
I don't want to live in a Fanfiction!

This is a journey of an unfortunate high schooler who was dragged into a Ridiculous Situation by the System. [Take it or Die.] His life was at stake he have no choice but put up with the System. It sounded simple as first, do some task and act his Role as a character wholeheartedly but what the heck?! He doesn't want to live in a Fanfiction!! Warnings: Cliche things about the Fanfiction Fandoms Note: English isn't my first language. Please expect that there would be wrong grammar, sentences and typos. Slow pace story and the flow of story depends on my mood and inspiration. I'm just a newbie writer and this is the very first fanfiction that I've written here in web novel. I'm sorry if the Story is shitty and other things like that. If you're looking for a decent story, this isn't the Fanfiction for you. Suggestions on how to write a good fanfiction is welcome. I may ended up in the hospital if comments on how I suck on writing fanfiction continues. Well, it was painful for my heart to read but I will bear with writing and try to update everyday. Story clues: Act 1: Harry Potter- 'Surviving' as Ron Weasley Act 2: Naruto- I'm just an Oblivious Civilian.. I'm not seeing Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke so close together and so OP! Act 3: High School Dxd- I don't care what happened... The hell why is there two Protagonist fighting for the Harem?! Act 4: Fairy Tail- Sorry I've never heard of you.. Act 5: Assassination Classroom + (spoiler crossover) - I thought that everything would happen like it was supposed to be but the system pulled a Mafia! Act 6: Swort Art- There was a Random NPC.. Act 7: Fate....

megurashimono · Others
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18 Chs

Encounters on the Mirror

I know that it would eventually happen. After what happened last week, I continued going to the old classroom while looking at the Mirror. Percy's Bonding plans still continued and we were being tortured by the images of mushiness and fluff that he was saying. Like Fred and George, I have now an urge to gag or vomit every time Percy keep saying that...

" With this plans, I could feel our bonds keep getting closer to each other!"

" Sharing food, is one of the ways for brothers to become closer."

" I never thought that I would really miss this.. It reminded me when we are kids..." (blah blah blah)

" I think that it is good plan that we are having a slumber party every night."

" Let's play Quidditch together! "

" Ron, how about I tell you a good bed time story before you sleep? "

" Ron, what happened? Did you have a Nightmare? Do you want to sleep together with me? "

At first Percy was awkward when dealing with his plan but he eventually get used to them. His plans are outrageous. It was horrifying and embarrassing at the same time. It took a lot of time and patience to don't the wand at him and used imperio just to stop this Shit.

The Weasley Twins and I, have come into argument to sabotage Percy's slumber party of sleeping together but it was foiled with Percy's existing Plan A, Plan B and Plan C and we don't even want to know if he have existing Plan D to Plan 1 to etcetera.

Other than Percy's disgusting mushy bonding plan, The Weasley Twins were curious where I am going sometimes. It didn't take a lot of stalking and the cheating map in possession to find me. They discovered me looking at the Mirror. I was surprised but it was within my expectations.

" So this is where Ronniekins is going when he dissappears? "

" The Mirror is boring, why are you keep looking at them? "

" I want to know.." " What are little Ronnie.."

"" Saw in the Mirror! ""

Then everytime that I would go to the Old classroom, they would follow me. They were curious about what I see in the mirror. So Fred and George has started a guessing game.

" A prefect like Percy? "

" Popular? "

" Eating a lot of delicious food? "

" New Items and clothes? "

" He must be making fun of us."

Eventually they become bored and decided to ask.

" Ron aren't you gonna stop looking at them?"

" This Mirror isn't definitely ordinary.. "

I shake my head and continued looking. They have eventually leave. On the next day that I planned my Mirror Watching again, the Weasley Twins calling Percy isn't expected.

" Ron, stop looking at the Mirror. Fred and George has been telling me how you spend a lot of time looking at them. Since this item was placed here in the Old Classroom, this Mirror is dangerous. Don't let the Illusions deceive you Ron. They aren't real."

I decided to stop my Mirror Watching for today. I look at the Worried Weasley Brothers." I know... But it wouldn't hurt to look at them a little right? Eventually I would accomplish what is in the Mirror. " After saying those words. I accepted the pat in the shoulder that Percy offered. " Sorry if I have made you worried." I glance at the Weasley Twins. They smiled and accepted my apology.

After that thing has happened, I decided to don't look for it. Three days has passed when the System suddenly reminded me.

[ You have only two days left before Harry and Dumbledore have a talk and the Mirror would be moved. ]

After the reminder I decided to approach Percy and asked permission to look again at the Mirror.

" No."

" Just last one look please?"

" No."

" I really need it! I promise that it would be one last time! "

I watched as Percy took out a parchment. " the last days, I've been looking some information about the Mirror, I didn't find anything about the Artifact but I did manage to find things about the runes that was etched on the mirror. "

" Just one last time."

Percy's eyes narrowed. " It wasn't safe looking at the Mirror, It is dangerous. " He was angry but he wouldn't understand me. My desperation, my want to see my family and friends again.

" Just one last time. I wouldn't break my word. " I said again. Behind my back, my hand was gripping my wand tightly. I hope that I wouldn't really used it.

" Okay." Percy agreed while sighing. " Why are you not even put in the Gryffindor with your stubbornness? " I shrugged and maybe it has to do with the fact that I wanted to stay in the sidelines and not be put into the Gryffindor or Slytherin. " Tomorrow you can look at it."

" Thanks, Percy. "

" Call me brother, just like when we were kids. "

" Nope. That is bloody hell weird!"

" Language, Ron!"

He chided and I stuck out my tongue before leave in his room. I heard his angry shouts but decided to ignore them.


Another thing that I expected to happen was this.

Harry Potter and 'Ronald Weasley' was currently staring at each other. Harry was surprised to find me but I am not. A few moments, his surprise disappeared replace with that weird and strange smile.

" So..." " Well.." We both said at the same time.

Now, I am now surprised and I realize how awkward this strange meeting is.

" You go first.." I decided to be polite and let him first. He smiled and arranged his round glasses.

" I didn't expect to see you here... So what did you see in the Mirror? "

Couldn't he just ask first what the heck am I doing in this suspicious place? This is weird that he was asking what did I saw in the Mirror!

" Could it be that you saw yourself Holding the Gryffindor's cup? "

With his question, I know that I am currently making a weird face.

" I guess, No is the answer." Harry chuckled. There is really a mystery that needed to be solve with this Harry Potter.

I smiled and decided to follow his example." it was my turn now." Harry nodded his head slightly. His eyes were saying 'please go on'.

" Did you perhaps see your Family in the Mirror? "

[ Brainless Human.]

Harry was surprised. His green eyes looking at me intensely for a moment before disappearing. He started laughing. He took a minute to calm himself down before answering my question and look at the mirror.

" No, It wasn't. It was more interesting and a satisfying happy ending. "

?? Looks like someone has already guess it. I guess this is where the guessing game ends.

Thanks for Reading the Fanfiction! ?

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