zhelan did not look up as he answered. "Li Ruyan, after eating all the food you sent to my house last night, do you really think that I am still in the mood for breakfast?"

Li Ruyan laughed at his words. "Sorry, CEO Chen, if I disturbed you."

Chen Zhelan finally looked up at her and leaned on his chair, placing the mug of coffee on the table. Chen Zhelan who was only twenty-six years old this year had been one of the golden bachelors in B City. God knows just how many women Li Ruyan had to fend off just for this handsome boss who refused to get into a relationship.

If someone even mentioned marriage to this boss, CEO Chen's face would turn so gloomy that you would think there was a storm outside. Li Ruyan was quick to realize that this boss of hers enjoyed being single. It wasn't like he hated women but more like he disliked being tied down in a relationship.

If they were to ignore this, people would actually realize that CEO Chen was a nice person and wasn't like those ice princesses who always acted like people owed them something. CEO Chen was not only kind, smart, and handsome. As a CEO, he was also a wealthy bachelor that had been sought after by both genders and had an easygoing personality.

He was a friendly person and was amicable to his friends and employees. However, he was also quite ruthless when betrayed. Li Ruyan could still remember one of the employees from the finance department that had leaked information to a business competitor.

CEO Chen didn't take kindly to people who betrayed him when he treats them so well so that employee had landed himself in jail without any delay.

"Li Ruyan, I gave you a day off to enjoy yourself but what is with these panda eyes? Is this a new makeup look? Why do I not know about this?" Chen Zhelan asked her, looking at her under-eye circles with amusement.

Li Ruyan was embarrassed as she unconsciously touched her face. No way, did her concealer not work and her boss still managed to spot that she was sleep-deprived last night?

She looked at one of the glass windows on the office and indeed, her panda eyes were very noticeable. Her mouth opened in disbelief. It was really a good thing that she was an early bird otherwise, her colleagues would have laughed at her!

She could even see the hint of amusement in her boss' eyes.
