
I don't want to live in a Fanfiction!

This is a journey of an unfortunate high schooler who was dragged into a Ridiculous Situation by the System. [Take it or Die.] His life was at stake he have no choice but put up with the System. It sounded simple as first, do some task and act his Role as a character wholeheartedly but what the heck?! He doesn't want to live in a Fanfiction!! Warnings: Cliche things about the Fanfiction Fandoms Note: English isn't my first language. Please expect that there would be wrong grammar, sentences and typos. Slow pace story and the flow of story depends on my mood and inspiration. I'm just a newbie writer and this is the very first fanfiction that I've written here in web novel. I'm sorry if the Story is shitty and other things like that. If you're looking for a decent story, this isn't the Fanfiction for you. Suggestions on how to write a good fanfiction is welcome. I may ended up in the hospital if comments on how I suck on writing fanfiction continues. Well, it was painful for my heart to read but I will bear with writing and try to update everyday. Story clues: Act 1: Harry Potter- 'Surviving' as Ron Weasley Act 2: Naruto- I'm just an Oblivious Civilian.. I'm not seeing Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke so close together and so OP! Act 3: High School Dxd- I don't care what happened... The hell why is there two Protagonist fighting for the Harem?! Act 4: Fairy Tail- Sorry I've never heard of you.. Act 5: Assassination Classroom + (spoiler crossover) - I thought that everything would happen like it was supposed to be but the system pulled a Mafia! Act 6: Swort Art- There was a Random NPC.. Act 7: Fate....

megurashimono · Others
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18 Chs

Things are different

My brain has experience a malfunction.

'System am I dreaming right?'

[Pathetic, this is now your reality. Do your task and don't ask useless questions.]

'The heck system!! The Freaking Harry Potter is in Slytherin!'

[I can see it clearly.]

'Harry Potter is supposed to be in Gryffindor!'

The System went quiet. Probably, it didn't want to hear my complaints and panicking state. It doesn't care if I am having a mental breakdown. How could he?! I sighed and decided to look at the present. Currently, The Students were discussing openly what happened. Professor McGonagall was in shock. On The Teacher's table, It could be also said to be the same for the Professors. Snape's face was currently making an ugly expression while Dumbledore had a weird glint on his eyes. The latter was weird. I decided to ignore it for now and look at Quirrel. Oh, he has already have his Turban. Voldemort is certainly under there.

Looking at the Environment and the People, was helping me getting reacquainted with my memories from the movie. On the Slytherin table, the snakes were just in surprise like the other three factions but they were the first one to go back to their compose selves followed by the Ravenclaw. Probably they are now starting to Scheme.

" Quiet! Continue the SORTING!" McGonagall gathered everyone's attention. The Students went quiet as the sorting have continued. Other than Harry Potter, there was nothing wrong that happened in the sorting. You could say everything was normal other than him. But I know that The plot is now over. Harry Potter just from the name of the movie you could tell who was the most important Character. Slytherin Harry? How would the Golden Trio will be formed? Don't tell me that Ronald Weasley would be replace by Draco Malfoy? How would I survive if the plot derailed and I don't know what would happen?

[ Calm down, your heartbeat is accelerating. It would be not my fault if you ended up fainting or dying.]

'System you are not helping!'

[Do your Task.]

The System went quiet again. But it does have a point. I just need to do the task right? Maybe being in the sidelines have a higher chance of surviving. There would be no trouble that would follow me around if Ronald Weasley isn't part of the Golden Trio. (or whatever the new group would be called later)

The Sorting has continued.

"Oliver Rivers!"


" Sally Smith!"


"Dean Thomas!"


"Lisa Turpin!"


"Emma Vane!"

" Ravenclaw! "

I feel nervous every time that my turn is approaching. I hope that the system has really helped in blocking out the important information. I really don't want to have a free pass on this crazy mad scientist version magical version. Finally, it's my turn.

"Ronald Weasley!"

I unconsciously gulped as I keep getting closer and closer to Professor McGonagall. On the background, I can hear the cackle and teasing of Ronald Weasley's twin brothers.

" Ronniekins, are you relieve that you aren't fighting a Troll right now? "

"I bet little Ronnie is frightened!"

I think that this part isn't in the movie but I'm not sure in the book version. I feel irritated by their teasing even through that Ronald Weasley is their target, I am the one who was occupying his Body right now.

'System, where is the Real Ronald Weasley right now?'

[Your completion level isn't high enough.]

I ask curiously but the System answered me with these kind of 'confidentiality purposes'. I sat on the chair and McGonagall has placed the Sorting Hat on my head.

{ Curious and Curiouser.... What an interesting mind.}

{ umm.. Mr. Hat you know what? This Reading thing is really creepy.}

{ You have a mind developed advanced for your children of your years just like the one before. But you two are different. Don't worry I would just read some superficial thoughts and things that you are actively thinking right now. }

{ Thanks? }

I thanked the sorting hat with uncertainty. Even it sound nice, I should be wary. I already learned my lesson, I shouldn't trust good things easily. Just like what happened to the System.

{How strange that you are different from the other Weasleys and your Siblings, but it isn't unusual since there are other Weasleys just like you.}

The System has done a good job. It looks like I am really Ronald Weasley from it's perception.

{You are knowledgeable just like the other one but you two have different things of knowledge.}

Just who is that other one? I think I need to investigate this later.

{You aren't Slytherin material even through you are focus on your Self Preservation right now. Hmm.. Your Bravery is.... You have a lot of Loyalty and Hard Work.. I think I now know where I would put you, Ronald Weasley you better be a....}


I stood up and glance at Fred and George who was supposed to cheer for me but stopped. Professor McGonagall look at me weirdly. I know, I know.

[Ronald Weasley is supposed to be in Gryffindor]

{I know!}


"What is it Mr. Weasley?"

"Could the Sorting Hat take back his words?"

The Sorting Hat look at me before snorting.

"my decision is final, interesting one."


McGonagall shook her head and ushered me at the Hufflepuff Table. I am supposed to be in the Gryffindor! This is really mess up! First Harry Potter and now me?! How am I supposed to do my task properly? The plot has really derailed!

" Did you really don't want to be put into Hufflepuff that you even begged Professor McGonagall? "

A Third Year Hufflepuff have asked. There was a hint of hostility and annoyance in his tone. I think we are having a misunderstanding.

" That's not it.."

He look at me curiously. Why does he look familiar? Ah, Twilight! Is he that shining sparkly Vampire right?

" Can I ask your name? "

" We have already met a few times before... Don't tell me you have really forgotten my name? Well you're a child it was natural for you to be forgetful..."

The third year trailed off before bowing his head slightly.

" I am Cedric Diggory. Just like the other first years, you could ask me if you need help. "

I nodded my head. The Hufflepuff turned quiet after the last first year has been called. Blaise Zabini has been put into the Slytherin just like in the Movie. After that, Dumbledore has done his speech and his weird spell which wasn't really a spell. We have a sumptuous dinner. The food are very delicious. The Hufflepuff stared at me after I ate so much food. After the dinner, the first year's has followed their Seniors to their dorms. The Hufflepuff was located near the Kitchens. Is it because I'm in Ronald Weasley's body that I can't help but think about food? I think I would look forward to my adventures in the kitchen.

I am assigned to the same room with Ernest McMillan, Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins. First day of the first year life and I already feel mentally exhausted. I hope that I would really survive. For the first year, as long as I avoided quirell, I am safe! With that, after some casual talk with my roommates, I have closed the curtain and sleep on the soft bed.