
I don't want to be Villainess' Butler

The otome game is supposed to start with romance and slice of life, but it shouldn’t end with WORLD END. I am that one unfortunate child who has been transmigrated into a boy who is designed to be a butler of one unfortunate villainess infamous for her band ends. Villainess: You are now my butler. How about you let me sit on top of you? Me: Milady, I am a butler, not your chair. Villainess: Then how about you catch the ball from your mouth when I throw? Me (twitch): I am your butler, not your pet…! Villainess: Then what good use do you have?! Me: I don’t know, maybe you should learn how to use a butler before hiring (enslaving) one! Villainess: How dare you raise your voice at me! I am the lady of Grand Duke and your master!! Me: And I am your freaking butler, not your bitc- slave!! As you can see, she is a real villainess and troublesome at that. She will soon meet a bad end, and so will I. I have to stop her from meeting those bad ends, or it will be my end. But… She also looks… too cute for some reason. --- The first few chapters might be a slight drag and slow, but the pace will soon be picked. Viewers’ advice: This is not for people who want Gary Stu or Mary Sue in the story. I will make them a little realistic, and plot armor will not be on MC’s side. MC has severe case of PTSD as former US soldier so he will not kill his enemies in early chapters until his trauma heals. If you are not okay dealing with it then please take your leave. You will be wasting your time.

J_Titan · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

Chapter 7: Rescue

While hiding behind a tree, I was carefully observing the scene.

Upon transmigrating into this world, I took some precautions that I should avoid here at all costs.

And on top of my 'Do not do list' comes is to avoid any interaction with the main cast, especially anyone from the villainess or her family.

She might not be a 'cruel and ruthless' girl for now, but she will turn into a heartless monster. She would bring several catastrophes to the empire, and then civil war would ravage Herculine Empire.

"Get away from me…!" The girl yelled and tried to get up, but a kick landed on her stomach, and she fell to her knees, coughing. She raised her eyes and glared at the person who kicked her, "You…!"

"Awe, I am so scared~! I might pee my pant!"

"Haha, I didn't expect her to put such a show."

The knights, or should I call them assassins since they were equipped with weapons to kill the girl, started laughing.


'What the…'

I was confused as I felt blood rushing on my skull when I witnessed these people beating a child. I then realized I still possess the spirit of my predecessor. My body reacted on its own whenever I saw a similar occurrence that happened with the family of my predecessor.

However, I noticed another thing the girl might not be the villainess.

Villainess had soft silver hair and blazing red eyes. She was also a prodigy in Ice Magic from birth, capable of freezing even high-class warriors even at 10. That's all I could summarize for villainess from the otome game.

On the other hand, the girl in the scene had brown hair and brown eyes. She was also not defending herself even though she could make ice cream out of these cringe assassins.

However, she was a noble that I could be ascertained. She was wearing purple-colored clothing that was a clear sign that she was a daughter of a filthy rich noble.

There was a saying in Flareottems that if you find a noble in danger, "DO NOT HELP THEM."

Nobles were considered bona fide jerks in Flareottems and most parts of the empire. They looked down on commoners and had little to no sympathy for others. Even if you save one of them as part of goodwill, you will get yourself into endless problems.

So the question arises; should I help the girl?

Any Flareottems resident would not bat an eye before ignoring these nobles. They don't want to have any relations with nobles at any cost.

However, I was different. I might look like a 12 years old child from the outside, but my soul was that of a former US soldier… also of two major course failures and a geek.

I was trained as my moral duty to protect innocent lives.

On my transmigration, I had calmed my inner patriot, but seeing a child be killed right in front of my eyes was unacceptable.

I had so saved that girl.

I gritted my teeth and pulled an arrow on my bow.

I also realized that I might have to kill people again.

Last time I gave up on every person coming for my life. He was a knight who killed my predecessor's parents and tried his best to end my life too, but I didn't deliver the same.

Again and again, no matter how much I tried to live a better life where I didn't have to kill people, I was brought to the same fate.

'I am going to save her, now or never!'


My muscles stretched, and my vision grew sharper. It was at that time I made up my mind. I will kill these assassins and save that girl!

The girl and one of the assassins noticed the presence of my keen bloodlust. My eyes met with the girl and then the assassin before the poison-dipped arrow escaped from my bow.


The girl could neither stand nor run from her death.

'Please, someone! Someone help me!!'

She cried and prayed for help, but all she could do was count the seconds until her death came. Her magic powers weren't working for some reason, and there was no way of anyone from her household.

"Hurry up. We have to take her head for proof!"

"Hah, such a cute girl. I wish I could have a little fun with her." One assassin licked his lips under his mask and raised his short-sword to behead the girl. "But I guess I could do that with your dead body."

The girl felt disgusted, but there was nothing she could do. She lost all her hope and was ready to accept death when her eyes met with someone.

A person with sharp purple eyes is holding a bow behind a tree.

Following her gaze, the assassin turned his head only to meet with a sharp arrow edge right in front of his eyes.

Drops of blood rose in the sky before falling on the girl's rosy cheeks.

"…" Everything seemed to die down. She couldn't hear anything whether it was the agonizing scream of the assassin shot in his right eye or the questioning words of the other two assassins.

Stunned in her position, she touched the blood on her cheek with shaky hands and looked again at the boy who came for her help.

What just happened? Who was her savior?

The person was a boy around her age. He had short black hair and raging purple eyes.

"Prince Ar…thur…?" She muttered some words.

Was he someone sent by her father? Or was he also just another pebble with greed? Either way, a ray of hope had shined for her.

She could be saved!


"W-who is there!?"

As I shot down one assassin, the other two immediately jumped back and started scanning the surrounding.

They were on their wits. They thought it might be a warrior or magician from the girl's household.

"There he is! Kill him!" One of them noticed and commanded the other.

"On it!" The other one said and leaped towards me. He was fast, but unlike the knight I had faced before, he did not seem to be using any spell or magic artifact.

However, his speed was fast, and his moments were swift. He was standing in front of me within no time with his blade.


He cried and was about to swing his blade when the arrow on my bow was accidentally released.



Even I was confused about what the hell just happened until I saw the arrow sticking out from his genitals.

Oof, I castrated another fellow man.

I was planning to dodge, but who could have thought that my slight mistake would put me victorious. My luck must be EX.

"Umm… Sorry, it was an accident, but I want my arrow back." I said and pulled back the arrow after a little bit of shaking.

"Aaaag! Fu*king c*nt! Coward!" He groaned with pain and started cursing me like a Karen.

"I-I said sorry, okay?!" I was feeling bad for the dude.

My arrows were dipped with poison that came from forest toads. These finger-sized creatures are one of the poisonous monsters in this world that could easily kill any normal human.

I didn't know whether he would survive, but his thing was dead for sure.

I came out behind the tree and saw the last assassin and girl looking at me equally confused.

"I didn't want to escalate things this far. I was passing by, I swear! Can you overlook my actions, Mr. Assassin?" I asked and tilted my head to look a little cuter, but the man had his blood rushed to his head.

"You are dead, brat!!" He screamed and ran towards me.

'Crap!' I also ran since fighting him head-on would be stupid.

He took something out of his pocket and shot toward me.

"Kunai? Naruto-kun?" I was confused. My first time seeing a ninja, I got a little excited. Do they have a ninja world here too?

"Who the hell is that?!" The guy asked as he chased me.

"So hidden leaf village doesn't exist?!" I asked as I ran and searched for a place to take him out.

I wanted something with a slippery surface, and here in Flareottems, which is always covered in ice, it was not hard to find one. Soon I detected a rockery surface where water had frozen due to cold weather.

I also wore a mask to protect my eyes for my next move.

"Fu*k you, brat!" The assassin howled one final time before disappearing and reappearing right in front of me. "Your time ends here!"

He delivered a horizontal cut, but I effectively dodged it with a smirk on my face, "Are you sure about that?"

"?" His confusion was soon be cleared when I tossed something on his face.

A ball exploded with crimson-colored powder right in front of the assassin.

"Aaargh! My eyes!!" The assassin groaned in pain as he held his head and rubbed his red eyes.

What was that thing? It was a bomb I created with ingredients like red chili powder and other pain-intensifying components. My trump card was this bomb to take the enemy by surprise and render them useless for a few seconds, but it cost almost 50 silver coins.

I didn't miss this chance and slide under him. When I was under him, I unsheathed my dagger and swung it, decapitating his left leg. This time, I cut his joint muscle only and not his PP.

He screamed with pain and fell on his face first.

'Shall I kill him?'

His neck was exposed so that I could have finished him off, but…

'No, my work here is done.'

No matter how much I wanted to kill him, I didn't want to dip my hands in blood more than necessary.

'Sigh* this body is so troublesome….'

My bloodlust didn't tire down when it came to my enemies.

Anyway, I then ran off. I also picked up my bag pack on my way before heading towards the girl's location.

I had a feeling that I would be going to tangle myself in a bigger mess.